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Module 2 My neibourhood Unit 2 Choosing a new flat Module 2 My neibourhood Unit 2 Choosing a new flat P33 应掌握的词汇应掌握的词汇 1.agree v. 同意 I cant agree with you. 我不同意你的看法。 2.matter n. 事情 What is the matter ? 怎么了?/什么事儿 3.untidy adj. 不整洁的 Your bedroom is very untidy. 你的卧室非常的乱。 4.drawer n. 抽屉 There are many toys in the drawer. 抽屉里有许多玩具。 5.shelf n. 架子,书架 There are some books in my shelf. (shelves) 我的书架里有一些书。 6.full adj. 满的 The bottle is full of water. 瓶里装满了水。 7.kitchen n. 厨房 My mother is cooking in the kitchen. 我妈妈正在厨房做饭。 8.bedroom n. 卧室 I have a big bedroom. 我有一个大的卧室。 认知词汇认知词汇 1.balcony n. 阳台 2.cupboard n. 橱柜 3.bathroom n. 浴室 4.estate agency 房产代理处 应掌握的短语应掌握的短语 1.look for 寻找 I am looking for a new flat. 我正在寻找一个新的公寓。 2.put away 把收好 Please put your books away. 请把你的书收好。 3.need sth / to do sth 需要某物/做某事 Animals need a lot of love. 动物需要许多爱。 I need to make a cake. 我需要做一个蛋糕。 4.some more 一些更多的 Please give me some more juice. 请多给我一些果汁。 爱心 用心 专心 - 1 - 应掌握的句型应掌握的句型 1.What is the matter? 怎么啦? 2. I need some more drawers and shelves. 我需要一些更多的抽屉和书架。 3.We need to move to a new flat. 我需要搬到一个新的公寓。 4.Please put your things away tidily. 请把你的东西整齐地收好。 教学过程教学过程 课程导入: 教师提问:What does your mother/father do? Where does she/he work?可以有多个 学生回答,复习前一个单元的部分内容。根据学生的回答,教师继续说:“I have a sister, her job is about the house. If you need, she can help you find a flat. Do you know where she works?”。帮助学生回答:“She works at an estate agency.”由此引入新课。 .授课内容: Task One: 1 教师出示一张 estate agency 的图片并领读单词 2. “If you want to choose a new flat, please go to the estate agency. There you can find many pictures like this”. 出示房屋户型的图片,指着图片上的各个房间问:“What does it mean?”帮助学生一一回答出 bedroom /bathroom /sitting room /kitchen /balcony, 同时领读并让学生以各种形式读这些单词。 3.教师提问,让学生帮助完成老师的句子。 If I want to go to the bed, I can go to the., 引导学生回答(bedroom). If I want to cook rice, I can go to the ., 引导学生回答 (kitchen) .If I want to watch TV, I can go to the ., 引导学生回答 (sitting room) . If I want to take a shower, I can go to the ., 引导学生回答(bathroom). If I want to get sunshine, I can go to the , 引导学生回答 (balcony) . 4 Play a game. 教师在课前将 bedroom /bathroom /sitting room /kitchen /balcony 分别写在小纸 条上,黑板上出示两张户型图,将学生分成两组,各派几名代表到前边按照教 师的指令将纸条贴在正确的位置上,看看哪组做得又快又好。 Task Two: (Page 33 Read ) 1. 教师提问:“At home, do you have your own room?”“大部分学生会回答: “Yes, I do.” 教师继续问:Do you clean your room? 如果学生回答 Yes.教师给予称赞说: “Very good, I think your room is very tidy.”如果学生回答: “No”教师可以说: “You are not a child any longer, you should do some housework. I think your room is untidy.”同时领读单词 untidy. 2. 教师说: “If we dont clean our room, our room is untidy, but sometimes we clean it, it may be untidy. Why?” 学生回答。根据他们的回答教师总结“The room is too small. We have many things. The room is full。”同时领读单词 full, 并学习的用 法, 出示一瓶水告诉学生 The bottle is full, 出示一个装满书的书包,让学生试着 说:The bag is full. 3. 出示书上 33 页 Ben 的图片 爱心 用心 专心 - 2 - 爱心 用心 专心 - 3 - Ask: What do you think of the room? How to make it tidy? 引导学生回答 It is untidy. 和 He must put the things away tidily. 并根据图 上乱七八糟的东西,让学生多练习这个词。如:Put the books away tidily./ Put the coats away tidily 4. 听对话并回答书上问题 “Kitty and Bens room is untidy, what does their mother say? And what shall they do? Please listen to the tape and answer the question on your book”. 学生做过 回答之后,在将这一部分对话进行分角色朗读,教师对学生的朗读应给予鼓励 和称赞。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 Choosing a new flat (P33) estate agency bedroom 1. put your things away tidily. sitting room 2.What is the matter? kitchen 3.need to move to balcony 4.look for bathroom
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