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,新视野英语教程 Section C: Writing,Writing,Basic Writing,Practical Writing,Writing Exercises,Subject-Verb Agreement (2),Principles of subject-verb agreement in English writing: 1.非谓语动词作主语,谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。 e.g Smoking is a harmful habit while reading is a beneficial one. 2. 定语从句中的谓语动词关系代词指代的先行词单复数保持一致。 e.g John is the only one of those boys who is willing to help others. Joan is one of those people who go out of their way to be helpful.,Subject-Verb Agreement (2),3.倒装句中,前置的谓语动词应与后面的主语保持一致。 e.g a. Here is a brief history of Christmas and some of the traditions connected with it. b. Parking along the road were some beautiful cars. 4. 由what 引导的名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于谓语动词后表语的形式或从句的内容。 e.g a. What we need are well-trained workers. b. What the nonverbal gestures put across very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message.,Mr. _ Requests the pleasure of_ _s company at _ on _, the _ of_ at _ oclock _ at _ (R.S.V.P.or rsvp),Notes on the Invitation Card,首先是主人的姓名(要用全称)或头衔,request(s) the pleasure (honor of)相当于汉语“恭请”,客人姓名的全称(加s)或用Your(泛指),“company or presence at”相当于汉语的“光临”,星期和日期,钟点,具体地点,如要求复信,请柬下方要标注此符号,意为:请赐复,invitation,Mr. (或头衔)_ Requests the pleasure of (恭请) _(姓名全称) s Company at _(场合) on _(星期), the _ of_(日期) at _ oclock _(钟点) at _(具体地点),A Model of Invitation Card,invitation,The Chairman of Far East Shipping Group Requests The honor of your presence At the opening ceremony On Monday morning, the fifth of March From nine to eleven oclock 2851 Pudong Avenue Shanghai,A Sample Invitation Card,Write a invitation card according to the information given below.,谨定于月日(星期五)晚时在学院文化活动中心举行圣诞晚会 恭请斯密斯先生和夫人光临 张建华,invitation,Mr. ZhangJianhua Requests the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Smiths company at the Christmas party on Friday, the 24th of December at 7 oclock pm at the colleges Cultural Center.,A Sample Invitation Card,上一页,下一页,Useful Sentence Patterns in Invitation Letter Writing,We take pleasures in inviting you to,We hope that you will be able to come to,We take pleasures in inviting you to,We would be very happy if you could come to,Would it be possible for you to join us in? We would be very glad if you could be with us.,to be continued,Useful Sentence Patterns in Invitation Letter Writing,Im writing to invite you to,We would like to know if you could come to We are looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.,Im extending to you our formal invitation to.We hope you will accept our invitation and look forward to seeing you.,上一页,下一页,A Sample Invitation Letter,28August 2005 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, My wife and I are going to have a dancing party to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. We take pleasure in invite you to the party.(场合),to be continued,邀请信虽不如请柬正规,但书写时一定要将邀请的时间,地点和场合写清楚。,The party will be held at Room 402, Golden Flower Hotel, Nanjing Road at 7:00 the next Friday evening. (时间和地点) Please inform us if you could make it. Well be eagerly waiting for your coming. Affectionately, Thomas and Cathy,邀请时间应该包括年,月,日和钟点;邀请地点应写得准确,具体。,谨定于1月18日(星期五)晚7时在建国西路 120号402室举行晚宴。恭请张华先生和夫人光临。 孙志伟,Fill in the following invitation card according to the information given below in Chinese.,Mr. Sun Zhiwei Requests the pleasure of _ s company at _ on_, the _of _ at _oclock _ at _,Invitation,Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Hua,dinner,Friday,18th,January,7:00,pm,suite 402, No. 120 Jianguo Road(W),28 August 2005 Dear Sir/Madam, (1)_ (我们高兴地邀请您出席)the Autumn 05 Clothing Fair, to be held here in Hangzhou at West Lake Building (2) _ (从2005年10月12日到15日),Translate parts of the following invitation letter into English.,We take pleasure in inviting you to,from 12 to 15 October, 2005,A great variety of (3)_ (新设计的样品)(4). you will have a chance to examine a wide range of our export commodities and to conduct on-the-spot negotiation with our manufacturers if you accept this invitation, (5)_ (请告知到 达日期),so that we can make necessary arrangements. Yours faithfully Wangfei General Manager,newly designed samples,will be on exhibition,please inform us of your date of arrival,为了庆祝中国进出口交易会开幕,中国国家 进出口公司定于2005年9月9日晚上7:00- 8:00 在白云宾馆(White Cloud Guest House)举行 招待会。邀请有关人士参加。,Complete the following invitation card in English with the information given below.,On the opening of the Chinese Export Commodities Fair China Furniture Import & Export Corporation Requests_(1) at _ (2) on _ (3) from _ (4),invitation,the honor of your presence,a reception in White Cloud Guest House,the 9th September, 2005,7:00 to 8:00 pm,
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