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太傻超级论坛 TOEFL备考专版2004年8月TOEFL试题PART ONE LISTENING1. (A) She left the videos in her other bag.(B) She will return one of the videos today.(C) She returned the videos last week.(D) She forgot how many videos she had borrowed.2. (A) She is not sure if there is a reduced price for students.(B) She is not willing to help the man.(C) She knows that students do not get a discount.(D) She thinks the tickets are free.3. (A) His sister studied at many different schools. (B) His sister will attend the same school he does. (C) His brother will come to visit soon.(D) He is not sure what his brothers plans are.4. (A) It might not be open. (B) It might have what the man is looking for. (C) It has less expensive clothing than the stores in town.(D) It does not sell sweaters.5. (A) The library will be closed later this afternoon. (B) The computers in the library are not working. (C) The man needs his computer all afternoon. (D) The woman lent her computer to somebody.6. (A) She has already paid the bill. (B) The bill should have been paid yesterday. (C) She has extra time to pay the bill.(D) The man can pay the bill next month.7. (A) He lost his watch. (B) lie thought the meeting was for a different day. (C) His history class ended 20 minutes late.(D) He was not paying attention to the time.8. (A) The man and the woman use the same computer. (B) The man cannot help the woman. (C) The woman cannot turn off the computer.(D) The man has helped the woman with her computer before.9. (A) She also thinks the lecture was interesting. (B) She was too tired to learn much from the lecture. (C) She missed the lecture this morning.(D) She did not finish the reading before the lecture.10.(A) Do something easier(B) Think of an idea himself(C) Tell her about his friend(D) Try asking someone else11.(A) She does not like to carry her books around. (B) She prefers reading books to reading on a computer.(C) She did not know the colnputcr version was avadablc.(D) She uses the book when her computer is not working.12. (A) The woman should change her living arrangement. (B) The woman will have to call her roommate. (C) The woman should not spend so much time on the phone. (D) The woman does not clean her apartment often enough.13. (A) He is too busy to come to the picnic. (B) The weather on Sunday will not be good enough for a picnic. (C) The woman should not change the date of the picnic. (D) The woman should invite more people to the picnic.14. (A) Going to the opera is time-consuming. (B) There is no time left to order opera tickets. (C) She would like to go with the man to the opera.(D) She will help the man pay for the opera tickets.15. (A) Explain the article again (B) Compare one historical period to another (C) Tell the class what her opinion is (D) Assign the class only one article to read16. (A) The woman can call the owner from his house. (B) He wants the woman to give him the wallet. (C) He knows who the wallet belongs to.(D) The woman should leave the wallet at his house.17. (A) Read the articles right away (B) Finish typing the letters before 4 oclock (C) Make the photocopies as soon as possible (D) Go to the meeting late18. (A) He will not be able to attend the class next Friday. (B) He thinks the class will meet as scheduled. (C) The woman should cancel her plans for the weekend. (D) The professor has canceled classes before.19. (A) Stay in bed until he feels better (B) Go see a doctor (C) Take less medicine (D) Take a walk to the drugstore20. (A) The woman needs more work experience. (B) The woman may need to work while attending graduate school. (C) The woman needs to finish writing her statement soon. (D) The womans work experience is relevant to her career plans.21. (A) Tell her the man left without her (B) Ask her to call the man back later(C) Go to the newspaper office (D) Tell her the man will call her at 2 oclock22. (A) The woman does not like to drink coffee in the afternoon (B) It was not the womans coat that the man spilled coffee on. (C) The woman just had her coat cleaned. (D) The woman is not angry with the man.23. (A) The man will easily find a good job ill biochemistry. (B) The man should choose another field with more opportunities. (C) The man should try to get a job before he graduates.(D) The man needs to study harder to be a biochemist.24. (A) He will go to the art exhibition. (B) He did not get an invitation. (C) He already has other plans for Saturday.(D) He wants to join the publicity committee.25. (A) The toothpaste will soon be on sale. (B) She will
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