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第二课时Section A (3a-4c)【语言知识目标】 1.掌握下列单词和短语:shark,fin,cruel,harmful,chain, ecosystem,industry,law,scientific,afford,reusable,transportation,be harmful to,the food chain,at the top of,take part in,turn off,pay for,take action2.阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息,提高学生们的阅读能力。3.理解并掌握下列句子: If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life.Many believe that sharks can never be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain.So far, no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health, so why eat them?【情感与态度】没有买卖就没有杀戮。【策略与意识】了解濒危动物,学会与动物和平相处。【教学重点】1.掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目的。2.阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。【教学难点】理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。Step 1Warming up1.Have you ever done anything to protect our environment? What have you done?(大脑风暴,打开学生思维,体验目标语言。)2.Now two students are talking about how to protect our environment.Lets do the exercise.(练习巩固)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.Joe:1. you ever (take) part in an environmental project?Ken:Yes, I have.I 2.(help) with a Clean-Up Day last year.It was 3.(consider) the biggest clean-up project this city 4. ever (have).Joe:How many people 5. (take) part?Ken:I 6.(think) more than 1,000 people7.(come) to help out.Joe:Thats fantastic! I guess everyone in this city is 8.(try) to improve the environment.Ken:Yes, we cant afford to 9.(wait)any longer to take action!Answers:1.Have;taken2.helped3.considered4.has;had5.took6.thought7.came8.trying9.wait3.New words(1)Read the new words together.(加强读音训练)(2)Ask some individuals to read the new words.(发现读音问题,正音)(课前朗读可使学生快速进入学习状态,养成良好的学习习惯。)Step 2Leading inShow the students some pictures about sharks and talk about them.(创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣)Step 3ReadingPre-readingWe all think sharks are the strongest in the sea and they are at the top of the food chain.Is this true? Who do you think is at the top of the food chain?Fast-readingWhy do people kill sharks for? (直入文本)Answer: They kill sharks for their fins.Care-readingRead the passage more carefully and complete the chart.Where shark fin soup is popularin southern ChinaNumber of sharks caught and traded every yeararound 70 millionHow much the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the last 20 to 30 years over 90%Two environmental groups against “finning”WildAidand the WWF (设计阅读任务,引导学生逐步掌握文章信息,并训练处理信息的能力。)Get the students to read the sentences aloud.(朗读句子,增强语感,为下一步的课文复述做铺垫。)Post-readingLanguage items1.hear of =hear about听说如:I have heard of him before but I have never seen him.我以前听说过他,但是从没见过他。hear from=receive/ get a letter from收到某人的来信如:Have you heard from your uncle recently?最近你收到过你舅舅的来信吗?2.be harmful to=be bad for对.有害如:Smoking is harmful to health.吸烟有害健康。3.at the top of在最高地位;在顶部如:There stands a tall tree at the top of the mountain.山顶上矗立着一棵大树。4.the number of与a number of辨析(1)a number of.=some意为“一些,若干”,后接可数名词复数或代词,谓语动词用复数形式。如: Many people took part in 10,000-metre race, but only a number of them kept on running to the end.许多人参加了10 000米跑,但只有一些人坚持跑到底。注意: a number of.词组中还可以加入形容词表示数量大或小等(例如:a large/small number of.许多/少数)。(2)the number of.意为“的数字/数目”,介词of同其后名词构成介词短语,修饰the number。当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of the students is about twenty.学生人数大约是20人。(精讲知识点,使学生掌握并能灵活运用。)Get the students to read the passage carefully again and pay attention to the sentences with but/ when/if / because/ so.Do the exercises in 3b.Check the answers.Answers: 1.when 2.so 3.but 4.Although 5.if Get the students to retell the passage according to the information in the chart.(复述课文,为后面的写作做铺垫。)Writing(设计学生使用语言的情景,培养学生综合语言运用能力)Get the students to write a passage about how to protect wild animals.随着经济的发展,人们的生活越来越好,但同时,濒危的动物也与日俱增。如何保护濒危动物成了我们的当务之急。为了猎取它们的肉、皮毛,人们疯狂地捕杀动物。这样做是不对的,因为动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它们,而不是将它们赶尽杀绝。One possible version:With the development of economic, people live a better life now.But at the same time, many of the earths animals have already died out.Nowadays, more and more animals have lost their homes and they have no choice but to face the sorrow of missing relatives and friends.What makes it come about? What makes their living conditions even worse? The answer is humans! Some people cut down plenty of trees to make fortunes, which damaged the forest and made the animals lose their homes.And there are also some greedy people who even hunt for animals to make money, which leads to a terrible resulta number of animals are in danger.Each animal plays an important role in ecological balance.So, lets take action,such as planting trees, building birdhouses and so on,to protect our earth.Step 4SummaryHave the students give a summary.(总结本节课的学习内容,让学生对本节课的学习内容有一个清晰的概念,以便于学生课下复习。)Homework1.Review the useful language items.(及时复习巩固,养成良好的学习习惯。)2.Preview the new words in Section B.(能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。)
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