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Useful Expressions for Unit Five (B2),Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Overview,逾越障碍 进展困难/缓慢 自豪的主要原因 更是如此,愈加如此 身有残疾的人 有身体缺陷的人 应对残疾带来的挑战 带来挑战 在方面给某人树立榜样 在这样做时,overcome obstacles be hard / tough / slow going the great source of pride be all the more so those who suffer from a handicap those with physical disabilities rise to the challenge they present present a challenge set an example to sb. in terms of in doing so,值得我们感激、感恩 正确地看待自己在努力奋斗的难事 激励某人做某事 克服自己的弱点,deserve our gratitude put our own struggles in perspective inspire sb. to do sth. rise above our own weaknesses,Useful Expressions,Text A True Height,印证了的道理 提出观点、看法 逾越障碍 横杆设在(高度) 个人最好成绩 面对其撑杆跳生涯中最具挑战性的一天 (看台上)坐满了人 撑杆跳 所有田径比赛中最精彩的项目,bear out the points make a point overcome the obstacle set the pole at ones personal best confront the most challenge day of ones pole-vaulting career (the stands) be filled with people the pole vault the highlight of any track and field competition,融合了与 体操运动员的优雅 健美运动员的力量 具有的特征/要素 简直是不可思议的事 自从能记事起 梦想着做 从高空俯瞰,鸟瞰 对的酷爱 色彩缤纷、绚丽无比的梦,combine with the grace of a gymnast the strength of a body builder have the element of sth. a mere fantasy as long as sb. could remember dream of doing sth. from a birds-eye view sb.s passion for sth. dreams full of color and beauty,重复地做着一个梦 在乡间大路上飞奔 在金色的麦田间奔跑 把开过的机车甩在身后 深呼吸 一跃而起 像雄鹰一样翱翔 与同时发生/不谋而合,如出一辙 用敏锐的目光观察入微 彻头彻尾的现实主义者,have one recurring dream run down a country road race between golden wheat fields outrun the locomotives passing by take a deep breath lift off the ground soar like an eagle (sth.) coincide with (sth.) with a keen eye for detail a hard-core realist,信奉努力和苦干 周密的训练计划 进行举重训练 每隔一天 每隔一天 督导训练计划实施 他的投入,执着,自律 是每个教练梦寐以求的 优秀生 帮忙干农活,believe in hard work and sweat a careful training program work out with weightlifting every other day on alternate days monitor the program His dedication, determination and discipline be a coachs dream an honor student help sb. with the farm chores,“爱做梦”的小男孩 有一/两/几次 是对他刻苦努力的回报 对感到自负/得意 越过横杆 无从知晓 落在充气气垫上 站着 没有意识到 刷新个人最好成绩,a “free dreaming” little boy on one / two / several occasion(s) the reward for his hard work be vain about doing sth. clear the bar / vault (para. 7) you couldnt tell land on the inflated landing mat on ones feet seem / be unaware of sth. beat ones personal best,撑杆跳项目 没有流露出丝毫感情 仰面躺着 听到观众叹息 最后一跳失败 使某人获得第二名 对感到羞愧 不让自己产生的念头 翻个身 做三个俯卧撑,the pole-vaulting event show no emotion lie on ones back hear the crowd groan miss the final jump get sb. second place be ashamed of not allow oneself the thought of sth. roll over do three push-ups,指尖撑地的俯卧撑 踏上跑道 刹那间,那一瞬间 一种惶恐不安的感觉向某人袭来 一捆干草/一捆捆干草 这一刻的紧张 使某人感到(焦虑不安) 摆脱紧张情绪 没有用,不起作用 (说是)更为恰当,finger-tipped push-ups step on the runway for a brief moment (sth.) hit / strike sb. like a wet bale of hay a bale of hay / bales of hay the intensity of the moment fill ones mind with (anxiety) shake the tension it wasnt working (sth.) would be a more accurate description,从未有过这样的感觉 不知不觉地 在内心的最深处 (在心中)想像母亲的样子 在某人的心中 在这种时刻 感到紧张、焦虑、甚至害怕 抖抖腿消除肌肉紧张,never experience these feelings out of nowhere from the deepest depths of ones soul picture ones mother in ones thoughts at a time like this feel tense, anxious or even scared shake the tension from ones legs,伸展双臂 上身 感到心怦怦直跳 鸦雀无声 沿着跑道冲刺 脑海中浮现的景象 轻松自如的起跳 缓慢移动/以慢动作移动 看台上人们爆发出的欢呼声 落地时嘭的一声,stretch out his arms upper body feel ones heart pounding the deafening silence sprint down the runway visions of fill ones thoughts the effortless take-off move in slow motion the eruption of the people in the stands the thump of ones landing,使回到现实中 明媚的骄阳照在脸上 想像 像孩子似的泪流满面 在某人怀里 流着最难得的泪水 被围住 祝贺某人某事 某人一生中最辉煌的成就 媒体的关注,bring sb. back to earth with wonderful hot sun on ones face see in ones minds eye (sth.) cry like a baby in ones arms cry the greatest tears of all be surrounded by congratulate sb on sth. the greatest accomplishment of ones life media attention,刷新一项世界记录 这不仅仅是因为,也不是因为, 而是因为,set a new world record It wasnt just because . And it wasnt because . It was simply because ,Useful Expressions,Text B Fourteen Steps,一次偶然的遭遇 大不相同/起决定性作用 显示内在的美德 暴露自身的缺陷 倾向于 一户农家 苦苦挣扎 为了生存/谋生 身体健康/健康状况差 运动好手 美梦,a chance encounter make all the difference to sth. bring out the best in us bring out the worse in us be inclined to do sth. a farming family have a hard struggle make a living in excellent/good/poor health a good athlete a pleasant dream,可怕的噩梦 夜半惊醒,出一身冷汗 得病 逐渐恶化的疾病 运动神经 开车上下班 在的帮助下 安装特殊设备 在某种程度上 精疲力竭,horrible nightmare wake in a cold sweat in the middle of the night suffer from a disease slowly progressive disease the motor nerves drive to and from work with the aid of install special equipment to a degree utterly spent,从通向 承认失败 时光流逝. 勇敢坚强的男子汉 事实并非如此. 跛子一瘸一拐地走. 一个幻想破灭,内心痛苦的跛子 没有失去理智 人生哲学 背负十字架/受罪,lead up from to admit defeat Time passed. a man of courage and strength Not so. A cripple hobbles. a bitterly disillusioned cripple hold on to ones sanity ones philosophy of life carry ones cross,雨哗哗地打在上 车辆稀少的路 方向盘 车胎爆了. 砰地一声爆了 奋力停车 我意识到这下麻烦大了。 根本不可能 打消念头
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