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执教者: 邵莹,Unit 7,Where,Sing a song,a bedroom,in the bedroom,Is it in the bedroom?,a sitting-room,in the sitting-room,a study,in the study,a kitchen,in the kitchen,a dining-room,in the dining-room,a bathroom,in the bathroom,小朋友,学单词,千万千万要牢记 ( )里面做好饭,吃饭要在( ). ( )里面学好习,洗澡要去( ). ( )里面可睡觉,会客要到( ). 快快记住这儿歌,单词学习好容易. bedroom study kitchen diningroom bathroom sittingroom,Say a rhyme,study,Wheres your watch ?,Its in the sitting-room.,Wheres my/your ? Its in/on ,Wheres my pencilbox?,Its on the desk.,Wheres my watch?,Its in the kitchen.,Wheres my radio?,Its in the bathroom.,Wheres your school bag?,Its on the bed.,Its in the bedroom.,Wheres your book?,Its in the sitting-room.,Wheres your coat?,Its in the dining-room.,老师让一个同学看一张卡片,卡片上会显示一个单词,请这个同学通过做动作或用口型,告诉他自己在哪里?但是表演的同学嘴巴不能发出声音,表演的同学可以让你的goodfriend来猜自己在哪里?,lets play a game,Sing a song.,Oh, where? Oh, where? Oh, wheres my pear? Look here, look there. Its on your chair.,Homework: Read the rhyme. Make a dialogue.,Goodbye,
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