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www.ks5u.comTest for Unit One(Oxford English Book)(Duration 40 minutes: Score Range:0-100). Grammar and Vocabulary(25/100)1. Patients must be when they are in hospital for the recovery from their illness. A. taken good careB. taken good care ofC. paid attentionD. paid to attention2. Secretaries whose jobs mainly involve writing, phone calls and receiving visitors usually work in offices. A. answeringB. answerC. having answeredD. to answer3. Your body language is the key communication, so proper gestures and postures play a crucial role in our daily life.A. onB. toC. withD. in4. Debbie and Simon looked up at the well-dressed lady when she the office and she looked at . A. arrived atboth themB. came intoboth themC. enteredthem bothD. went inthem both5. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world. A. /B. in whereC. in thatD. which6. You are not polite enough. When you serve customers, you dont turn your head your body towards them.A. eitherB. orC. notD. neither7. In most cases, a parents behavior matters more than he or she says.A. verythatB. muchwhatC. farwhichD. stillhow8. Customers preferred Debbie rather than turn to Simon for _.A. going toassistanceB. going toremarksC. to go toassistanceD. to go toremarks9. I am now worried about my English presentation, I always have some trouble a good impression front of others.A. to makeonB. makingonC. to makeinD. making in10. A lack of eye contact might be thought of as a lack of in some western countries.A. boredomB. hostilityC. interestD. confusion11. This boy is very and every morning he me by saying“Good morning”. A. well-manneredcontacts B. well-educatingcontactsC. well-manneredgreetsD. well-educatinggreets12. All the passengers on board sighed with when the captain announced that he had solved the mechanical problems the engine.A. reliefforB. reliefwithC. griefforD. griefwith13. My business partner is senior me two years.A. tobyB. toforC. bytoD. byfor14. As old man was sitting in the sun peacefully with a thick pair of glasses on his nose. A. fixingB. puttingC. layingD. resting15. The nurse insisted that the patient should the medicinal cream his would twice a day to avoid infection.A. applytoB. rinseinC. loosentoD. stressin16. Dont worry, I wont tell your mother youve been punished in school. You see, . A. Its none of your businessB. I feel on top of the worldC. my lips are sealedD. Im all thumbs17. This exhibition brings together portraits, figure studies and anonymous snapshots to help visitors explore the wildly nature of the human face.A. balancedB. expressiveC. frequentD. ordinary18. A smile can help you out many situations where language seems .A. ofadequateB. ofinadequateC. inadequateD. ininadequate19. At a job interview, your appearance is the clothes you wear; it also includes projecting the correct communication.A. more thannon-verbalB. other thannon-verbalC. more thanverbalD. other thanverbal20. A red light is often used as a danger .A. signB. signalC. signatureD. symbol21. Eye contact is also important in the flow of conversation and for _ the other persons response. A. judgingmaintainingB. judgingensuringC. maintainingjudgingD. maintainingensuring22. Pounding the table, for example, can underline a(n) message.A. subtleB. universalC. easyD. important23. These cheese cakes are delicious, but they cost an arm and a leg. The underlined part means . A. are very expensiveB. are harmful to your bodyC. are not readily availableD. are not liked by everyone24. A straight bob ending at the jaw line is the wrong thing to do for a face, for it accentuates the angles of the face.A. heart-shapedB. ovalC. squareD. long25. Which of the following sentence is WRONG? A. My money was robbed on my way home.B. I was robbed of my cash.C. A cat robbed me of my sleep this afternoon. D. The bank was robbed last night. Reading Comprehension(54/100)Section A(30/100)You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. 26 they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes 27_ until one of the men crashes 28 a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead! _29 he isnt really dead. With 30 luck he isnt even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars of even _31 fire, are professionals. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they 32 tricks. There are two 33 to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on t
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