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Unit 1,How do you do ?,Whats the difference between “How do you do ” and “How are you?”,How can we greet others?,Warming up,Good morning/afternoon Nice to meet you ! Glad to see you! Hello ! How are you How do you do !,What will you do when you meet for the first time ?,Greetings Introductions,How do you introduce yourself?,Name /Age / Birthplace Interests or hobbies Phone number / Address,New words,address department describe human resource introduce magician manager business card vocational meet Sofia Ruth meaning new welcome first last Sunday roommate athlete dentist dancer waitress moving,Listening and Speaking,Dialogue 1,Li Ying: How do you do ? I am Li Ying. Liu Gang: How do you do? My name is Liu Gang. Nice to meet you! Li Ying: Nice to meet you, too! Liu Gang: Here is my business card. Li Ying: Thank you, Mr. Liu.,A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: Glad to see you! B: Glad to see you, too! A: How are you? B: Fine, thank you!,Dialogue 2,Please underline the expressions of greeting.,Listen and complete.,Dialogue 1,A: _1_,Sofia! B: Hi, Ruth. A: Nice to see you ! B: _2_, too! A: How are you? B: So far so good, _3_, and you? A: Just so-so.,Dialogue 2,A: Good morning! B: _4_. A: My name is Sarah. What s your name? B: _5_Robert. A: Are you a new student here? B: Yes, I am._6_ from America. A: Welcome._7_ _from Australia.,Check Your Answer,Check Your Answer,Reading and Writing,Read the dialogue and underline.,Are you a new student?,Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Students: Good morning, Miss Zhou! Teacher: Sit down, please. Are you a new student? Ben: Yes, I am. Teacher: Welcome! Could you please introduce yourself? Ben: My name is Ben Smith. Just call me Ben. Ben is my first name. I am from Australia.,Look and Write,Employees Card Name: Lisa Age: 20 From: New York Department: Human Resources Phone number: 9127364,Language in use,Hello, I Tony. Hi, nice to meet you. you Mike? Yes, I . What your name? My name Michael. you going to go shopping on Sunday? Yes, we . How you? Fine. Thank you. What about you? I from Australia. Jane and tom my friends. they excited when they heard the news? My parents very busy every day. there a Chinese school in New York?,am is are 填空,Good morning! Nice to meet you! How are you?,Fine, thank you! Good morning! Nice to meet you, too.,Read and complete.,Bob is on the football team. They are in the teachers office. It is sunny today.,A: Hi, peter! How are you today? B: . And you? A: Im OK, are you free tomorrow? B: ? A: We are going to the park. ? B: Of course. Id like to go with you. ? A: We are going to meet at school gate at one oclock. Please be there on time. B: OK. Thank you.,Fine, thank you Yes, whats up Would you like to go with us When and where are we going to meet,1),2),3),4),26 letters and their soundmarks,A /ei/ B /bi:/ C/si:/ D/di:/ E /i:/ F/ ef/ G/d3i:/ H/eit/ I /ai/ J/ d3ei/ K/kei/ L/el/ M/em/ N/en/ O/u / P/pi:/ Q /kju:/ R/ :/ S /es/ T/ti:/ U /ju:/ V /vi:/ W /dblju:/ X /eks/ Y /wai / Z/zed/ /zi:/,国际音标,Pronunciation practice,/i:/ /i/ /:/ /,Social life,There are many ways to say “How are you? ”to other people. When meeting someone for the first time, English people always shake their hands and say “How do you do?” or “Nice to meet you!” When they meet people they know well, they may greet each other with a kiss on their cheek or give each other a warm hug. And a gentleman will greet a girl by kissing her hand politely.,Greetings,Handshake,Salute,Bow,Wave,Hug,High five,Fist bump,Hand kissing,Elbow bump,In China 在中国,Shaking hands 握手,晚辈,长辈,How do American people greet each other for the first time? 美国人第一次见面如何打招呼?,Hug each other 拥抱,How does a gentleman greet a lady for the first time in England? 在英国,当一位绅士和一位女士初次 见面时又该如何打招呼呢?,脱帽并亲吻女士的手背,Take off his hat,Kiss the back of the ladys hand,Except in Spring Festival 春节仍然作揖拜年,In Modern Life 现代生活中,Bowing 作揖, 鞠躬,ever-increasing pace 日益加快的生活节奏,“title+surname” 姓氏+头衔,Premier Wen 温总理,President Bush 布什总统,Call names directly 直呼其名,George 乔治,demonstrate a sense of friendliness 表示一种亲近感,GeorgeBush 乔治布什,名字姓氏,2008年奥运会开幕式,I enjoy calling a spade a spade, and hate talking in a roundabout way. 我喜欢实话实说,讨厌拐弯抹角。,I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is I am from My hobby is I like,homework,Thank you,
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