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QG,英语,英语,英语,英语,决胜高考,专案突破,名师诊断,对点集训,第二部分 能力技巧板块,【诊断平台】,(一),名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(2012石家庄质检),假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Belinda 来信请你在寒假教她学习汉语。请根据以下要点,用英语给她写封回信。,时间:每周二下午3:005:00,地点:李华家书房,内容:1.日常会话;,3.中国节日。,注意:1.词数100左右;,2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;,3.开头已写好;不计入总词数。,Dear Belinda,Glad to hear from you. Id like to tell you what I have planned for your Chinese study.,2.中文歌曲;,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,Best wishes.,Li Hua,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(二),(2012武汉调研),请你根据提示并结合生活中的一个事例,就“包容”这一话题,用英 语写一篇短文。,Theres no denying that forgiveness is a noble quality. With forgive- ness people will live in a harmonious way; with forgiveness, people can,overcome any difficulty; with forgiveness.,注意:1.无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;,2.除诗歌外,文体不限;,3.内容必须结合生活中的一个事例;,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,4.词数120左右。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,下面是一张新闻照片。请描述照片内容,并谈谈你的看法。,注意:1.可参照文章开头所给的提示,作必要的发挥想象;,(三),(2012南京考前模拟),名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,2.词数150左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。,Here is a photo taken in the street. In it, we can see an old man lying on the ground. There were several people standing around and looking at him, but none of them gave him a hand.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,距离高考的时间不多了,但是很多同学还不知如何处理学习、健身,(四),(2012四川南充模拟),名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,和休息与高考备考之间的关系。请根据图中的内容写一篇英语短 文, 谈一谈你对这一问题的建议。,注意:1.词数100左右;,2.题目已为你写好;,3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,How to Get Prepared for,the College Entrance Exams,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,【误区诊断】,1.语篇方面:考生审题不清,要点缺失,次重点遗漏,人称混用,段落层 次不清,时态混乱。,2.句法方面:主谓不一致,语序错位,语态混淆,句子基本结构错误,汉 语式表达,句式单一。,3.词法方面:拼写错误,词性功能概念不清,忽略词的感情色彩,词汇搭,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,配错误。,4.其他方面:字数不够,书写潦草,大小写不分,标点使用错误,卷面不 整洁。,【误区警示】,易错类型一:汉式英语错误,不少考生在英语书面表达时易受汉语习惯影响,所写句子虽然语法 正确,却不符合英语表达习惯,造成不少汉式英语病句。要减少汉式 病句,考生必须做到:1.养成用英语思维进行写作的习惯,注意中西文 化差异所带来的不同表达方式。2.平时多归纳总结,纠正汉式英语。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,3.多收听对外广播、收看英语节目、广泛阅读英文版书籍、报纸 及其他材料。例如:,错误:That factory broke out a fire last Sunday.,正确:A fire broke out in that factory last Sunday.,错误:This building likes a school.,正确:This building looks like a school.,错误:He will able to write articles in English next year.,正确:He will be able to write articles in English next year.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,错误:Recently our village have taken place great changes.,正确:Recently great changes have taken place in our village.,错误:Professor Lee comes from Beijing University will give us a lec- ture tomorrow.,正确:Professor Lee from Beijing University will give us a lecture to- morrow.,易错类型二:句子结构不完整或结构错误,一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分(祈使句除外)。如果把句子 的某一个部分当成一个句子,就会导致句子不完整。两个各含有主,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,语和谓语的分句不能写在一起,也不能只用逗号隔开。例如:,错误:China is no longer what used to be.,正确:China is no longer what it used to be.,错误:You practise more reading, you will improve your reading abil- ity.,正确:If you practise more reading, you will improve your reading abili- ty.,错误:They finished the homework, they went out.,正确:Since / As they finished the homework, they went out.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,错误:China is still a developing country, most people cant afford a car.,正确:China is still a developing country, so most people cant afford a car.,错误:The woman talked to you just now is our English teacher.,正确:The woman who talked to you just now is our English teacher.,错误:I cant imagine what life would be like if have not any TV sets.,正确:I cant imagine what life would be like if we have not any TV sets.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,易错类型三:重复累赘,有些英语单词本身自带某种意思,或由于语法规则不能再出现某个 单词,而考生基本功不够扎实,常常出现累赘现象。例如:,错误:The box is too heavy for the weak boy to carry it.,正确:The box is too heavy for the weak boy to carry.,错误:We hope to improve our work better.,正确:We hope to improve our work.,错误:I seldom go to the Shanghai Library due to the reason it is far away from my home.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,正确:I seldom go to the Shanghai Library because it is far away from my home.,错误:Yous class was interesting.,正确:Your class was interesting.,错误:I returned back the book to you yesterday.,正确:I returned the book to you yesterday.,易错类型四:句子缺乏逻辑性或连贯性,一个句子必须要表达一个完整的、前后语意一致的意思。如果把 不相干的意思放在一个句子里或一个句子表达不完整,就会出现逻,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,辑问题。句子无论长短,在安排上要合乎逻辑,衔接自然,使句内语意 关系明确。而考生在习作过程中常出现指代不明、缺少过渡词语 、非平行结构或语意不完整的分割句等错误。例如:,错误:Being an honest man, Tom worked very hard.,正确:Being an honest man, Tom never tells a lie.,错误:Liu Hua is a kind-hearted girl. She will be successful in any- thing she tries.,正确:As she has a strong will and confidence in herself, Liu Hua may be successful in anything she tries.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,错误:Rose is in love with John, John like Mary.,正确:Rose is in love with John, but John likes Mary.,易错类型五:语法、词法错误,许多考生写作中易犯主谓不一致、词性混用、选词或搭配不当,时 态语态错误、指代不清、语序不当等方面的错误。例如:,错误:In the bedroom there are a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.,正确:In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.,错误:He closed the door and hurries away to class.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,正确:He closed the door and hurried away to class.,错误:60% of the students against the idea of entrance fees.,正确:60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees.,错误:2 days past before his letter arrived.,正确:2 days passed before his letter arrived.,错误:In order to learn English well, I
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