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全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 教学参考 1 典范英语 (9_09)教学参考 Jane Eyre (I) 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架, 帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。 鼓励教师结合学生实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故 事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2. 非语言目标:培养学生高尚的品格和诚挚的感情;引导学生坚持自己的信念和理想;激发学 生对生活的激情、幻想,对幸福、自我价值和尊严、以及更高精神境界坚持不懈的追求。 说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性,一般根据 故事主题进行设计,需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情, 让学生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言。 二、课时安排 典范英语 (9)因难度、长度稍大,要求两周完成一部作品。第一周读完 Chapters 1-19,第 二周读完 Chapters 20-38。每周读完后安排一节实验课。 三、课前任务 本周学生应完成 Chapters 1-19(P4-58) 。要求学生每天朗读 15-20 分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结 合,并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in) 教师提出一个有关简爱的问题,请学生发挥想象力作答: Do you think a woman like Jane Eyre could live happily at that time? 设计问题的目的在于增强学生对故事的兴趣和理解,拓宽学生思维和视野(相关问题可参考英 文教案 Teaching Notes) 。 2. 了解故事背景(Understanding the storys setting) 介绍小说的写作背景和作者的相关信息 (参考英文教案 Teaching Notes) , 可以由教师单独完成, 也可以请学生参考相关资料,课上做简短的 presentation: Jane Eyre is a classic romance novel written by Charlotte Bront. It is Bronts masterpiece and one of the most famous British novels. The story is set in the north of England, sometime in the first half of the nineteenth century. During this time, the choice of school was decided by social class and gender. At that time, there was a great gap between the upper and lower classes. Womens social status had not yet been improved. They did not have the equal rights or opportunities like men did. Charlotte Bront (1816-1855), the daughter of a clergyman in a small mill town in northern England, has long been considered one of the most outstanding and controversial women writers in the literary world of the nineteenth century. Charlotte Bront was actually the heroine of her novel Jane Eyre. In the 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 教学参考 2 story, the description of Lowood School was based on Charlotte and her sisters unhappy experience. 随后,教师可简要概括 Chapters 1-19 的大意,引导学生回到故事情景: Orphan, Jane Eyre, lived with a cruel aunt and spiteful cousins who, after mistreating her, sent her to Lowood School and had her “worldly pride” crushed. Thanks to the caring headmistress, Jane prospered at Lowood and secured a job as governess in Mr Rochesters Thornfield Hall. She gradually felt something for Mr Rochester. But she thought he would marry someone from the upper class. 3. 复述故事情节(Retelling the story) 请学生分组,分板块复述故事。复述时可分成以下板块:Chapters 1-4,Chapters 5-10,Chapters 11-19。教师提出一些关于故事情节的问题启发学生,如: Chapters 1-4: How was Janes life at Gateshead Hall? Was she treated kindly by her relatives? Chapters 5-10: Did people in Lowood believe what Mr Brocklehurst say about Jane? Chapters 11-19: Did Jane make an impression on Mr Rochester when they first met? What did Jane think of Mr Rochester? How did their first meeting make her feel? 引导学生从故事细节中找答案,评价时要客观。 (参见英文教案 Teaching Notes) 4. 朗读故事片段(Reading passages aloud) (1)请学生朗读 Chapter 2(P7-10) ,要求在理解故事的基础上读出感情。引导学生注意积累故 事中感情鲜明、语气强烈的语句和描写人物内心感受的词汇。 (2)朗读结束后,请一两位学生上台,以小简爱的身份坐在 the red room,想象她此时的心理 感受,鼓励其他学生向其提问,如:How do you feel? Why are you treated so badly by your cousins and aunts and the servants? 引导学生深刻理解人物的内心世界。 (参见英文教案 Teaching Notes) 5. 拼读训练(Phonics) 作品中出现了一些具有拼读规律的词,选择难度适中的几组进行听写: cold fold scold hand stand grand bread dread spread seize cheese disease displease lock clock shock name flame blame expect respect correct stile mile seem beam gleam dream scream sip lip slip ship whip rain vain pain plain sprain explain ring fling thing sting bring spring 说明:自然拼读(phonics)能够帮助学生掌握字母及字母组合的发音规律。具有拼读规律的词通常指 读音相同、拼写相同的字母组合(如 row、glow) ,也包括读音相同、拼写不同的字母组合(如 stare、hair) 。 从故事中选择的单词应以符合拼读规律为标准,切勿太难。 6. 作业(Assignment) (1)写作(请学生任选一题完成) 基于课堂活动,描写年幼的 Jane Eyre 在亲戚家的不幸遭遇,试着以第三人称来叙述她 在 red room 的情形。借鉴故事中的词汇和描写手法,写出真情实感。 根据 Chapters 1-19 的内容写一个 summary(故事摘要) 。 (2)读 Chapters 20-38,注意积累生词和好句。
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