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初中定语从句讲解,张氏中学,A matching game!,Match the two sentences 1.Im reading a book. The book is about Bill Gates. _ 2.He is a teacher. The teacher teaches us Chinese. _ 3.I dont like the man. He is smoking. _ 4.Where is the picture? You bought it last week. _,Im reading a book that/which is about Bill Gates.,He is a teacher who/ that teaches us Chinese.,I dont like the man who is smoking.,Where is the picture that you bought last week?,什么是定语从句呢?,答案:修饰前面某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。,结构: 先行词 + 关系词 + 句子 定语从句,The man who lives next to us is a policeman.,先行词,_,_,关系词,_,定语从句,先行词:被定语从句所修饰的词。,关系词,关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose 关系副词: when, where, why,关系代词that, which引导的定语从句: 如果先行词是表示物的名词或代词,关系代词应用that、which. (作主语或宾语),关系代词: 指物:that which 指人:who (主/宾格) that whom(宾格),This is a dream. The dream will never come true.,This is a dream which/that will never come true.,The dog has been found. The dog was lost.,The dog which was lost has been found.,which / that 作主语. (不能省),(作主语),(作主语),Practise: This is the house .The house is for sale. This is the house which is for sale. 2. The book is mine. It is lying on the floor The book which is lying on the floor is mine.,which / that 作宾语 : (可省略),This is the card. Ive just received the card.,This is the card which / that Ive just received.,Practise: This is the mistake . I always make the mistake . This is the mistake which /that I always make. 2.The pen is lost. My father bought it for me last week. The pen that/which my father bought for me last week is lost.,( ),(作宾语),( ),( ),关系代词who, that, whom引导的定语从句: 如果先行词是表示人的名词或代词,关系代词应用who, that (作主语或宾语) whom (作宾语),who / that 作主语. (不能省),This is the film star. The film star is very popular in China.,This is the film star who is very popular in China.,The boy is called Roy. He broke the window The boy who broke the window is called Roy. 2. Do you know the girl? The girl spoke at the meeting yesterday. Do you know the girl who spoke at the meeting yesterday?,/ that,(作主语),who / whom / that 作宾语:( 可省略),The man is a famous writer. He described the man just now.,The man ( who/ whom/ that ) he described just now is a famous writer. (作宾语),The boy is my friend. I will visit him. The boy who(m) I will visit is my friend. 2. The pen has been found. She lost it last night. The pen that she lost last night has been found.,小结: 关系词 先行词 所作成分 that 指人,指物, 主语(不能省);作宾语(可省) which 指物, 主语(不能省);作宾语(可省),who 指人, 主语(不能省);作宾语(可省)(常用whom),注意,1、关系词在句中的作用:_ 2、定语从句中相当于先行词的词不再重复出现 3、定语从句要紧跟先行词之后。 4、当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词形式由先行词定。 I like the present that he gave me. The park (that/which) is near my house is beautiful. Practise:判断并找出错误 1)The photos that he took them in Beijing are nice. 2)She will buy the books which was written by Laoshe. 3)The film is interesting which I saw last week.,5、He is the only one of the students who is invited to America. He is one of the students who are invited to America.,先行词,先行词,注意 One of the students to America.,is invited,有时只能用 that , 不用 which, 常见的情况有五种:,当先行词是 all, any, few, little, none, anything, everything, nothing , everybody, nobody, everyone, no one 或被它们修饰时。 Thats all that I know. Is there anything that I can do for you? He answered few questions that the teacher asked. 2. 当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时 That is the most interesting book that I have ever read. The first thing that I should do is to review lessons.,3. 当先行词有no,the very, the only, the same等修饰时。 Thats the only thing that I can do now. These are the very words that he used. 4. 当主句以 who 或 which开头时,定语从句的关系词用 that, 而不用 which 或 who. Who is the girl that spoke to you just now? Which is the pen that you lost ? 5. 先行词同时包括人或物时,关系词用that. The man and his dog that I always meet are standing by the gate.,用which不用that的情况,1.介词提前时指人用whom,指物用which。 The boy that/ who(m) you are looking for is over there. The boy for whom you are looking is over there. The city that/which I live in is beautiful. The city in which I live is beautiful. 2.在非限定性定语从句中。 Beijing that/ which is the capital of China has a long history. Beijing ,which is the capital of China ,has a long history. (不用that),关系词whose连接的定语从句 whose ,既可指人,也可指物;用作定语,表示所属关系。,The boy is my classmate. The boys father is a policeman.,The boy whose father is a policeman is my classmate. The house is beautiful. Its wall is yellow. The house whose wall is yellow is beautiful.,试一试,A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan( 孤儿). A. who B. whose C. whos D. which,试一试吧,例句赏析,Its an invention which /that is used for keeping off the rain .,飘,Its a book that/which was written by Margaret Mitchell.,Gone with the wind,( ),Its the Wall that /which was built by Chinese people.,( ),Its an animal that/which.,扩充句子,看我的,Its an anima
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