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,积极勇敢 追求创造的人生,食品商贸系制作,Positive and brave -the pursuit of creative life Made by Food business department,人与动物的根本区别是,人会问生命的意义,会追求有意义的人生。 人有一个灵魂,灵魂使人不能满足于动物式的生存,而要追求高出于生存的价值,由此展开了人的精神生活。,The fundamental difference between humans and animals is that people would ask the meaning of life and pursue a meaningful life. People have a soul which let them cant be satisfied with the animals survival, while they pursue higher value than the survival. Thus, they began peoples spiritual life.,积极勇敢-追求创造的人生,何为创造的人生?,Positive and brave - the pursuit of creative life What is creative life?,积极勇敢-追求创造的人生,故事串烧,Positive and brave - the pursuit of creative life Story spun,毛毛虫的悲剧,法国科学家法伯曾利用毛毛虫做过一次不寻常的试验。法伯把他们安排在花瓶边缘,走成一个圆圈。花瓶旁边放了一些松针,这是毛毛虫喜欢的食物。毛毛虫前后盲目的跟随,绕着花瓶一圈一圈,一连七天七夜,直至筋疲力尽而死去,却不知去觅食。说明它们只会随着同类,糊里糊涂地走下去,不会选择自己的目标。,毛毛虫的悲 剧告诉我们什么?,The tragedy of the caterpillar French scientist Farber used caterpillars to do an unusual experiment. Farber put them on the edge of the vase, and made them walk in a circle. He put some pine needles which are the food that caterpillars like next to the vase. Caterpillars blindly followed and walked seven days and seven nights in a row around the vase until their death of exhaustion but they didnt know to go foraging. What the tragedy of the caterpillar tell us?,17岁创办公司 90后董事长称 “创业与年龄无关”,The post-90 chairman who founded company at the age of 17 said that Starting a Business has nothing to do with age.,怎样创造有意义的人生,能够选择正确的人生方向 做利人利社会的事情 承担自己应负的责任 不断增长和发挥自己的能力,自我完善,自我实现 我们要珍惜自己和他人的生命,从日常小事做起,实现人生意义 努力为国家和他人做贡献,延伸生命的价值,How to create a meaningful life Choose the right life direction Do what is good for people and society Take ones own responsibility Constantly improve and show ones own ability, self-perfection and self-realization We should cherish our and others life and realize the meaning of life from the daily affairs Try to contribute to country and others and extend the value of life,创造究竟光顾哪些人?,创造不是天才的专利,青少年要做勇敢的,有独立和创造精神的人。,有的中职生认为,我们不过是个中职生,感觉自己找工作都不容易,还谈什么创造。,Who on earth will creation visit?,For Creation is not the patent of genius, teenagers should be the people who are Brave and have independent and creative spirit,Against Some secondary vocational students think that they are just a secondary vocational student. They feel it is not easy to find a job, so they think they how to talk about creation.,Debate,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,一位位为自己的人生不断创造奇迹的勇士们.,Positive and brave, to pursue creative life Some warriors who continuously create the miracle for their own life,Positive and brave, to pursue creative life Some warriors who continuously create the miracle for their own life,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,Positive and brave, to pursue creative life,Positive and brave, to pursue creative life,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,积极勇敢-追求创造的人生,积极勇敢-追求创造的人生,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,成功没有捷径 唯有依赖奋斗,There is no shortcut to success Only rely on struggle,当辛劳成为一种习惯, 当勤奋成为一种充实, 无聊的嬉戏就将变成一种空虚。,When toil becomes a habit, When diligence becomes enrichment, Boring play will become a kind of vanity.,请同学们分享你们身边为自己的未来而努力奋斗的事例,Please share the example that one works hard for his future around you,积极勇敢-追求创造的人生,如果你对你的人生没有规划,没有利用自己美好的青春时光积极勇敢地去创造自己的人生,你的人生会变成什么样呢?,Positive and brave-the pursuit of creative life If you dont plan to your life, dont use your beautiful youth time to create your own life positively and bravely, what your life will be like?,Positive and brave-the pursuit of creative life If you dont plan to your life, dont use your beautiful youth time to create your own life positively and bravely, what your life will be like?,积极勇敢-追求创造的人生,积极勇敢,追求创造的人生,名人名言,不断地让自己有新理想,新计划,使自己有新的发挥,人生才 不致平淡无聊,人生的价值也才能充分地显现。 -法 罗曼罗兰 只有启程,才会到达理想的目的地;只有拼搏,才会获得辉煌的成功;只有播种,才能有收获;只有奋斗,才能品味幸福的人生。,人生 一 列 没 有 返 程 的 列 车,你选择下车追寻风景而暂时留下还是继续留在车上?,小站有美丽的风景,Small station has a beautiful scenery,You choose to get off the car to catch the scenery and have a temporarily leave or still stay in the car?,Life A no return train,你 的 人 生 路 途,你的人生目标,电玩,网络,不健康的漫画、小说,青春旅途中的 一个诱惑,光怪 陆离 的社 会生活,早到的爱情,Video games, Internet,Your life journey,Your life goal,A temptation in the youth travel,Unhealthy comics, novels,Early love,Wonderful social life,少年智则国智, 少年强则国强, 少年进步则国进步, 少年雄于地球则国雄于地球。 梁启超少年中国说,诗歌欣赏,龟虽寿 曹操 神龟虽寿,犹有竟时。 螣蛇乘雾,终为土灰。 老骥伏枥,志在千里。 烈士暮年,壮心不已。 盈缩之期,不但在天; 养怡之福,可得永年。 幸甚至哉!歌以咏志。,望岳 杜甫(唐) 岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了。 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。,积极勇敢追求创造的人生,曾经多少次跌倒在路上 曾经多少次折断过翅膀 如今我已不再感到彷徨 我想超越这平凡的生活 我想要怒放的生命 就像飞翔在辽阔天空 就像穿行在无边的旷野 拥有挣脱一切的力量 曾经多少次失去了方向 曾经多少次破灭了梦想 如今我已不再感到迷茫 我要我的生命得到解放 我想要怒放的生命 就像飞翔在辽阔天空 就像穿行在无边的旷野 拥有挣脱一切的力量 我想要怒放的生命 就像矗立在彩虹之巅 就像穿行在璀璨的星河 拥有超越平凡的力量,曾经多少次失去了方向 曾经多少次破灭了梦想 如今我已不再感到迷茫 我要我的生命得到解放 我想要怒放的生命 就像飞翔在辽阔天空 就像穿行在无边的旷野 拥有挣脱一切的力量 我想要怒放的生命 就像矗立在彩虹之巅 就像穿行在璀璨的星河 拥有超越平凡的力量 我想要怒放的生命 就像飞翔在辽阔天空 就像穿行在无边的旷野 拥有挣脱一切的力量 我想要怒放的生命 就像矗立在彩虹之巅 就像穿行在璀璨的星河 拥有超越平凡的力量,会唱的同学,大家一起来,Thank You,
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