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Unit12 I came by plane.,(湘少版)五年级英语下册,教学目标: 会用英语说常用的交通工具 教学重点: 掌握新词汇:plane , bus , car , train , helicopter , bike , motorbike , subway , ship , taxi. 学习句型:How did you come to I came by 教学难点: 使用新学的词汇和句型进行对话。,a bus,a car,a train,a plane,a helicopter,a bike,a motorbike,a ship,a taxi,a subway,on foot,How did you come to the summer camp?,I came by . . .,I came by ship.,I came by bus .,I came by train .,I came by taxi.,I came by plane.,I came on foot.,Guessing Game,How did Anne go to Changsha?,a taxi,a subway,a motorbike,a bus,a car,on foot,a bus,a ship,a train,a plane,a motorbike,a car,a bus,a plane,a taxi,a subway,a ship,a bike,a helicopter,on foot,谢谢指导,
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