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上周学校举行了初三年级家长会,家长、学生和老师进行了面对面的交流,李雷代表同学们说出了困惑,表示了决心:1.因为经常考试,他时常有些压力,有时感到心烦意乱;2.作业多,没有时间;不知如何平衡学习与玩耍;3.老师告诉他放松的方法有很多:多与父母或朋友交流,4.现在他知道了时间的重要性,能按时交作业,已经取得很大的进步;,Last week our school held a parents meeting. Parents, students and teachers sat together and talked a lot. Li Lei says he has a lot of problems. He also tells his classmates problems to his teacher and parents. He says he has much homework to do every day and has no time for his hobbies. So he feels a little stressed and disturbed from time to time. But he doesnt know how to achieve a balance between his study and hobbies. However, the teacher tells him some ways of dealing with his problems.,One way to solve the problem is to have more communication with his parents. Try to share his worries with them. Then, he can choose one hobby to do each day. Last, he should make a list of things he should do and work out how much time he needs to finish his homework. Now, he knows the importance of the time. He can hand in his homework on time. To his joy, he has made great progress already. He hopes his classmates can also take his teachers advice.,九年级毕业班的学习生活是紧张的,最近我校九年级又加强了对学生的管理,实施了“一日学习规范”。尽管一些同学感觉压力很大,但很快找出了解决压力问题的办法。我们很欣喜地看到同学们在日渐进步请根据下面表格的信息写一篇短文。,We are Grade 9 students. We have lots of work to do. Some students feel stressed. Sometimes we are in bad moods and quarrel with our parents, because we have no time for our hobbies. Recently It seems that the teachers are strict with us, they dont allow us to speak louder after class. I know when we feel stressed, we should wear white. Because it can make us feel calm and peaceful. We can also chat with our parents, because our parents are always friendly to us. To homework, we should make a list of it, we can know how much time we need to complete it. It is important for us to know how to save time. Most of us can hand in the homework on time. We dont copy others ,too. We can listen to the teachers more carefully. Now we are glad to find many students have made great progress.,Pony是个初三的学生。她很喜欢玩电脑,但她现在每天有很多的功课,没时间去做自己的兴趣爱好。而且家长不允许她在外面待得很晚,因此她感到很苦恼。她写了封信给Sigmund,希望能得到一些建议。,I am a Grade 9 student. I have a problem but I dont know how to solve it. I have a lot of hobbies. Playing computers is my favourite. But now I do not have enough time for my hobbies because of too much homework every day. I feel stressed though I know doing homework is very important. Whats more, my parents dont allow me to stay out late so I feel really bad about it. I think they are strict with me. what should I do? Should I focus on my homework and give up my hobbies? Can you tell me how to keep a balance between the two? I hope to hear from you soon.,Thank you for telling me your problems. I am sorry to hear that you have many problems. You said you did not know how to improve your study. First, I think you had better have a talk with both your teachers and your parents and let them know your problems. Second, you also said that you have few friends and often feel lonely. One way to solve the problem is to study with your classmates and play with them. Try to share your worries with them. And soon youll find it happy to stay with them. Then, you said that you dont have enough time for you hobbies, you can choose one hobby to do each day. Last, you said your parents are strict with you. I think they just care about you. Dont worry too much. I think there are many ways to solve your problems. I hope these suggestions will be useful to you.,第三单元需要用到的求职信的句型: I feel - from time to time. one main cause of - is that -. have no time for hobbies/ have much homework/ parents are very strict with us dont allow me to stay out late to play - have no close friends worry about exams 第三单元回复信的句型: thank you for your letter to tell me about your worries. one way to solve- is to -. choose one hobby to do each day / plan your time carefully / have a talk with your parents /make a list of things you want to do/ dont keep worries to yourself. /wear the right colour to change your mood I hope my advice is worth taking./ I hope my advice will be of great value to you.,
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