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编号:49 年级Grade 9科目English任课教师jiangjie授课时间2015.11.19课题来源:学优高考网来源:gkstk.ComUnit 7 Section A 3a-3c 授课类型New一.教材分析3a-3c围绕一首诗歌Mom Knows Best展开。诗歌不仅呈现了新的词汇,再现了本单元要求学习和掌握的shlould be allowed to do sth.的句型,更重要的是,它通过描绘孩子成长过程中与母亲的互动交流,利用细节的刻画引发读者的思考,潜移默化地对青少年进行情感教育,让学生学会理解父母对子女的关爱和教导。二.学情分析学生在七年级下册第十二单元“Dont eat in the classroom”中学过关于规章制度的讨论,在八年级下册第二单元“what should I do?”中学过情态动词should的用法。本单元谈论的是学生非常熟悉又和生活、学习紧密相关的话题家规、校规及其他规章制度,能引起学生的共鸣,激起学习的兴趣。因此,掌握“be (not) allowed to do/ Should (not) be allowed to do”难度不大。可以让学生结合生活实际自由谈论各种规章制度,发表自己的观点,并陈述同意或不同意的理由;还可以根据实际情况对各种家规、校规进行修改,体现“为用而学、在用中学、学了就用”的新课程理念。另外,九年级的学生在英语学习上两极分化严重。因此,应在教学设计上考虑学生的层次性,做到因材施教。三.教学目标知识与技能1.重点单词 tiny cry field hug lift badly talk back awful teen regretpoem2.重点短语stay by ones side , run through the field, make sure, keepfrom, give sb. a hug, go out, talk back, shout back, think back,3.重点句型:I should be allowed to eat some.I should be allowed to watch.I should not to be told what to do.I regret talking back.4.能在具体语境中正确运用被动语态。5.能力目标:让学生学会用英语谈论在家里应遵守哪些规则过程与方法通过描绘孩子成长过程中与母亲的互动交流利用细节的刻画引发读者的思考潜移默化地对青少年进行情感教育让学生学会理解父母对子女的关爱和教导。情感态度与价值观使学生明白在家里被允许做什么,不允许做什么。增强自己遵规守纪的意识。增强交际能力,培养关心他人和礼貌待人的。让学生学会理解父母对子女的关爱和教导四.教学重点来源:学优高考网难点重点来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:gkstk.Com正确运用被动语态shlould be allowed to do sth.难点情态动词的被动语态的运用:情态动词+ be done八.教学过程设计I. DiscussionMake a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list in groups.A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed toB: Yes, I do. I think /No, I dont. I think List:NO 1. Teenagers should be allowed toNO 2.NO 3.II. Reading 1. 3a. Read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner. Pay attention to the new words.When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up.When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice-cream for me.But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!”When I was nine watching scary movies, she said itd give me awful dreams.But I shouted back angrily, “I should be allowed to watch it! Im not a baby!”When I was a teen going out with friends, she said, “Please be back by ten!”But I talked back again “I should not be told what to do! Im seventeen now!”Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times. I coughed for days after eating that ice-cream. And had scary dreams after watching that film. I was late for school from staying out past ten. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best! The title: Mom Knows Best3b. Read the poem again and answer the questions.1. What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child?2. Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old?3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”?4. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?Keys: 1. She always made sure the writer was safe, happy and comfortable and kept him from danger. 2. Because the writer thinks he should be allowed to choose what he wants to do. 3. He felt angry because he thought he should not be told what to do. 4. He feels his mom knows him best. He thinks his mom is the best. He is thankful to his mom. 六.练习及检测题I用所学的句型,写出在家里不允许的事情和可以做的事情:Imallowedto_.Imallowedto_.Imnotallowedto_.Imnotallowedto_Im toild to _ .Im not told to _ .IIRead the poem again and answer the questions.1. What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child?2. Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old?3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”?4. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?七.作业设计I翻译下列短语:1. 呆在我身边 2. 确信,确保 3. 远离 4. 拥抱我 5. 把我举起 6. 回嘴,顶嘴 7. 噩梦 8. 后悔做某事II.单项选择1.LiLeiwillhelpthepoorchildrenofWenchuan._.A.SowillI B.SoIwill C.SodoI2.Imallowedtogooutonschoolnights,ButIhavetobehome_10:oopm.A.on B.by C.at3.Theseyoungtreesshould_.A.lookafterwellB.belookafter C.belookedafterwell4.Heisnotallowed_late.A.stayup B.tostayup
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