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Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips,Words,comic,If I dont have food, I will die. Eddie, please.,Oh, your food looks delicious!,Can I have some?,No! If you eat my food, I wont talk to you.,Sorry, Hobo. If I dont have food, I will die too. If I die, no one will look after you.,comic strips,Do you know them?,Cartoon characters,warning 警告,warn sb. of / about sth. warn sb. not to do sth. warn sb. that ,What do those weather symbols mean?,symbol: sign,A dove is a symbol of peace. A rose is a symbol of love.,think (v. ) - thought -thought 想,认为 think of / about sth. 想起,考虑 thought : idea, something that you think of 想法,-Why dont you try the other key? - Thats a _ ! “你为什么不试试另一把钥匙?” “这倒是个主意!”,Youre very quiet; what are you thinking of? 你很沉默, 在想什么呢?,thought,disappear: vanish消失,appear : that can be seen 出现,A bus appeared around the corner. 一辆公共汽车出现在拐角处。 Smoke appeared on the horizon. 地平线上升起了烟雾。, if two things match , or if one thing matches another, they have the same colour, pattern, or style and therefore look attractive together般配;相配,match使相衬,相配,The doors were painted blue to match the walls. 门漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。,meet ones match 遇到实力相当的对手,棋逢敌手,cut the food separately,分别地,分开地,个别地,副词修饰动词,Together or separately? 合起来付还是分开付?,Wash the clothes separately. 衣服要分开洗。,He looked as if his eyes were going to pop out. 他眼珠好像要跳出来似的。,pop out,Read until your eyes pop out. 读到眼睛弹出来为止。,programme n. stage n. island n. wave n. storm n. life jacket n. basic adj. pleasant adj. role-play v. match v. score v.,程序 阶段 岛屿 海浪 暴风雨 救生衣 基本的 宜人的,令人愉快的 角色扮演 匹配 得分,comic strips pop out decide on = make a decision on video camera play against weather forecast thank goodness make it =succeed in doing,连环画 (眼睛)张大,瞪起 决定 摄像机 与比赛 天气预报 谢天谢地 获得成功,Thank you!,
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