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Text A Can You Speak Technology in a Wired World?,Unit Seven,1. a group of scientists一群科学家 一群大学生 college students 2. test a computer检测一台电脑 检测一台机器 a machine 3. from that day on从那天起 从那个月起 that month . 4. the original bug原来的那只虫 句子原来的结构 structure of the sentence 5. switch on a computer打开电脑 打开空调 an air-conditioner,6. computing system计算机系统 文字处理系统 word-processing . 7. be responsible for the spread of viruses对病毒的传播负责 对孩子的教育负责 the childrens education 8. spread through document files通过文件传播 通过空气传播 the air 9. meet in person亲自见面 亲自开车 drive . 10. The last few decades过去几十年 最近几周 weeks,Main Ideas,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage. A large number of “tech-speak” words from the world of _ have passed into the English language. For _, the word “bug” means an error in a computer _. It got this meaning from an _ which had become _ in an early computer which _ the machine from working properly. With personal computing now _, more and more such language has been _ , such as “surf”, “hacker”, “virus, and “emotion. As communications companies bring more technology _ our daily lives, the language of _ has become an important part of real life.,computing,example,program,insect,trapped,prevented,widespread,introduced,into,technology,Detailed Understanding,Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. How big was the early computer? _. 2. In what way does “surf the Internet” have to do with California? _ _. 3.What will viruses probably do to computer? _.,It was so big that a man can walk in it.,It probably came from California because the state lies on the Pacific Ocean.,They will alter the way in which computers work.,4. What has contributed to the spread of tech-speak in our everyday lives? _ _. 5. What is the difference between face-to-face communication and computer communication? _ _ _,The increased use of personal computer and the Internet.,When people speak face to face, they often use facial expressions to help convey meanings. In computer communication, people sometimes use “emotions” to show their feelings.,1.From that day on, any fault stops a computer working properly has been known as a “bug”. A. of B. from C. at D. to 2.It is sometimes called “tech-speak”, a large vocabulary of words in laboratories and now across the English speaking world by everyone who switches on a computer. A. inventing, using B. invented, using C. invented, used D. inventing,used,B,C,3. personal computers now widespread, there is increasing concern about the activities of “hachers”. A. With B. Of C. That D. In 4. Hachers are also responsible the spread of “viruses”. A. of B. with C. to D. for 5. After a statement, they will add to show that something makes them happy. A. make B. making C. made D. makes,A,D,B,One day, a group of scientists found an insect in the computer they were building. Since then people have used the word “bug” for computer errors. “Tech-speak” probably started in California because most of the early work on computing was done there. Perhaps the fact that we “surf the Internet is evidence of a California connection. Other examples of tech-speak are hacker, virus, imoticon, and face-time. The widespread of personal computers and the increased use of the Internet have introduced innovations of computing language. Communications companies have brought more technology into our lives. That is why technological language has become an increasingly important part of English.,One day, a group of scientists found an in the computer they were building. Since then people have used the word “ ” for computer errors. “Tech-speak” probably started in California because most of was done there. Perhaps the fact that we “ the Internet is evidence of a California connection. Other examples of tech-speak are , , , and . The widespread of personal computers and the increased use of the have introduced innovations of computing language. Communications companies have brought more into our lives. That is why technological language has become an increasingly important part of English.,Unit Seven,Text B The Web Lifestyle,1. communicate with their friends与他们的朋友交流 与专家交流 experts 2. an integral part of life一个生活中不可或缺的部分 一个学习中不可或缺的部分 study 3. pick up the telephone拿起电话 捡起地上的钱包 a wallet on the ground 4. incredible interest难以置信的兴趣 难以置信的数量
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