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高三英语复习专题 任务型阅读,2010年考纲要求考生认真阅读短文,并根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容或作要词词语转换。 注意:每空只填一个单词,补全填空应符合语法和搭配要求。,考纲解读,表格型 (table-shaped) 树状型 (Tree shaped),题型(types),表格型 table-shaped,Change in Todays Children,树状型 Tree shaped,The Internet,Sub-topic,Sub-topic,Necessary Skills,主题明确 Obvious topic sentence 文章脉络结构清楚 Clear structure,文章特点,解题步骤一,浏览表格,理清脉络; 通读全文,掌握大意,有标题要先看、易题先做,解题步骤二,划分段落,对照表格 确认细节,找出关键词(句),易题先做,解题步骤三,整合信息,填写表格 确保形式、语法正确,Passage One,Look through the form and Passage 1, and find its topic.,Key word:,Teamwork,Structure of the text,Part1 (Para1) : Importance of _ Part2 (Para2&3):_ for teamwork Part3 (Para4): _ for effective team performance Part4 (Para5): Explore the issue Part5 (Para6): _effectiveness,Teamwork,Rules,Suggestions,Evaluate,Compare the structure of the form with that of the text-,almost the same!,Key words,1. teamwork 2. ideas 3. support/encourage 4. suggestions 5. given 6. responsible 7. topic 8. unexpectedly 9. exchanging 10. evaluation,Evaluate,Suggestions,Support / Encourage,responsibility,just in case,Exchange,原词: 原词转换词词性、词形: 语境转换词句型转换、固定搭配: 总结归纳词:,题目特点,teamwork 2. ideas 3. Support(n.) 4. Suggestions 5. given 7. topic,3. Support(n.-v.) 6. responsibility (responsible) 9. Exchange(exchanging)10. Evaluate (evaluation),8. case (just in case),4. Suggestions,根据表格填词: 对比表格信息,根据表格填词:对比表格信息 Words filled based on the form,similarities advantages strengths directly,differences,disadvantages,weaknesses,indirectly,参阅读本 P204-207,Passage 2,Title: Communication Principles,Keys:,1. self-centred / subjective 2. involves 3. determine / define / know / understand 4. expectations / hops / desires / wishes 5. occurs / happens / exists / arises 6. reading / understanding / knowing 7. behaviors / acts / actions / activities 8. conveying / expressing 9. erase / remove / delete / change 10. cannot / cant,原词: 原词转换词词性、词形: 语境转换词句型转换、固定搭配: 总结归纳词:none,题目特点(characteristics of the chosen words),2. involves 5. occurs 7. behaviors 9. erase,3.determine (determining) 4.expectations (expects),1. self-centred (centrality) 6. Reading 8. conveying 10. cannot,08 、09高考题:,Passage 3,Rules for competition: Two groups: Boys PK Girls Round One: Look through the form quickly and fill in as many blanks as possible. Round Two: Find detailed information and fill in the blanks with correct words. 答对:加1分,对方如质疑需解释,解释不清本组补 充,否则不加分。对方解释清楚可获加分。 答错:不扣分,本组可补充,对方也可抢答。,1,5,7,9,3,2,4,6,8,10,check,抢答:,Back,1. Current / Present,Back,2. most,Back,3. preference,Back,4. quality,Back,5. convenient,Back,6. production,Back,7. pollution,Back,8. Advice / Suggestions / Tips,Back,9. made,Back,10. possible,Check the answers,1. Current / Present 2. most 3. preference 4. quality 5. convenient 6. production 7. pollution 8. Advice / Suggestions / Tips 9. made 10. possible,What should we do to polish up our skills to deal with task-based reading in the following few days?,Preparations for task-based reading,Pay attention to the title and organization of a passage Enlarge vocabularyword formation Memorize as many set phrases as possible Paraphrase sentences using similar expressions Do more reading,Homework,Passage 4 Fill in the blanks on P2-3,Thanks for your attention!,能力要求及题目类型:,信息查找题,信息转换题,信息归纳题,获取信息的能力,组织信息的能力,概括表达信息能力,能力要求,题目类型,信息查找题,解题技巧:,2. 常用方法: 带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。如: (1)5W and 1H: (2)时间先后: (3)因果: (4)比较 : (5)转折:,1. 解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。,who, what, when, where, why, how,first, then, after, that, next, finally,because, thus, lead to, cause, as a result,similarly, differently, like, unlike,but, yet, while, however, instead, on the contrary,(1) 词性转换,常见的 转换方式,(2) 词汇转换,(3) 句型转换,(4) 句群篇章,1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。,信息转换题,2.,解题技巧:,常见概括性词,significance importance meaning,advantages disadvantages,differences similarities,优劣,异同,意义,观点,opinion view attitude,reason cause,result effect consequence,measure solution way method,原因,方法,结果,目的,aim purpose goal,强项弱项,strengths weaknesses,信息归纳题,解题技巧:,常见概括性词,信息归纳题,解题技巧:,Rules for different types of passages,Title Theme / Topic Present / Current situation A common phenomenon / Problems with Different attitudes to/towards an issue Supporting details/detailed information Ways/Measures to solve the problem Approaches to solving Solution to the problem Suggestions / advice / tips offered / given Conclusion,议论文,Rules for different types of passages,Name Age Sex Birthplace Nationality Education Life stories / experiences Contributions / Achievements Influence,人物介绍,Rules for different types of passages,Location (be located / situated in / lie in) Origin (be originally called) Size (cover an area of) Population (with a growing/an increasing population of) Fame (be famous for / historic sites / scenic spots / places of interest / tourist attraction / tourist destination) History Development (economy / culture) Influence Future,城市、机构、建筑物等,Rules for different types of passages,Brand Type Characte
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