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,Grammar II,Have a party,Is /Are there?,There is no chicken.,There is not any chicken.,There is none.,There are no apples .,There are not any apples.,There are none.,no (形容词)+ 名词 none (代词),There is no water. There are no chairs.,There is none. There are none.,Beijing is the capital of China.,We held a party last week. The party was a lot of fun.,定冠词the的用法,1、指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。 Where is the coat? Its on the bed. 2、特指某人或某物。 The girl under the tree is Millie. 3、指上文提到的人或物。 I bought a book last week. The book is about music.,4、指世界上独一无二的事物。 We can see the moon at night. 5、用于序数词和形容词最高级前。 We live on the eighth floor. She is the best students in our class. 6、用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 the Great Wall, the Palace Museum 7、用于一些习惯用语中。 in the morning, at the same time,冠词,不定冠词(a / an ),定冠词 ( the ),不定冠词 ( a / an )的用法,1、用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一” 的含义。 This is an interesting book. There is a garden behind Jims house. 2、用于固定词组中。 half an hour, a lot of, just a minute, a pair/packet/carton/loaf/ of,辅音音素之前,元音音素之前,不用冠词的情况,1、在专有名词和不可数名词前。 China, Grade Two, milk 2、名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, any等代词作定语时。 This is my book. 3、在星期、月份、季节、节日前。 on Wednesday, in March, in spring, on Teachers Day 4、在三餐和球类运动前。 have breakfast, play football ,A 比较a/an和the的用法 1. I have _ orange. _ orange is on the table. 2. Can you see_ clock in the classroom? Where is _ clock? 3. Can you see _ Jim? Where is Jim? Hes in _ classroom. 4. Whats that under the desk? Its _ pencil-box. 5. Look at _ picture. What can you see in _ picture? I can see _ cat.,B. 在需要的地方填上适当的冠词 1. September 10th is _ Teachers Day. 2. Tom is very interested in _ Chinese. He often read _ book called “RunYu”. 3. Wheres _ bathroom? Its on _ first floor. 4. Sandy is _ American girl. She isnt _ Canadian girl. 5. John enjoys playing _ while I enjoy _music.,1. 冰箱里有一些面包吗? 2. 我猜桌子上什么都没有,对吗? 3. 桌子下面有两篮土豆吗? 4. 家里没有蔬菜也没有盐了。 5.袋子里有多少薯条?一点没有。,Translation,Homework Translate the Chinese into English 1. 桌上有可乐吗?没有,一点都没有。 2你有什么吃的吗?我很饿。 对不起,什么也没有。 3那儿有个大玩具熊。这熊是我的生日 礼物。 4你认识那个穿红裙子的女孩吗? 5你帮了我们很大的忙。我们向你道谢。,6. 吃饭时,我们都用手指,不用叉子。 7. 上周五他们为从澳大利亚来交流的学 生举行了一次英语晚会。 8. 昨晚有很多吃的东西,我们都很快乐。 9. 他对我很友好,并且给了我很大的帮助。,Thank you,
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