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Grammar,There is no royal road to learning. 学习没有捷径,第一讲. 动词的非谓语动词,动词在句中除充当谓语外,还可以起名字,形容词或副词的作用,在句中充当主语, 宾语,表语,补语,定语和状语.这就是动词的非谓语形式.当句中需要某种动作作 主语,宾语或作某种修饰,说明的成分时,就要使用这种形式. 动词非谓语形式有三种: (1)动词不定式 to study (to +动词原形 ) (2)分词 studying (现在分词) studied (过去分词) (3)动名词 studying (形式与现在分词相同) 动词非谓语形式不随主语的人称和数的变化而变化,故又称为非限定性动词. 动词非谓语形式仍具有动词的一般特征,可以带有宾语,状语等构成短语.,动词非谓语形式有以下几种形式变化:,一.动词不定式 1. 动词不定式能起名词,形容词,和副词作用,充当谓语以外的各种成分. (一)作主语. 1) To learn English is not an easy thing. 2) To say something is one thing, to do it is another. 3) It is our duty to realize the four modernizations. 4) It is impossible for him to get the money now. 5) It makes me feel sad to see you sitting alone. (是形式主语,是真实主语.动词不定式作真实主语时,常放在后面.) (二)作表语. 1) My suggestion is to carry out the plan right now. 2) The young man seems to be a college graduate. 3) To see is to believe. 4) They are likely to succeed.,(三)作定语. 1) Mary has a lot of things to do. 2) Here is a good book for you to read. 3) Is there anything (for us) to eat? 4) She is not a girl to do things by halves. 5)He is a man to depend on. (四)作宾语. 1) He wants to visit Nanjing. 2) The guests promised to come early.,(五)作宾语补语(复合宾语的第二部分). 1) I expect you to write to me. 2) I asked him to show me his new dictionary. 3) We tried to persuade him not to drop out of school, but in vain. 注:常跟不定式作宾补的动词有:ask, advise, allow, beg, cause, compel, command, enable, encourage, expect, force, inspire, intend, invite, instruct, order, permit, persuade, press, remind, tell, urge, want, warn 有些动词如感官动词和使役动词后面的不定式不带to,如:make, let, hear, see, notice, feel, watch, have(要,叫,使)等. 1)The teacher made me do my homework carefully. 2)Professor Wang let his assistant leave early enough to catch the last bus. 3)I heard Mary cry. 4)We watched them play football. 5)Tom felt his heart beat fast when he saw Joe come into the room. 6)I would have him wait for me.我要他等我. 用被动语态时,这些动词后面的不定式要带to. 1)He was made to do the work at once. 2)She was heard to use strong language. 3) She was seen to run out of the post office.,(六) 作状语. 1)He came to see me yesterday. (目的) 2)He opened the door for her to come in. (目的) 3)My little brother is too young to go to school. (结果) 4)Xiao Ma is old enough to join the army. (结果) 5)My father was surprise to hear the news. (原因) 6)I am sorry to say (that) the work is not well done. (原因) 不定式短语修饰全句作状语 1) To be frank with you, I dont love you. 2) To give you some idea of birth rate, look at the second hand of your watch. 3) To hear him speak English, you would take him for a foreigner. 4) To tell the truth, I have not got any definite information about the term paper.,2. 动词不定身的否定式只须在to前加not. 1)My father decided not to take up the job. 2)The teacher told him not to be late again. 3) The doctor warned me not to overstrain my eyes in writing books. 3. 带疑问词的动词不定式在前加疑问词. 1)Mr.Li will teach us how to use the present perfect tense. 2)Can you tell me where to get the book? 3)Mary didnt know what to say when Mr. Hopkins was displeased with her. 4) I dont know whether to accept his invitation or not. 5) The question is when to do the experiment. 6) How to do it is an easy question. “疑问词+不定式”结构通常用语下列动词之后: tell, teach, know, wonder, learn, show, find out, ask, understand, discuss, explain, find out, inquire, discover, consider等.,4. 作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省略后面的动词,只保留to. 在make, let, hear, see等动词后,to也可以省略不用 1)Did you go to see the Great Wall?-No, I wanted to (go to see it), but there wasnt time. 2)Will you help me? -Ill try to (help you). 3)Mary wanted to use your bike.-But I asked her not to (use it). 4)Did Jane go to the party?-No, her mother didnt let her (go to the party). 5)He wanted to go to Beidaihe, but he wasnt able to (go there). 5. 如果动词不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语或谓语动词的宾语,需要在这一逻辑主语 前加for. I opened the door for her to come in. My advise is for you to admit your own mistake. Mary gave me the phone number in order for me to reach her when I am in need of help. 试比较下列句子: 1)I want to open the door. 2)I want him to open the door.,6. 除ought to, have to, be to 外,其它助动词,情态动词后面的不定式都不带to. “be+动词不定式”结构含有事先安排好的或预定的计划,预先指出的后果, 劝告,告诫,指示,命令等意味. 1)The delegation is to go to Nangjing tomorrow. 2)The teacher are to return next Monday. 3)The question is to be discussed at the next meeting. 4)Xiao Wang said she was to go to Shanghai on business. 5)You are not to offend anybody. 6)Yor are to find out the truth of the matter. 7)The policeman said that he wasnt to leave the house. 8)You are to be punished if you do that. 9)All work is to be finished within a week 10)What is to be done? (=What are we to do?),7.动词不定式的完成式主要体现它所表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前.但在plan, hope, expect, should(或would) like 等动词之后,则表示没有实现的行为。 1)I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 2)She seemed to have forgotten her promise. 3)He pretended to have read the book. 4)He planned to have gone abroad. (=He planned to go abroad but he didnt.) 5)I hoped to have seen her. (=I hope to see her, but I didnt see her.) 6)I would like to have had your help. (=I wanted to ha
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