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,乐山市高中2013届第一次调研考试英语书面表达,English means a willing for you to go forwards in a bad condition. Great English learners!,Composition-1,学生考试成功与失败是家常便饭,As senior school students, we have taken many exams of all kinds and experienced failure as well as success.,Composition-2,对失败,公说公有理婆说婆有理,However, different students have different attitudes towards failure in exams.,Composition-3,考试失败则情绪低落,学习劲头大不及以前,Some of the students fall into low spirits when they dont do well in the exams. They usually lose heart and no longer study hard as before. (negative),Composition-4,然而有些人持积极态度,一旦失败则积极分析因果,鼓励自己改善自我,以防止类似错误再次发生,Others have the positive attitude to failure. Once failure comes to them, they analyze them and find out the causes so that they will no longer make the same mistakes once more. (positive),Composition-5,在我看来,失败乃成功之母,我们要学会向错误学习,In my opinion, failure is the mother of success. It can teach us a lot in the process of reaching our goals, we must learn to learn from failure.,
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