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欢迎参加广州外国语学校 小升初面谈,请在每题右下角提示的时间内完成答题 ,时间到自动跳转下一题 用鼠标点击正确答案,作答完毕之后点可击空白处进入下一题 答题时间 10分钟,第一部分:英文数学题,1. Jack is the wealthiest person in the town! He has $280 more than Jill. The money Jill has is only 60%of the money Jack has. Jack has$_? A) 280 B) 420 C) 700 D) 1120,40秒,2. A pen and a pencil together cost $1.30. If the pen costs $1 more than the pencil, how much does the pencil cost in dollars? A) $ 0.1 B) $0.15 C) $0.3,30秒,3. Square As perimeter is 9 times as large as that of Square B. If the length of a side of Square B is 1, what is the area of Square A? A)9 B)81 C) 144 D) 1296,30秒,4. In a book fair, Elena buys 4 science books for every 9 math books she buys. If she buys 36 science books, she buys _?_ books total. A) 16 B) 52 C) 81 D) 117,30秒,5. If a map has a scale of 1 cm to 20 km, then on this map how far apart are two towns that are actually 138 km apart? A) 6.9 km B) 6.9 cm C) 6.6 cm,30秒,6. The number N when rounded(四舍五入) to the nearest hundredth is 20. 16. When rounded to the nearest thousandth, N is at most_ A) 20.159 B) 20.160 C) 20.164 D) 20.165,30秒,7. Two integers between 10 and 99 have the same digits but in different order. What is the greatest possible value of the difference of these integers? A) 63 B) 72 C) 73,40秒,8. On a number line, the King Tortoise stands at 17 and the Queen Hare stands at 1. They are both moving to the right. The tortoise s speed is 3 m/s and the hares speed is 7 m/s. They meet at_ A) 29 B) 28 C) 19 D) 18,40秒,9. Which of the following numbers is not divisible by 4, 9, and 11? A) 1584 B) 6336 C) 7056 D) 9900,40秒,10. The age of Mikes grandfather, is a two-digit number(两位数). Switching the ones digit and tens digit of N, we get M, which is the age of Mikes father. If N - M is five times Mikes age. How old is Mike? A) 3 B) 6 C) 9 D) 18,60秒,第二部分:口奥,30秒,1、,2、一种盐水,盐与水的比是1 : 5,如果再向其中加入含盐20%的盐水若干,那么含盐率将( ) A、不变 B、下降了 C、升高了 D、无法确定,20秒,3、123456789109的余数是( ) A.1 B.2 C.3,20秒,4、循环小数0.3519519小数点后第2018个数位上是( ) A. 5 B. 1 C. 9,30秒,5、边长分别为6,5,2的三个正方形,如下图所示放在桌面上。问它们盖住的面是( )? 51 52 53,30秒,6、把一根线绳对折,对折,再对折,然后从对折后的中间处剪开,这根线绳被剪成了( )段? 8 9 10,40秒,7、四年级同学举行广播操比赛,排成8行8列,如果去掉一行一列,要去掉( )人,还剩( )人。 A.15,49 B.16,48 C.17,47,30秒,8、根据下图的规律,请问第一幅图中右下角应该画什么图形?( ) A. a B. b C. c D. d,40秒,9、甲、乙、丙、丁四个小朋友,他们中的一个人悄悄地把教室中的椅子修好了。老师调查时,做好事的同学不愿意留名,这4人是这样回答的:甲说:“乙做的的好事” ;乙说:“丙做的好事” ;丙说:“不是我” ;丁说:“乙在说谎”。已知其中只有一个孩子说了真话,问:说真话的是谁?做好事的是谁?,60秒,10、 50个乒乓球,两人轮流取,每次最少拿1个,最多拿5个,拿到最后一个球就获胜,先拿的人应该怎么取?,40秒,请检查所有题目已经作答完毕 点击提交答卷,第一部分 英文数学题 C B B D B C B A C C,第二部分 口奥 A C A A C B A A小图形位置分别是里面、相交、外面;且小图形围绕大图形顺时针变化 乙说真话,丙做好事 先拿取2,以后每一轮保持两个人拿的数量和为6,在第8轮可以拿到第50个,【参考答案】,
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