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Unit 6 Good manners,(2009北京西城4月抽样)奥运会即将到来,你班组织了一次活动,查找街头拼写或翻译错误的英文标识,请将此次活动情况写信告诉你的外国朋友Peter。,注意: 1文章开头与结尾已为你写好。 2词数不少于60。 Dear Peter, How are things going? We have been busy preparing for the coming Olympics recently. Last Sunday_ Yours, Li Hua,参考答案 Dear Peter, How are things going? We have been busy preparing for the coming Olympics recently, Last Sunday we had an activityto search for mistranslated or incorrectly spelt English on street signs, Early in the morning my classmates and I gathered at the school gate. With a camera, notebooks and bottles of water in our backpacks, we soon set out on our detective trip by bike, In the street, some of us took pictures while others took notes of the signs we thought were wrong or questionable. A busy , but delightful morning soon passed.,In the English class next morning, we presented in class all the mistakes collected including “Welcome to Beijing” and “Take Notice of Safe”. With the help of our English teacher we discussed and finally came up with the correct translation“Welcome to Beijing” and “Caution!” etc. Then we wrote to the newspaper and told the editors about our findings. We hope our effort will be of some help to the Beijing Olympics. Yours, Li Hua,.重点单词 1_(vi.) 凝视;盯着看 2_(n.) 烈酒(常用复数);精神;情绪 3_(vt.) 举起;提高;唤起;饲养 4_(n.) 一道菜;过程;课程 5_(n.) 习惯;风俗 6_(vi.) 祈祷;恳求;请 7_(n.) 干杯;烤面包(片);吐司面包 (vt.) 敬酒;烤(面包等) (vi.) 烤火;烘 8_(vt.) 原谅;饶恕,答案 1stare 2.spirit 3.raise 4.course 5.custom 6pray 7.toast 8.forgive,.词汇拓展 1disabled_(反义词)_(vt.)使无能;使伤残 2mix_(n.)混合物_(adj.)混合的;形形色色的 3impolite_(同义词)_(adj.反义词)客气的 4behave_(n.)举止 5impression_(v.)铭刻;印记,6culture_(adj.)文化的;文化上的 7introduce_(n.)介绍 8fault_(同义词)_(反义词) 9apologize_(n.)道歉_(v.反义词) 10interrupt_(n.)打扰;插嘴 答案 1healthy; disable 2.mixture; mixed 3rude/illmannered; polite 4.behaviour 5impress 6.cultural 7.introduction 8error/mistake; perfection 9apology; blame/condemn 10.interruption,.重点短语 1apologize to sb. _ sth. 因某事向某人道歉 2keep sth. _ mind 记住 3_ the fashion of. 按照时尚 4drink _. 为干杯 5_ the time 一直 6for a _ 一会儿 7_ silent 保持沉默 8start _. 以开始 9be close _ 靠近 10_ an impression 留下印象,11introduce sb. _. 把某人介绍给 12_ jokes about sb. 以某人为笑柄开玩笑 13stare _ 盯着 14leave _ 省去;遗漏;不考虑 答案 1for 2.in 3.follow 4.to 5.all 6.moment 7keep 8.with 9.to 10.make 11.to 12.make 13at 14.out,.重点句型 代词it所构成的几种句型 .重点语法 The Attributive Clause 3Limited and Unlimited Attributive Clauses(定语从句3限制性和非限制性定语从句),.词汇聚焦 1apologize v. 道歉 apology n. 道歉 思维拓展 apologize to sb. for sth./doing sth. make an apology to sb. for sth./doing sth. say sorry to sb. for sth./doing sth. offer sb. an apology for sth./doing sth. 因某事向某人道歉,2fault n. 缺点,毛病 指点迷津 fault意为“缺点,毛病,过错,过失,应该怪” mistake意为“错误,失策,误解,误会” find fault找错,找毛病 make a mistake出差错;犯错误 mistake sb.误解某人,The glass is broken. Whose _ is it? Sorry, its mine. A. fault B. mistake C. turn D. role 解析:由题意看出,此处应表示“是谁的错?”强调过失,只有A项合适,C项意为“依次,轮流”,D项意为“角色,作用”。 答案:A,3raise v. 举起;提高;饲养 思维拓展 raise ones hat/hand举起帽子/手 raise sb. to his/her feet扶起跌倒的某人 raise ones pay提高工资 raise money筹钱 raise a laugh引起大笑 raise a family养家,指点迷津 raise为及物动词,“使人或物升到更高的位置”,rise为不及物动词,“上升到更高的位置”。arise与rise用法基本一样,但arise通常的意思多为“出现;产生”。 riseroserisen raiseraisedraised arisearosearisen,4advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议(不可数) 思维拓展 ask sb. for advice on请求某人就某事提建议 give sb. advice on就给某人提建议 follow/take ones advice接受某人的建议 on ones advice按照某人的建议 a piece of advice一条建议 advise doing sth.建议做某事 advise that.(should) do sth.建议,advise sb. on sth.就给某人提建议 advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 advise sb. not to do sth.(advise sb. against doing sth.)建议某人不要干某事,_ good advice he has given you! Keep trying, and youll be _. A. What; a success B. What a; a success C. What; success D. How; successful 解析:该题第一句话是对不可数名词进行感叹,应使用what;第二空格处表示“成功的人”为可数名词,success应与冠词连用。 答案:A,5extra adj. 额外的;外加的;特别的 思维拓展 extra time/money多余的时间/钱 an extra charge额外的费用 an extra edition of a magazine杂志的增刊 get extra pay for extra work加班得到加班费 extra n. 额外的东西,外加的费用;杂志的增刊 The service charge is an extra.这项服务额外收费。 extraordinary adj. 异常的,非凡的 an extraordinary idea离奇的想法 an extraordinary memory非凡的记忆力,But all of us are called upon daily to make a great many personal decisions. Should _ charge received at the store be forgotten or returned? A. extra B. small C. some D. necessary 解析:题目的背景是“我们每个人都要对许多个人的事情做出决定。”后一句则举例说明“商店找回多余的零钱是忽略还是归还呢?”句子中出现的forgotten or returned提示零钱是多余的,因此使用extra。 答案:A,6introduce vt. 介绍;引进;引入 思维拓展 introduce sb. to sb.向某人介绍某人 introduce oneself to sb.向某人作自我介绍 introduce sth. into (to)把引进 introduction n介绍,引进;导言 a letter of introduction介绍信 a short introduction短序,He seems to _ Jane. He knows her well. A. introduce to B. be introducing to C. be introduced to
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