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www.enteacher.cn 我的教师网Unit2 Poems教学设计单元重点内容与教学目标本单元的中心话题是诗歌。听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“诗歌”这一主题设计的。文中涉及诗歌的韵律、节奏,并介绍了几种简单的不同内容和形式的诗歌。本单元引导学生讨论这些内容,目的在于让他们了解诗歌的一些基本特征和写作方法,自己尝试写简单的诗歌,并学会欣赏这些优美的文学作品。Warming up部分围绕诗歌这一话题设置了两个练习。第一个练习引导学生回顾儿时所接触的诗歌;第二个练习引导学生探讨写诗的目的。Pre-reading 部分主要让学生认识诗歌的种类和不同国家所赋诗歌的文化差异。该部分设置了两个练习,第一个练习让写诗交流所喜爱的诗歌;第二个练习就阅读课文设计图表,让写诗从内容和写作风格两个方面认识阅读课文中的诗歌。Reading 部分介绍了五种简单的英语诗歌共8首:儿歌节奏明快,韵律和谐、朗朗上口、不断重复、利于记忆,是语言学习的有效手段;清单诗,尤其是那些不断重复短语和节奏的诗歌,比较容易创作。五行诗,顾名思义,由五行组成,寥寥数语,言简意赅。俳句起源于日本,由17个音节组成。唐诗,被英国等所借鉴,许多唐诗被译成英文,广为传诵。Comprehending部分的真重点放在文中的几首诗歌上,要求提炼诗歌的主题,练习1要求选择自己喜爱的诗歌进行评述,练习2与3是对诗歌进行更深入地理解。通过诵读感受押韵和节奏。Learning about language部分安排的两个练习均与诗歌有关。第一个练习通过从课文诗歌中找押韵的词帮助学生理解课文的生词和诗歌的韵脚;第二个练习学习构词发。语法部分设置了两种类型的练习。一类写诗或续诗;另一类是用所给词的适当形式填空。这两个练习都是操练虚拟语气的用法。Using language 部分综合训练听说读写的语言能力。听、读和讨论部分把听力与阅读训练结合起来。通过听理解诗歌内容,辨认写诗人的身份、诗歌的节律,并表达诗歌所激起的联想。通过边打拍子边朗读、在欣赏中加深对诗歌的理解。通过释义理解诗歌中的难句,并指导学生进行深层理解,学会推断人物身份与关系。听和讨论部分有四个学生与老师交谈,围绕诗歌比赛展开。首先通过不同的声音来辨认人物;然后,捕捉不同人的不同事,一一对号。该部分的两个练习,帮助学生学习和运用表达意图与决定的日常交际用语。写的部分要求学生模仿诗歌C以IF I开头写清单诗;或以I FEEL HAPPY WHEN。开头写诗。Summing up部分运用调控策略,对本单元所涉及的知识与技能,特别是本单元所涉及的结构和词汇、话语功能以及诗歌的类型、押韵和节奏等方面进行自我评价。Learning tip部分提示学生注意理解诗歌与应用学习的关系:写诗、唱歌是理解和记忆词汇,学习语言的有效方法。教学设计第一课时:Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading 本课时内教师可从学生的生活实际出发,了解人们写作英语诗歌的不同目的,借助教材第9页的表格,Reading部分的诗歌进行整体理解。建议以理解内容为主。可以选择其中某一首诗,进行语音训练,感受英语诗歌的节奏和韵律。第二课时:Reading, Comprehending & Learning about language (Discovering useful words and expressions ). 本课时内主要是对课文进行适当的拓展、讨论,着眼于对英语诗歌的欣赏,理解这些诗歌的寓意。利用 Learning about language 中的Discovering useful words and expressions 部分,引导学生注意并感受英语诗歌的韵律。第三课时:Learning about language (除Discovering useful words and expressions) 课堂上处理完该部分内容,突出两个重点:(1)学习诗歌的写法; (2)学习与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的用法。第四课时:Using language 完成阅读、听力和讨论及写作部分。第五课时:Summing up & Assessment小结、测试与讲评。 Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & ReadingTeaching AimsTo cultivate students interest of poetry and improve their reading skills.Teaching Important & Difficult PointsHow to help the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching aids: a tape recorder, a projector, Slides and PicturesTeaching ProcedureStep 1 Warming upWhich poems and poets can you think of when seeing the following pictures? 静夜思 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。古风 其二 李绅 锄禾日当午,汗滴和下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。望夫石 王健 望夫处,江悠悠。 化为石,不回头。 山头日日风复雨, 行人归来石应语。2. Match the following information.Li Bai Song DynastyDu Fu Tang Dynasty Fan Zhongyan Tang DynastyMeng Haoran Modern Guo Moruo Modern Mao Zedong Tang DynastyByron AmericaShelly EnglandEmerson England Tagore GermanyGoethe India Step 2 BrainstormingDiscuss the reasons why people write poems.Fast readingScan the passage and answer the following questions.What is the main topic of the reading passage?What five kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about?different forms of English poemsnursery rhymes, list poems, cinquain, haiku, Tang poems.3. Scan the poems and fill in the following form.Which poem ABCDEFGHdescribes a person?tells a story?describes an aspect of a person?is about sport?is about things that dont make sense?is recited to a baby?describes a river scene?has rhyming words at the end of lines?repeats words and phrases?Step 3 Careful reading T: Now lets read the following five poems and finish tasks.Slide showListen to Poem A and pay attention to its rhyming lines and words.Hush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking-glass gets broke,Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away,Papa is going to buy you another day.Read the poem by yourself again and answer the following questions.Whats the babys father going to buy if the looking-glass gets broken?What is Papa going to buy for the baby if that billy-goat runs away?What are the features of it?Keys:a billy -goatanother billy-goatIt has strong rhythm and rhyme and has a lot of repetition.Poem COur first football matchWe would have wonIf Jack had just scored that goal,If wed had just a few more minutes,If we had trained harder,If Ben had passed the ball to Joe,If wed had thousands of fans screaming,If I hadnt taken my eye off the ball,If we hadnt stayed up so late the night before, If we hadn
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