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分类号:S33 单位代码:10749密 级:秘密 学 号:12011130628宁夏大学硕士学位论文水稻茎秆机械强度及穗型相关性状的QTL定位研究QTL Analysis of Culm Mechanical Strength and Panicle-related Traits in Rice学 位 申 请 人: 杨玉蓉 指导教师: 王兴盛 研究员 指导教师: 韩龙植 研究员 申请学位门类级别: 农学硕士 专业名称: 作物遗传育种 研究方向: 水稻遗传育种 所 在 学 院: 农学院 论 文 完 成 日 期: 2014年3月 摘 要倒伏是水稻生产中普遍存在的问题,茎秆机械强度是抗倒伏育种中最重要的选择指标,深入研究茎秆机械强度,进一步提高水稻品种的抗倒伏能力,对实现水稻高产、稳产、优质等方面有着重要的意义。穗是水稻产量的最终表达部位,其与籽粒产量密切相关,历来是科研工作者研究的重点。为研究水稻茎秆机械强度和穗型相关性状的遗传基础,本研究以NG17-2(茎秆机械强度大、直立穗、穗着粒密度大)为母本,以日本晴(茎秆机械强度小、弯曲穗、穗着粒密度小)为父本,构建F2分离群体244个及其衍生的F3、F4家系,并构建分子连锁图谱。分析F2、F3和F4三代的茎秆机械强度、穗弯曲度、穗长、穗粒数、穗着粒密度、结实率、一次枝梗、二次枝梗和有效穗数的表型变异、相关性和QTL定位。结果如下:1. 在F2-F4三个世代中茎秆机械强度和8个穗型相关性状的表型变异都呈连续分布,表现为由多基因控制的数量性状,符合数量遗传。三个世代中,茎秆机械强度与穗长和穗弯曲度均呈显著或极显著正相关;穗着粒密度与穗弯曲度均呈极显著负相关,与穗粒数均呈极显著正相关。2.三个世代共检测到8个与茎秆机械强度相关的QTL,贡献率为5.12%-13.79%。位于第3染色体RM1350相邻区间与茎秆机械强度相关的qCMS3在F2和F3代中均被检测到,其贡献率分别为11.92%和7.52%;位于第9染色体RM1189所在的相邻区间qCMS9在F2群体被检测到,其贡献率为13.79%;位于第1染色体RM3604-RM243区间的qCMS1也在F2群体被检测到,其贡献率为13.52%。3.三个世代共检测到43个与穗型相关性状的QTL。其中穗弯曲度QTL 8个,贡献率为2.73%-57.69%。位于第9染色体RM1189所在相邻区间与穗弯曲度相关的qPC9在F2、F3、F4代中均被检测到,表现为较稳定遗传,其贡献率均很大,分别为50.52%、57.69%和39.27%。与穗粒数相关QTL在F2、F3和F4代中所检测到的分别为2、4和1个,贡献率为4.66%-9.78%,其中qSPP2、qSPP3和qSPP9的贡献率相对较大,分别为9.78%、7.89%、8.19%。穗长QTL 11个,贡献率为1.89%-55.04%。位于第9染色体RM1189所在的相邻区间与穗长相关的qPL9在F2和F4群体均被检测到,其贡献率都很大,分别为55.04%和25.54%;位于第10染色体RM25669- RM8202区间的qPL10在F3群体被检测到,其贡献率为18.69%。穗着粒密度QTL 6个,贡献率为5.78%-28.65%。位于第9染色体RM1189所在的相邻区间与穗着粒密度相关的qPGD9在F2、F3、F4群体中均被检测到,其贡献率均较大,分别为8.58%、28.65%和31.17%。利用F3家系群体,检测到结实率QTL 4个,贡献率为7.65%-20.96%。在第10染色体的RM25375-RM1375区间检测到与结实率相关的qSSR10,其贡献率为20.96%。利用F4家系群体,检测到的与一次枝梗、二次枝梗和有效穗数相关的QTL分别为3、3、1个,但其贡献均很小,贡献率范围在5.47%-7.77%。4.检测到的QTL成簇分布区间共有8个,但若去掉共同位置,实际只有4个。第2染色体RM6617-RM3730区间和第3染色体RM1350所在的相邻区间都是前人对产量性状QTL初步定位的密集区域。而第4染色体RM5506-RM6629区间和第9染色体RM1189所在的相邻区间尚未见到相关报道。关键词:水稻,茎秆机械强度,穗型性状,遗传,基因定位-II-AbstractLodgingis a universal phenomenon in rice production, Culm mechanical strength is the most important selection index in lodging resistance breeding, deeply carry out Culm mechanical strength in rice, improving further on lodging resistance of rice varieties, it is very important to realizehigh grain quality,high and stable yield. Panicle is final expression sites onrice output, and they have important relationship, so panicle-related traits and the yield in rice is always the study emphases by pcience researchers. To study the genetic basis ofCulm mechanical strengthand panicle-related traits in rice, take NG17-2 as female parent, which with big culm mechanical strength, erect panicle, and big panicle grain density, Nipponbare as the male parent, which with small culm mechanical strength, curve panicle, and small panicle grain density , the populations for QTL analysis were build including 244 plants of F2 separation population and its F3, F4 families, and the genetic linkage map was constructed using SSR markers. The Culm mechanical strength, panicle curvature, grain per panicle, panicle length, panicle grain density, seed setting rate, primary branch number, secondary branch number, effective panicle number were evaluated in F2, F3 and F4 generations, and the phenotypic variation, correlation and QTL mapping of these traits were analysed using constructed genetic linkage map.1. Phenotypic variation of the culm mechanical strength and eight panicle-related traits in F2, F3 and F4 generations showed a continuous distributions, these traits controlled by many genes, it coincidence quantitative inheritance. The culm mechanical strength were significantly positive correlated with panicle curvature, panicle length; panicle panicle grain density was significantly negative correlated with panicle curvature, and was significantly positive correlated with spikelets per panicle.2. We found eight QTL about culm mechanical strength in the three generations. The qCMS3 located in RM1350 adjacent regions on chromosome 3, which correlated with culm mechanical strength was found in F2 and F3 generations, and the contribution ratio were 11.92% and 7.52%; The qCMS9 located in the RM1189 adjacent regions on chromosome 9 was detected in F2 generation, the contribution ratio was 13.79%; the qCMS1 located in RM3604-RM243 region on chromosome 1 was identified in F2 generation, the contribution ratio was 13.52%.3. We found 43 QTL about panicle-related traits in the three generations. And there were eight QTL about panicle curvature, the contribution ratio were between 2.73%-57.69%。The qPC9 associated with panicle curvature were detected in F2, F3 and F4 generations, which located in the RM1189 adjacent regions on chromosome 9, its genetic performance was stable, and the contribution ratio were 50.52%, 57.69% and 39.27%. We found two, four and one QTL in F2, F3 and F4 generations, and thecontribution ratio of qSPP2
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