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,Unit Five A Miserable, Merry Christmas,miserable: a. 悲惨的,悲痛的,miserable= causing unhappiness; very unhappy;语气要比unhappy重得多,指情绪上低落、不快乐。 e.g. The child is cold, hungry and tired, so of course he is feeling miserable. (这孩子又冷又饿,疲惫不堪,他当然感到很痛苦。),indignant: adj. angry at sth. unfair气愤的,愤怒的,常指对于不公平的事感到愤怒。 Collocation: be/feel indignant about/at/over sth. “对某事感到气愤”; e.g. He was indignant at being unfairly dismissed. (他被不公平地解雇了,对此他很气愤。) Residents in the area are indignant about the high water price. (该地区的居民对于高昂的水价表示气愤。) be indignant with sb. 对某人感到愤慨。 She became more and more indignant with them over their conduct. (他对他们的所作所为越来越愤慨。),lest: conj.= for fear that, in order that not 唯恐,以免,lest引导状语从句,从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气should +v. (infinitive). e.g. I wrote down the date of her birthday lest I (should) forget it. (我把她的生日记了下来,以免忘了。) The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it (should) go wrong on the way. (司机仔细检查了发动机,唯恐在路上出毛病。),make sure= act so as to make sth. certain 确保;查明,弄清楚,make sure 后面可接of sth./ about/ that clause. e.g. Please make sure that all the lights are off before you leave the classroom. (请务必离开教室前把所有的灯都关掉。) He looked behind him to make sure he was not being followed. (他向身后看了看,确信他没被人跟踪。) Have you made sure of the times of the trains? (你查清楚列车的时间了吗?) Theres just one or two details I want to make sure about. (只有一两个细节我想要核实一下。) be sure= be certain 一定,千万要;e.g. Be sure to write to me as soon as you get there.,nothing but: nothing other than, only 除了以外没有什么;仅仅,只不过,e.g. They could do nothing but wait for the doctor to arrive. (他们除了等医生来,别无办法。) She is concerned about nothing but money. (她只关心钱。) He can do nothing but make trouble here. (他在这儿只会惹麻烦。),stick to= refuse to give up or change 坚持,不放弃,e.g. We havent got much time, so please stick to the point. (我们时间不多,请不要偏离主题。) Collocation: stick to ones promise/plans: 恪守诺言/计划 They decided to stick to their previous plan. (他们决定坚持他们原先的计划。),hang up: fix (sth.) at a high place so that it does not touch the ground, place on a hook or hanger 挂起,There are some hangers in the closet on which to hang up your clothes. (壁橱里有一些衣架可以挂衣服。) When he came into the room he hung up his suit. (他走进房间,将上衣挂了起来。) hang表示“悬,挂”时是不规则动词:hanghunghung; hang表示“吊死,绞死”时是规则动词: hang-hanged-hanged; e.g He hung up his hat behind the door and took his place at the table. (他把帽子挂在门后,然后在桌边坐了下来。) The murderer was hanged last month. (凶手上个月被绞死了。),or something: or something similar; or something of that sort.诸如此类(表示说话人不能肯定的);大概,e.g. Her name is Mary or Margaret or something. (她叫玛丽或者玛格丽特什么的。) Tr:他的父亲是著名的艺术家之类的什么人物。 Her father is a well-known artist or something.,catch sight of=see suddenly or for a moment (突然)看到,发现,e.g. She caught sight of the postman as he turned the corner. (邮递员在转角处被她看见了。) Just then I caught sight of him getting on a bus. (就在那时,我看见他上了公共汽车。),draw near vs. draw on, draw near= move near 临近,接近; e.g. Night drew near. (夜幕降临了。) The deadline is drawing near, we cant delay any more. (限期到了,不能再拖延了。) draw on=come near in time 到来; e.g. Spring is drawing on. (春天临近了。) 另外,draw on还有“利用;穿上,戴上”之意。e.g. He drew on his childhood memories for the material of his novel. (他利用童年的回忆作为小说的素材。) He drew on his gloves before he went out. (他外出前戴上了手套。) draw (irregular v.) - drew (p.t.) - drawn (p.p.),break into: suddenly or for a moment突然起来; 突然发出;突然开始(哭、笑等),E.g. The audience broke into applause. (观众爆发出阵阵掌声。) 另外,break into还有enter by force, interrupt(“闯入,打断”)之意;e.g. The thieves intended to break into a bank. (贼图谋抢劫银行。) He broke rudely into our talk. (他粗鲁地打断了我们的谈话。),in place vs. in ones place,in place=in the right place 在适当的位置;恰当的; e.g. I think an expression of thanks to our host would be in place. (我认为感谢主人的话要说得得体。) I like to have everything in place. (我喜欢一切各有其位。) 反义词组: out of place (不恰当的,东西放置不当的) 辨析:in ones place=instead of sb. 替代;e.g. The boss was very busy so his secretary went in his place. (老板很忙,因此他的秘书替他去了。),Background Knowledge,圣诞节(Christmas Day) 12月25日是基督教徒纪念耶稣基督诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。英文Christmas(有时简写为Xmas),由Christ(基督)和Mass(弥撒)两字组成,意思是圣诞节这一天教徒们到教堂去,举行崇拜仪式以庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。圣诞节本来是个宗教的日子,但今天已经演变为一个家人团聚,共享天伦的日子。它在西方的重要性类似于中国的春节(Spring Festival). 圣诞夜(Christmas Eve) 圣诞夜(12月24日)类似于中国的除夕。在这一天人们要去教堂唱圣诞歌,小孩子组成唱诗班。回家后要早早上床,小孩子们把长袜挂在床头,等着圣诞老人把礼物装进去,家中的大人们则悄悄把礼物放到圣诞树下和长统袜中,孩子们第二天一起床便打开自己的礼物。,Background Knowledge,圣诞老人(Santa Claus, Father Christmas) 圣诞老人是个神化人物。他留着银白色大胡子,头戴红色尖帽,身穿白皮袖口,白皮领子的红色长袍,扎着一条宽宽的腰带。许多小孩子相信他会在圣诞夜坐着八只鹿拉的雪橇,从烟囱里进入房间,给那些听话的小孩子送来礼物,塞满挂在床头的袜子。 圣诞树(Christmas tree)和圣诞礼物(Christmas gift) 圣诞树一般是松柏之类的常绿树的树冠,在圣诞节时放在屋内,用闪闪发光的小灯泡装饰,还可以挂上风铃和彩色饰物,人们在树下互赠礼物或把礼物挂在上面,也要在圣诞树旁边共度节日。它是圣诞节不可缺少的内容。在圣诞节这一天,朋友、亲属间要互赠礼物和圣诞卡(Christmas Card).,I did want boots. (line 6),“I did want boots”= I really wanted a pair of high boots. 我的确想要一双长统靴。 did, do or does 常用来加强动词语气。如果原动词是过去式(past tense)要用did,如果是一般现在时用do,单数第三人称用does。要注意的是,用了此类词后,被强调的词要用动词原形形式。e.g. I did see him running in the park yesterday morning. (我昨天早上的确看见他在公园跑步。) Tr: 汤姆的确学习很刻苦。 Tom does study very hard. They do like to make a joke. (他们确实爱开玩笑。),There ought to be something to fill your stock
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