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The weather Unit 3 Language in use 学习目标: 1. 复习M10单词,词组 2. 写一封介绍中国的信,PRACTICE1: 1:Read the words of Module 10. 2:Notes:(1). cloudcloudy snowsnowy rainrainy sunsunny windwindy (2).Whats the temperature? Whats the weather like compare towith on the coast of pay for neither of come on ,There are a lot of _. Its cloudy. 2. The weather is snowy and theres a lot of _ in the park. 3. The Sun is shining. Its very _ and hot today. 4. The wind is very strong. Its so _ that its difficult to walk. 5. There was a bad _. The weather is stormy.,Complete the sentences.,clouds,snow,sunny,windy,storm,PRACTICE2: Language practice,It might snow. Its probably sunny and hot there. Bring a map because you may want to travel around.,语法小结 maybe perhaps probably possibly 的区别: 1. maybe“大概,或许“,意思与perhaps很接近,多数地方可以换用,但不及perhaps正式,多用于口语,还可用于礼貌的建议或请求,多用于句首或句末,多用于美国。 2. perhaps“也许,可能,大概“,可与maybe换用,但比maybe正式。perhaps还可用于建议,清求及温和的命令,英国用法。 Perhaps/Maybe Ill go This is perhaps his best novel yet Perhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch(表请求) Youd better go now,perhaps(表命令),3. probably“大概,很可能”,所表示的可能性虽不是完全肯定,但比maybe,perhaps实现的可能性大, 多与动词连用。 4. possibly“可能地,也许,或许”,较probably意味弱,在肯定句表可能性很小,在否定、疑问句中与can,could连用,表示“无沦如何也不”,肯定句中与can,could连用,以加强语气,表示“设法,竭力地”。e.g. John probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything (表可能性很大) Ill do all I possibly can.我将尽我的所能去做。 I cant possibly drink any more 我无论如何不能再喝了。,Do you understand the words may, might, possible, possibly & probably?,possible, possibly, probably 的常用结构: It is possible that It is possible to do sth. S (主语) + will probably / possibly +do sth. probably表示的可能性比possibly要大。,Complete the sentences with probably or may.,It _ be cold and wet in Hong Kong in January. 2. Mary _ go to New England in the autumn. 3.It will _ rain tomorrow , so I will stay at home and read a book. 4. You _need to take a scarf with you. It is cold. 5. It _ rain later , so take an umbrella with you. 6.It will _ be sunny in Haikou tomorrow.,may,probably,may,probably,may,probably,Practice3:Listen and complete the sentences.,Sydney , summer,Sydney , autumn,New York , winter,1. In December , it often _ in New York . 2. My grandparents wear warm clothes because it is very _. 3. The summers are very _. 4. In July, the temperature is often over_ degrees. 5. December is the middle of _ in Sydney. 6.In December, we go to the _ because it is very hot and sunny. 7.In April, May and June, it often _. 8. The Temperature in winter is about _ degrees,Practice4:Work in pairs. Say what you usually do, then say what you might do.,1. this evening 2. at the weekend 3. during the summer holidays,I usually do my homework in the evening, but I might watch a TV programme this evening.,Complete the sentences.,1. Its sunny now, but lets take an umbrella because it may/might rain later. 2. It isnt always warm in February, so it may/might be cold. 3. Its usually hot and sunny so we will probably swim in the sea. 4. Buy a good map because we may/might visit the city.,Work in pairs. Ask and answer., Whats the temperature? Its 20 degrees. Its warm. Whats the weather like? Its warm and wet.,Its a good idea _ an umbrella. 2. The best time _ New York is in October. 3. Its very important _ warm clothes when its freezing.,to bring,to visit,to wear,Practice5:自学检测Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,bring go see swim visit wear,4. Its nice _ in the sea. 5. Its great fun _ on holiday. 6. When its sunny, he _ sunglasses. 7. Wed better go and _ the famous Water Park while we are in Tianjin.,to swim,to go,wears,see,Practice6 :Module task (写作技巧谈:几个WWhat;who;when;where;) Preparing some advice on the best time to visit China. Write a message to a friend who wants to visit China. 1) When might be the best time for your friend to come? Why? 2) What might the weather be like? 3) What should he/she bring? Why? 4) Where might he/she like to stay? 5) What might he/she like to do?,在我们的人生路上,有了您们, 我们的人生才更精彩,衷心感谢您们!,Good Luck with You!,
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