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本科毕业论文题 目:英 汉 语 言 发 展 过 程 中 的 借 词 学 院: 外 国 语 学 院 专业班级: 英 语0 6 0 1班 学 号: 2006344010127 学生姓名: 王 春 莲 指导教师姓名: 靳 涵 身 指导教师职称: 教 授 二O一O 年 六 月 十五 日The loanwords in the Development of English and Chinese A Graduation Thesis Submitted byWang ChunlianIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsForThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn the Subject of English Language and LiteratureToCollege of Foreign LanguagesOfAgricultural University of HebeiSupervisor: Prof. Jin HanshenJune 15, 2010 Candidate Supervisor Table of ContentsAcknowledgement.i摘要iiAbstract.ii1. One Introduction.12. The definition of the loanwords22.1 The definition of the loanwords.22.2 The way of English and Chinese loanwords.32.2.1 Transliteration.32.2.2 Free translation.32.2.3 Their own special way of loan words33. The development features of Loanwords63.1 Loanwords are the objective law of development of language and culture.63.2 Loanwords are affected by the subjective consciousness of human society64. The main stages of the loanwords in English and Chinese.84.1 English words from Chinese8 4.1.1 From 9th century to 19th century8 4.1.2 From the Opium War to the founding of country84.1.3 Since reform and opening84.2 Chinese words from English.84.2.1 From the19th century to the early 20th century.84.2.2 The May 4th Movement.94.2.3 After reform and opening.95. Conclusion.10Bibliography.11AcknowledgementDuring the months of preparing and writing the present paper, I really learn a lot. Language effects each other when they are used, especially English and Chinese which are two large language in the world. I find some interesting words when I write it. It was a real challenge for me, however, I accepted it and conquered it. The process not only makes me know some deep research for linguistics and literary works but also improved my English. One of the great joys in writing this paper has been learning more new things and the ways that previous researchers make all things considered. Here I would like to thank the following people for their instructions and suggestions, without which this paper could not have been finished. I would like to give most of my sincere appreciation to Professor Jin Hanshen, my instructor, who gave me the valuable suggestions and great instructions in the very beginning of selecting topics. I deeply appreciate hispatience, hard work and valuable suggestions; its my great pleasure to be instructed by him. Thank you very much! Mr Jin.My thanks and gratitude also go to the other teachers especially Professor Liu Ji who makes me understand how to write a paper firstly because this is my first time of doing it, I owe to Zhang Ruihong, my paper teacher, who instructs me where to find material about my paper topics and give some advices on this topic. And finally, I am truly grateful to all my classmates who helped me in this process and my cousin, for it is her who supported me frequently while I am composing this paper. Wang Chunlian June 15, 2010【摘 要】 语言是一种特殊的文化,语言中的各部分其文化性质的分布不同的。从传统观点来看,语音、词汇、语法这三个构成部分中,词汇最具文化资格。因为其有比较具体的内容。随着社会、经济和现代交通的发展,交流和媒体缩短了地区与地区,国家与国家之间的距离。为了更好的交流,词汇的本身意义已不能满足信息的交流。当一种特定的语言不能描述特定的事物时,人们就就通过创造新词来表达意思,最终把他们引进民族语言的词汇中。语言中的词汇是一个动态的开放性系统不断吸收外来词是语言丰富和发展的途径之一。随着社会和经济全球化的发展,英汉语言词汇会越来越活跃。【关键词】 英语; 汉语; 借词【Abstract】Language is a special culture, and the distribution of various parts language and cultural nature are different. From the traditional point of view, the words mostly have cultural status in these three components of voice, vocabulary and grammar. Because there are more specific contents in the vocabulary. With the development of social and economic and modernization of transport, communications and media greatly reduced the distance between regional places and between countries. For better communication, the original word has failed to meet the exchange of information. When a particular language words can not describe certain things, then people tend to borrow words
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