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2019/1/22,1,Communicating in International Business 河北经贸大学商学院 国际经济教研室 谭立群 tanliqun402hotmail.com,2019/1/22,2,Fundamentals of Writing English Business Letters,2019/1/22,3,Learning Objectives,Knowledge objectives To be familiar with the formats and the structures of English business letters To be familiar with the envelope formats of English business letters. To be familiar with the basic principles for English business letter writing.,2019/1/22,4,Learning Objectives,Ability objectives: To write letters with the correct formats and structures of English business letters To write envelopes of English business letters correctly.,2019/1/22,5,What is communication?,Communication is sum of all things, one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.,2019/1/22,6,The communication process,message,message,message,feedback,Source,message,Encoding,Channel,Decoding,Receiver,2019/1/22,7,Important characteristics of communication,A. communication is a two way process. B. communication always happens between or among two or more parties-sender and receiver. C. communication involves an exchange of facts,ideas, feelings or thoughts.,2019/1/22,8,Important characteristics of communication,D. communication uses verbal ways like words spoken or written, or non-verbal ways like gestures, postures,etc. E. communication needs a mutuality of understanding between sender and receiver.,2019/1/22,9,Purposes of communication,A. Initiating action a. Expressing needs and requirements b. Persuading and motivating others B. Imparting information a. Creating awareness b. Creating understanding c. Persuading others d. Influencing others,2019/1/22,10,Purposes of communication,C. Establishing relation Establishing, acknowledging and maintaining relations with other people, is a vital function of communication.,2019/1/22,11,The type of communication,Verbal Communication Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking. Non-Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication involves physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voice, touch, smile and body motion.,2019/1/22,12,The type of communication,Written communication is writing the words which you want to communicate. Visual communication Visual communication is visual display of information, like, topography, photography, signs, symbols and designs. Television and video clips are the electronic form of visual communication.,Written Communication,2019/1/22,13,Written Communication Business writing,Business writing is nonfiction writing about a business related subject ,addressed to a particular audience to achieve a particular purpose. A good business letter should be clear, accurate and effective.,2019/1/22,14,Principles of Good Business Letter Writing,2019/1/22,15,Consideration,A. Try to put yourself into your readers place B. Emphasize the You attitude rather than I or We. C. Emphasize the pleasant,positive facts,2019/1/22,16,Example,I write to send my congratulations. Congratulations to you on your promotion! We wont be able to send you the brochure this month. We will send you the brochure next month.,2019/1/22,17,Example,We are shipping your order of September 21 this afternoon. The goods you ordered will be shipped this afternoon and should reach you by September 28.,2019/1/22,18,Conciseness,Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct,2019/1/22,19,Conciseness,This is to notify you that at a later date we may be able to submit the report. We may be able to submit the report later. Last but not least, Troy collected together as much as support material as possible to avoid getting burned in cash losses or bottom-line profits. Finally, Troy collected as much support material as possible to avoid losing cash or profits.,2019/1/22,20,Courtesy,Courtesy is not mere politeness.It stems from a sincere You-attitude.The courteous writer should be sincere and tactful,thoughtful and appreciative.,2019/1/22,21,Example,Your letter is not clear at all.I cant understand it. If I understand your letter correctly,2019/1/22,22,Clarity,The writer must try to express himself clearly, so that the reader will understand. To achieve this, he should keep in mind the purpose of his letter and use appropriate words in correct sentence structures to convey his meaning.,2019/1/22,23,Example,The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October. The L/C must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment.,2019/1/22,24,Example,We have begun to export our machines to countries abroad. We have begun to export our machines. In the event that you speak to Mr Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule. If you speak to Mr Wood about production,ask him to consider the delivery schedule.,2019/1/22,25,Correctness,As applied to a business message ,correctness means appropriate an
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