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2016年职称英语等级考试教材短文及译文(理工类B级)目录第二部分 阅读判断第一篇Inventor of LED第二篇El Nino第三篇Smoking第四篇Engineering Ethics第五篇Recue Platform* 第六篇Microchip Research Center Created* 第七篇Moderate Earthquake Strikes England * 第八篇What is dream* 第九篇Dangers Await Babies with Altitude* 第十篇Thy biology of music第三部分 概括大意和完成句子第一篇More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing第二篇Soot and Snow: a Hot Combination第三篇Icy Microbes第四篇Compact Disks第五篇LED Lighting* 第六篇 How We Form First Impression* 第七篇 Screen Test* 第八篇 The Mir Space Station* 第九篇 More Rural Research Is Needed* 第十篇 Washoe Learned American Sign Language第四部 阅读理解第一篇Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles第二篇 World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict第三篇 Citizen Scientists第四篇 Motoring Technology第五篇 Late-Night Drinking第六篇 Making Light of Sleep第七篇 Sugar Power for Cell Phones第八篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful第九篇An Essential Scientific Process第十篇 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers第十一篇 When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach第十二篇 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass第十三篇 Invisibility Ring第十四篇 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers第十五篇 Winged Robot Learns to Fly第十六篇 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth*第十七篇 A Sunshade for the Planet*第十八篇 Thirst for Oil*第十九篇 Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience*第二十篇 Explorer of the Extreme Deep*第二十一篇 Plant Gas*第二十二篇Real-World Robots*第二十三篇 Powering a City? Its a Breeze.*第二十四篇 Underground Coal Fires - a Looming Catastrophe*第二十五篇 Eat to Live*第二十六篇 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently*第二十七篇 Driven to Distraction*第二十八篇 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories*第二十九篇 I will Be Bach*第三十篇 Digital Realm*第三十一篇 Hurricane Katrina*第三十二篇 Mind-reading Machine*第三十三篇 Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive第五部分 补全短文第一篇 Mobile phones第二篇Baby Talk (2016新增)第三篇Common Questions About Dreams (2016新增)第四篇The Bilingual Brain第五篇A Record-BreakingRover* 第六篇The Apgar Test (2016新增)* 第七篇Ice Cream Taster Has Sweet Job (2016新增)* 第八篇Watching Microcurrents Flow* 第九篇Lightening Strikes* 第十篇How deafiness Makes It Easier to Hear第六部分 完型填空 第一篇 Captain Cook Arrow Legend第二篇 Avalanche and Its Safety第三篇 Giant Structures第四篇 Animals Sixth Sense第五篇 Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind* 第六篇 Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely* 第七篇 An Intelligent Car* 第八篇 Why India Needs Its Dying Vultures* 第九篇 Wonder Webs* 第十篇 Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness第一篇 Inventor of LED When Nick Holonyak set out to create a new kind of visible lighting using semiconductor alloys, his colleagues thought he was unrealistic. Today, his discovery of light-emitting diodes, or1 LEDs, are used in everything from DVDs to alarm clocks to airports. Dozens of his students have continued his work, developing lighting used in traffic lights and other everyday technology. On April 23, 2004, Holonyak received the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize at a ceremony in Washington. This marks the 10th year that the Lemelson-MIT Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has given the award to prominent inventors. “Any time you get an award, big or little2, its always a surprise.” Holonyak said. Holonyak, 75, was a student of John Bardeen, an inventor of the transistor, in the early 1950s. After graduate school3, Holonyak worked at Bell Labs. He later went to General Electric4, where he invented a switch now widely used in house dimmer switches5. Later, Holonyak started looking into how semiconductors could be used to generate light. But while his colleagues were looking at how to generate invisible light, he wanted to generate visible light. The LEDs he invented in 1962 now last about 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, and are more environmentally friendly and cost effective. Holonyak, now a professor of electrical and computer engineering and physics at the University of Illinois, said he suspected that LEDs would become as commonplace as they are today, but didnt realize how many uses they would have. “You dont know in the beginning. You think youre doing something important, you think its worth doing, but you really cant tell what the big payoff is going to be, and when, and how. You just dont know.” he said. The Lemelson-MIT Program also recognized Edith Flanigen, 75, with the $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award for her work on a new generation of “molecular sieves,” that can separate molecules by size.第一篇 LED的发明者当 Nick Holonyak着手用半导体含金创造一种新的可视照明设备的时候,同事们都认为他不现实。今天,他发现的发光二极管,或叫 LED,使用范围覆盖从 DVD到机场警钟的一切东西。他的许多学生继续着他的工作,发明了交通灯中使用的照明设备和其他的日用技术。 2004年 4月 23号,Holoyak在华盛顿的一次典礼上被授予 Lemelson-MIT项目的 50万美元的奖金。这是麻省理工的 Lemelson-MIT项目第十年颁奖给杰出的发明人。“任何时候你得了奖,不论是大是小,总是一分惊喜。” Holonyad说。 Holonyak,75岁,是 20世纪 50年代初期晶体管的发明者 John Bardeen的学生。从研究生院毕业之后, Holonyak在 Bell实验室工作。之后去了通用电器公司,在那里他发明了一种开关,现在家用减光开关中普遍使用
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