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Word power Paintings,Unit 3 The world of colours and light,Rainbow Song Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow; sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow song.,What other colors do you know?,black 黑色 white 白色 brown 咖啡色 grey 灰色 pink 粉红 purple 紫色 cyan 青色 5saiEn magenta 洋红mE5dVentE palegreen 苍绿色 yellowgreen 黄绿色,Many colours have different shades, like light blue and dark blue. Often the names of these shades are the same as the objects that are of a similar colour.,plum 杨李色 pansy 紫罗兰色 peachpuff 桃色 papayawhip 番木色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 springgreen 春绿色,1.sandybrown 2.seagreen 3.seashell 4.winered 5.silver 6.snow 7.skyblue 8.steelblue 9.tomato 10.wheat,沙褐色 海绿色 海贝色 葡萄酒红 银白色 雪白色 天蓝色 钢蓝色 番茄色 浅黄色,Look at the following words and guess the colours below.,rose cherry lemon olive green sea green 5lAvindElavender chocolate lime,a.玫瑰红 b.樱桃红 c.柠檬黄 d.橄榄绿,茶青色 e.海绿色 f.淡紫色 h.深褐色 i.酸橙色,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1 rose 2 cherry 3 lemon 4 olive green 5 sea green 6 lavender 7 chocolate 8 lime,Colors used in pressing,Most of the colors we see printed are made up of a mix of shades, or screen, of the four process colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Below are examples of how Cyan ink, Magenta ink, Yellow ink and Black ink combine to create other colors:,Take green, above, as an example. If we add 25% magenta to it, it will become forest green. If we take out half the cyan, it will become lime green. If we take out half the yellow, it will become turquoise. Even adding or subtracting as little as 1 or 2 percent of one of the inks can change the color noticeably.,In process printing on paper, how is last photo composed?,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black,Each of the four colors you see above will be output to a separate negative, burned onto separate plates, and inked on separate rollers on the press. After the paper has been impressed with each inked plate, the composed image will appear, in full color.,What happens?,Colors used in painting?,What painting materials a painter may use?,watercolor,canvas 5kAnvEs,pencils,paint brushes,easel 5i:zl,palette 5pAlit,oil paints,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,What are two main types of painting? How can they be done? Examples of water color and oil painting?,Read Part A on Page 38,water color oil painting,portrait landscape still life,Li Ming has decided to take up painting as a hobby. He found some advice on the Internet about starting to paint. Some of the words did not print out properly. Use the words from Parts A and B to complete it.,Further discussion:,Illustrate a painting to the class, type of painting colors of painting style of painting ,Language Focus,1. The paint is very thick and the secret to oil painting is to build up layer on layer on a canvas.,1)积聚;聚集 Traffic is building up along the roads to the coast. One day your books will build up into a library. 2)增进;加强: 发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health 艰苦的工作条件能磨练人的性格。 Hard working conditions build up character. (喻) 增强体力 to build up ones strength 我们的生意兴隆。 We are building up a good business.,The village has been _ since I lived here. built up built on built in built into,2. A soft eraser will also be needed in case you make a mistake.以防万一, 免得 in case 作短语连词,能引导状语从句;in case作 副词性短语,常置于句末. in case of 置于句末常看作目的状语,作“以免, 以防”解;置于句首常视为条件状语,作 “如果,万一”解. 1) The wall was built along the river in case of floods. 2) You should keep a first-aid kit in the car in case of accident 3) 万一有火灾,就拨119. In case of fire, call 119. 4) 你最好带点钱,以防万一 You had better carry some money in case.,in the case of,就.来说, 关于 in any case 无论如何 in no case 决不 in this/that case 在这种/那种情况下,1. John may phone tonightI dont want to go out _ he phones(NMET 2000,春季) A.as long as B.in order that C.in case D.so that 2.I should stay in the hotel all day _ there is news of the missing child(NMET 2000上海春季) A.in case B.no matter C.in any case D.even since 3.I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some _ (NMET 2000) A.at last B.in case C.once again D.in time,物理三元色(红,绿,蓝)的与美术三元色(红,黄,蓝),光的三元色为:红、绿、兰,混合后为白色 颜料的三元色为:红、黄、兰,混合后为黑色 不同,光混合成无色,颜料混合成黑色。 不同,光混合是加法原则,颜料是减法原则。前者相加变亮,后者混合变暗。 彩色电视以及绘画、油漆、彩印、摄影等都要涉及到色光的混合与颜料的混合为什么彩色电视利用的是红、绿、蓝三原色(基色)的混合,而绘画、彩印等颜料的混合却利用的是红、黄、青三原色(平常所说颜料三原色是红、黄、蓝是不确切的)?为什么旋转的七色盘的混合色为白色,而七色颜料的混合色却为黑色?,Reference:,black 黑色 brown 咖啡色 grey 灰色 offwhite 灰白色 palegreen 苍绿色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 pansy 紫罗兰色 purple 紫色 papayawhip 番木色 powderblue 粉蓝色 peachpuff 桃色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红,royalblue 宝蓝色 springgreen 春绿色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandybrown 沙褐色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红 silver 银白色 snow 雪白色 skyblue 天蓝色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 tomato 番茄色 violet 紫色 wheat 浅黄色 white 白色 winered 葡萄酒红 yellowgreen 黄绿色,
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