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MODULE 7 My school day Part 2: Teaching Resources 第二部分 教学资源 Section 2: Words and Expressions 1. oclock: adv. 点钟 word that shows what hour of the day it is: Can you be here at eight oclock tomorrow morning? 明天早晨八点你能到这儿吗? What time is it? Its six oclock. 现在几点了?六点了。 2. half n. 半;一半 one of two equal parts of something: Its half past ten. 十点半了。 He cut the apple in two halves. 他把苹果切成两半。 This bottle is only half full. 这个瓶子只装了一半东西。 Half of them are boys. 他们中的一半是男孩子。 adj. 一半的 being one of two equal parts: We talked together for only half an hour. 我们在一起只谈了半 小时。 adv. 部分地; 相当地 partly: I half believed he was telling the truth. 我有点相信他讲的是真话。 Its a bad habit to leave ones work half done. 工作做了一半就丢开,是个坏习惯。 3. past adj. 过去的;从前的 of the time that has gone: Summer is past. 夏天过去了。 Henry was a past king of England. 亨利八世是英国过去的一个国王。 The history of the past is a guide for the future. 过去的历史是 将来的指南。 2. 刚过去的; 上一个的 last: He has been ill for the past two weeks. 两周来他一直在生病。 I have been in Harbin for the past two years. 在过去的两年里我一直在哈尔滨。 It is now past midday. 现在 已过中午了。 She is past seventy. 她七十多岁啦。 adv. 他跑过去了。 He ran past. n. U 过去;从前 the time before now; time long ago: We cannot change the past. 我们无法改变过去。 I played tennis in the past, but I dont want to play again. 我过去打过网球,但现在不想再打了。 In the past, people had candles to light their homes. 过去人们家里点蜡烛照明。 2. 往事; 经历 your life before now: She knows nothing of his past. 她不知道他过去的经历。 Tell me about his past. 请告诉我他的过去情况。 She was thinking of the past. 她在回忆往事。 the irrevocable past 不可改变的过去 be handed down from the long past 很久以前留传下来的 recall the past 回忆往事 prep. 1. 晚于;在之后;过 later than; after: The bill is past due. 票据过期了。 Its half past ten. 现在十 点半。 Its past dinner time and Im hungry. 过了开饭时间了,我饿了。 My grandmother is now past ninety. 我祖母已过九十。 2. 从处经过; 走过 by: Our car drove past the monument. 我们的汽车驶过纪念碑。 Marie took an apple as she walked past the tree. 玛丽从苹果树旁走过时摘了一个苹果。 4. art n. 1. 技术;技巧 skill: The pupil tried to learn his masters art. 学生想要学习老师的技术。2. 学术;文艺 certain branches of learning considered as means of intellectual development: His art of healing is remarkable. 他的医术是很高明的。 History is one of the arts. 历史是文科的一种。 3. 艺术 a branch of learning that depends on special practice: Writing composition is an art. 作文是一种艺术。 The clock is a work of art. 这座钟是一件艺术品。 4. 美术 drawing; painting or sculpture: She is fond of fine arts. 她喜爱美术。 5. chemistry n. U 化学 study of gases, liquids, and solids to understand how they are made and what they do: a small 用心 爱心 专心 116 号编辑 chemistry lab of his own 一所他自己的小化学实验室 We study mathematics, chemistry, physics etc. 我们 学数学、化学、物理等 analytical chemistry 分析化学 inorganic chemistry 无机化学 organic chemistry 有机化学 6. history n. 历史;历史学 the record or the study of things which happened in the past: History has seen many events of the like. 历史上记载了许多这类事件。 Our next lesson is history. 下一节是历史课。 History is repeated. 历史重演。 Street names mirror history. 路名反映历史。 ancient history 古代史 authentic history 正史 contemporary history 现代史 human history 人类史 local history 地方史 modern history 近代史 ones personal history 个人履历 a secret history 秘史 the history of letters 文学史 in recorded history 在有文字记载的历史上 the History Museum 历史博物馆 become history 成为历 史 garble history 歪曲历史 7. about adv. 1. 大约;差不多 a little more or less than; nearly: We waited for about twenty minutes. 我们等了差不 多二十分钟。 2. 几乎一样; 近于 almost exactly: Peter is about as tall as John. 彼得几乎和约翰一般高。 3. 在附近某处;不远 somewhere near; not far away: Is the manager about? 经理在(附近)吗? 4. 到 处;各处 here and there; in different ways or places: The children were running about in the rain. 孩子们在 雨中跑来跑去。 He is always leaving his papers about. 他总是把文件到处乱放。 prep. 1. 附近;周围;各处 around; here and there: There were a lot of flowers about the house. 房子周围 有许多花。 Their house is about here on the map. 从地图上看他们房子在这附近。 He planted trees about the house. 他种树于屋子四周。 I dropped the key somewhere about here. 我把钥匙失落在这个地方附近。 We walked about the town. 我们在城里到处走动。 2. 关于; 有关 of, on the subject of: The story is about giants. 这是关于巨人们的故事。 Theyre full of good advice about reading. 那里边尽是关于阅读的金玉良 言。 I read about it in the newspaper. 关于那件事我是在报纸上看到的。 Are you talking about me? 你 们在谈论我么? I want to ask about the train time table. 我要查询一下火车行车时间表。 Whats he so angry about? 他恼怒什么? Her mother was anxious about her. 他母亲挂念她。 3.(时间)近于 a little before or after a time: Come about six p.m 下午六点左右来。 He left there about ten oclock. 他大约在 十点钟离开了那里。 8. start n. 1. 开始; 起点 beginning of a happening, journey, etc: She came late after the start of the meeting. 会议开 始后,她才来。 We must get ready for the start. 我们必须做好开始的准备。 This gave him a good start in life. 这对他的一生是个良好的开端。 2. 让人先跑;有利条件 extra help in a race, etc: How much start did they give you? Not much, only 10 yards. 他们让你先跑几码?不多, 只有十码。 3. 惊动; 惊起 moving suddenly because you are surprised, frightened, etc: Steve sat up with a start when I called him. 斯蒂夫在我喊 他时吃惊地坐了起来。 I awoke with a start. 我惊醒了。 v. 1. 开始; 着手 begin to do something: Classes started in May. 五月份开始上课。 Ive just started
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