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第 1 页 20172017- -20182018 学年学年南山区南山区第一学期期末第一学期期末教学质量监测教学质量监测 八年级八年级英语英语 第一部分第一部分 选择题(选择题(7575 分)分) I. 听力部分(15 分)略 II. 选择填空。 (20 分) 从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) (选出与音标内容相符的正确句子。 ) ( )16. / hi: st tuk aut sm mn frm bk / A. He just took out some money from the bank. B. He just got out some money from the bank. C. He just brought out some money from the bank. ( )17. / kn a km tu si: ju: wenev(r) a lak / A. Can I come to see you wherever I like? B. Can I come to see you whenever I like? C. Can I come to see you anytime I like? ( )18. / tra tu kt knfdntli i:vn f ju: fi:l n:vs / A. Try to act correctly, even if you feel nervous. B. Try to act comfortably, even if you feel nervous. C. Try to act confidently, even if you feel nervous. ( )19. / :l ti:s :(r) sprazd t ltl bz ntelns / A. All the teachers are surprised at the little boys instructions. B. All the teachers are surprised at the little boys intelligence. C. All the teachers are surprised at the little boys introduction. ( )20. / a trad tu sli:p n detam nd std t nat / A. I tried to sleep during the day and study at night. B. I tried to sleep in the daytime and study at night. C. I tried to sleep during the daytime and study in the night. 第 2 页 (选出可以解释或替代划线部分的最佳选项。 ) ( )21. Canada is a huge country. Yes, it is the second largest country in size in the world. A. very big B. very small C. very heavy ( )22. Did you enjoy yourself in the small town? Not really. Its unbelievable that nobody could speak English there. A. everyone B. no one C. anyone ( )23. Lets go to climb the mountains this Saturday. Perhaps it will rain. Wed better check the weather report first. A. Maybe B. Luckily C. Certainly ( )24. I watched half of the movie yesterday. Today I will finish the rest. Well, can I watch it with you? A. first part B. best part C. remaining part ( )25. When can I come to visit you? Come anytime this week. Ill be free the whole week. A. next time B. at any time C. all the time ( )26. Does the Rocket Club open only on weekdays? No, it also opens on weekends. A. every day in a week B. on Saturday and Sunday C. from Monday to Friday ( )27. What will happen if humans continue to cut down trees. Many animals will lose their homes and they will die out. A. leave for some time B. disappear completely C. show up soon (选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ) ( )28. A _ story is always making people laugh. A. strict B. stupid C. funny ( )29. To _ somebody is to make him or her suffer because he or she has done something wrong. A. capture B. punish C. praise ( )30. I heard that Jack _ Frank to a game of ping-pong. Did he win? No, he lost the game. Frank is really good at ping-pong. A. offered B. challenged C. changed 第 3 页 ( )31. Whats the _ between New York City and your home town? About five hours drive. A. size B. difference C. distance ( )32. You have _ my toy car somewhere again? Aha, youre right. Just try to find it. A. hidden B. stolen C. discovered ( )33. Could you please keep it a _? Sure, I will never tell anybody about it. Trust me! A. fame B. secret C. choice ( )34. What does the restaurant serve? It serves chicken sandwiches. _, it serves many other delicious dishes. A. That is B. In addition C. Whats worse ( )35. The famous star will hold a concert in our city, right? Yes, Im sure he will _ a fantastic show. Lets go to see it together. A. put on B. work as C. turn on III. 完形填空。 (10 分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择可以填 入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满 分 10 分) Liu Dawei never thought that one day he would become a memory master (大师). When he was in primary school, he was good at Maths but _36_ at Chinese and English. “I didnt like _37_ English words or ancient Chinese poems. I couldnt even get the 26 English letters in the right _38_ when I was in the eighth grade,” Liu said. When Liu chose a major (专业) at university, all he wanted to do was to pick something that didnt need _39_ to memorize things. In his first two years, two students at his university were _40_ a title “memory master”. Wang Feng, one of the memory masters, got training in the Memory Club in 2009. So Liu _41_ to join the club too. “There are skills that help people _42_ their ability to memorize. One secret is to _43_ develop the brain,” Liu said. When he used the skills he had learnt to _44_ his English tests, he found he could memorize 1,000 words a day. He later wrote down his _45_ in a book to help others. He has also set up an education institute to teach more people about the secrets of improving memory. ( )36. A. serious B. poor C. talented ( )37. A. understanding B. collecting C. remembering 第 4 页 ( )38. A. order B. way C. place ( )39. A. itself B. himself C. themselves ( )40. A. taken B. made C. given ( )41. A
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