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2011专业八级真题英译汉解析,2012.10.11,2011专八 英译汉,When flying over Nepal, its easy to soar in your imagination and pretend youre tiny-a butterfly - and drifting above one of those three-dimensional topographical maps architects use, the circling contour lines replaced by the terraced rice paddies that surround each high ridge. Nepals a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles of the left window. Out the right window, the view is of three or four high terraced ridges giving sudden way to the plains of India beyond. There were few roads visible below, most transportation in Nepal being by foot along ancient trails that connect and bind the country together. There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination. I was on a flight to the local airport.,2011专八 英译汉,When flying over Nepal, its easy to soar in your imagination and pretend youre tiny-a butterfly - and drifting above one of those three-dimensional topographical maps architects use, the circling contour lines replaced by the terraced rice paddies that surround each high ridge.,Nepals a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles of the left window. Out the right window, the view is of three or four high terraced ridges giving sudden way to the plains of India beyond.,There were few roads visible below, mosttransportation in Nepal being by foot along ancient trails that connect and bind the country together. There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination. I was on a flight to the local airport.,When flying over Nepal, its easy to soar in your imagination and pretend youre tiny-a butterfly - and drifting above one of those three-dimensional topographical maps architects use, the circling contour lines replaced by the terraced rice paddies that surround each high ridge.,当飞机飞越尼泊尔的上空,你的想象力很容易开始翱翔,你很小,就像一只小蝴蝶,飞在一幅三维的建筑地形图上,那些环绕着每个高脊的梯田就像图中环形的等高线。,Soar,drifting,topographical,contour,paddies,Nepals a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles of the left window. Out the right window, the view is of three or four high terraced ridges giving sudden way to the plains of India beyond.,尼泊尔是一个小国,我们的飞机东向平稳飞行,从一万两千英尺的高空向下看,透过左侧的窗户,可以清楚看见下方三十英里处笼罩着雄伟喜马拉雅山的那白色的神奇海市蜃楼。转向右侧的窗口,看到的是三、四级高的层层梯田,可不一会它们就被印度境内的广阔平原所代替了,floating,One,mirage,Sudden,out,There were few roads visible below, most transportation in Nepal being by foot along ancient trails that connect and bind the country together. There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination. I was on a flight to the local airport.,下方清晰可见极少的几条路。在尼泊尔最主要的出行方式是步行,尼泊尔人在纵横连接国家的条条古道上留下了足印。除此以外,这个国家还有空中网络,虽然机场简易且灰多,但对我来说,确是非常地幸运,因为我没花上两个个半星期的时间,通过陆路,艰苦跋涉到达目的地。我当时在去当地机场的飞机上。,Few,trails,两个词是否重复,为什么这样用,意思要全,Hard trip,参考译文:,当飞机飞越尼泊尔的上空,你的想象力很容易开始翱翔,你很小,就像一只小蝴蝶,飞在一幅建筑师做成的三维地形图上,那些环绕着每个高脊的梯田就像图中环形的等高线。 尼泊尔是一个小国,我们的飞机东向平稳飞行,从一万两千英尺的高空向下看,透过左侧的窗户,可以清楚看见下方三十英里处笼罩着雄伟喜马拉雅山的那白色的神奇海市蜃楼。 转向右侧的窗口,看到的是三、四级高的层层梯田,可不一会它们就被印度境内的广阔平原所代替了。 下方清晰可见极少的几条路。在尼泊尔最主要的出行方式是步行,尼泊尔人在纵横连接国家的条条古道上留下了足印。除此以外,这个国家还有空中网络,虽然机场简易且灰多,但对我来说,确是非常地幸运,因为我没花上两个个半星期的时间,通过陆路,艰苦跋涉到达目的地。我当时在去当地机场的飞机上。,飞机正飞过尼泊尔上空,这时你可以天马行空地畅想,想象自己渺小得像一只蝴蝶,飘飞在建筑师用的三维地形图上,但图中不再是一圈圈的等高线,而是一层层披山连谷的稻田。 尼泊尔疆域不大。我们的飞机正在12,000英尺的高空往东飞行。从左侧机窗望去,30英里外的地方,可以清晰地看到挺拔的喜马拉雅山脉的蜃景,茫茫白色,蔚为壮观。 透过右侧机窗,三四座高耸的梯形山脉尽收眼底。紧接着,山脉之外的印度平原跃入眼帘。 俯瞰地面,几条马路依稀可见。尼泊尔境内有许多联通全国各地的古道,沿着古道步行构成了全国主要的交通。国内还有泥土地面的简易机场,这对我来说是个福音,因为如果长途跋涉前往目的地,得花上十天半个月,我没那么多时间。我曾坐飞机去过尼泊尔当地的机场。,飞机飞过尼泊尔上空时,你可以放飞自己的想象,把自己想成一只渺小的蝴蝶,飞在建筑师绘的三维地形图上,但图中不再是一圈圈的等高线,而是一层层环绕着山脊的稻田。 尼泊尔是个小国。我们的飞机正在12,000英尺的高空向东飞行。透过左侧舷窗,30英里外的地方,可以清晰地看到洁白的喜马拉雅山上如梦幻般壮观的景色。 从右侧舷窗望去,三四座层叠的山脊倏忽之间从飞机一侧掠过,把我们带到开阔的印度平原之上。 俯瞰地面,很少能看到马路。尼泊尔的主要交通体系是由境内众多的步行古道构成的,这些古道将全国连成一体。此外尼泊尔还有空中交通网络,虽然是简易的泥地机场,但对我来说却是一件事,因为我没时间花上十天半个月长途跋涉去我的目的地,我(以前)去当地的机场是坐飞机去的。,翻译中涉及到的成语、俗语,重重矛盾 截然不同 频繁穿梭 徒有其表 火烧火燎,成语与翻译 chap5,英语成语,平铺直叙型,比喻典故型,记忆、阅读,文化背景、阅读,汉语成语,剖腹藏珠 汉语:文邹邹、作中国病 古语典故 关键:对等 看场合 1.有对等的找对等 2、无对等的找意思切近的,不可以辞害意 3、归化和异化的选择,四字格,汉语的一个特点: 整齐、对称、双字、四字(现代汉语) 四字格的发音优点 (所以就有重复)语言的平衡 考虑感情色彩、语言特征、人物塑造等,英语成语的运用,英语成语的运用需要大量的积累,但是,有部分关键的连接词,表示句子关系的成语要常常应用。 俗语口语体要关照到文体等信息。,
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