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Unit 2 Working the land,基础知识自测,一、单词识记,1._ n.&v. 饥饿,渴望 2._ adj.晒黑的 3._ v.斗争,拼搏,努力 4._ adj.令人不安的 5._ v.详述,扩张 6._ n.自由,自主,hunger,sunburnt,struggle,disturbing,expand,freedom,7._ adv.thus 8._ v. 使迷惑,使为难 9._ n.& v.遗憾,懊悔 10._ v.减少 11.statistic n. _ 12.circulate v. _ 13.battle n. _,战争,战役,therefore,puzzle,regret,reduce,统计,数据,循环,14.equip v. _ 15.occupation n. _ 16.chemical adj. _ 17.bacteria n. _ 18.nutrition n. _ 19.comment n.& v._ 20.root n. _,装备,职业,化学的,细菌,营养,评论;发表评论,根源,词 汇 拓 展,1.regret n.& v.懊悔,惋惜,遗憾 _adj. 后悔的,遗憾的 _adj. 无悔的,没有遗憾的 _搭配 后悔已经做了某事 _搭配遗憾地要去做某事,regret to do sth.,regretful,regretless,regret doing/having done sth, The King always felt _ (regret), for he regretted _ (kill) the man who committed no crime at all. I regret_ (tell) you that my friend is ill.,to tell,regretful,killing,2.comment v.评论;谈论 _n.评论,意见,解释,批评 _搭配 对某事做评论,make a comment on/about sth.或comment on sth.,comment, We were surprised to see that his rudeness passed without _(comment). I wont comment _ what people say.,comment,on,3.equip v. 装备,配备;使有能力 _n.设备 _adj.准备好的,装备好的 _搭配给配备/装备 _搭配使某人能够做某事,equip sb.for sth./to do sth.,equipment,equipped,equip sth.with sth.else, Our school offers good _(equip) and your training here will equip you _ your future job. The room is equipped _ home appliances (家用电器).,with,equipment,for, It was a modern,bright and well _ (equip) hospital. Education and travel have equipped him _ (deal) with all sorts of people.,to deal,equipped,4.confuse v.使困惑;混淆;搞乱 _n.混乱;紊乱;混乱状态 _adj.令人困惑的;使人混乱的 _adj. 感到困惑的;被弄糊涂的 _搭配把混同;辨别不清,confuse A with/and B,confusion,confusing,confused, He was really _(confuse) by the_ (confuse) problem which also confused other people for a long time. When the earthquake occurred everything was in _ .(confuse) Im always confusing John _ Paul.,confused,confusing,confusion,with/and,三、词组互译,1.努力拼搏做某事_ 2.幸亏,由于 _ 3.摆脱,除去 _ 4.宁愿,宁可 _ 5.使某人迷惑 _ 6.后悔做了某事 _,regret doing/having done sth.,struggle to do sth.,thanks to,get rid of/rid. of,would rather,confuse sb,7. 导致,造成 _ 8. 集中注意力于 _ 9. 使免受伤害等 _ 10. 对某事进行评论 _ 11. 对满意 _ 12. 有做某事的自由 _ 13.in the following decade_,在后来的十年里,lead to,focus on,keep. free from.,make a comment on sth.,be satisfied/content with,have the freedom to do sth.,14.according to the statistic_ 15.be rooted in _ 16.be fertile in _ 17.the underlined phrase _ 18.organic farming _,有机农业,数据表明,根源于,盛产,画线的短语,四、词组运用,1.I am so tired that I cant_ (pay full attention to) anything today. 2.A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt _ (make sb. /sth .free from)him.,get rid of,focus on,3.I_ (prefer to) remain poor than get money by dishonest means. 4.You might guess that Dr Yuan,who is now rich and famous,_ (满意) his life.,is satisfied with,would rather,5.The exposure of the diary _ (导致) many officials being caught. 6._ (because of) his strong constitution,Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness.,Thanks to,led to,7.Nowadays women _ (有更多的自由) to do anything they want to do. 8. _(根据) an immigration statistic,the number of illegal immigrants in United States is currently over 22,000,000。,According to,have more freedom,9.Every Day is Valentine Day if you _ your heart _ (使远离) hate and every Day is Valentine Day if you stay away from worries. 10.Art _(源于) life while reflects it.,is rooted in,keep,free from,五、课文填空,Dr.Yuan was born in Beijing in 1930.1 _he graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953,he has devoted 2_ life 3_ finding ways to grow more and more rice. As a young man,he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.,Since,his,to,At that time,hunger was 4_ serious problem in many parts of the country. Dr Yuan searched for a way 5 _ (increase) rice harvests without expanding the area of fields.In 1950,Chinese farmers could only produce fifty million tons of rice.,a,to increase,Last year,6 _,nearly two hundred million tons of rice7_ (produce). These increased harvests
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