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有效市场(Market Efficiency ),Kendall 的早期分析,经济周期分析中,一些经济变量能够很好地预测经济的上涨与衰退 股价反应了公司的经营业绩,是否存在一些变量预测其涨跌? Maurice Kendall (1953)奇怪地发现,没有! 股价不可预测 股价随机变动:无论前段业绩如何,下一日涨跌的可能性基本一样 缺乏逻辑规则的“动物精神”决定着证券市场吗? 市场不理性吗? 反应了市场有效性,为什么?,有效市场三种类型,市场有效:证券价格精确反映了所有可以获得的信息 弱势有效:证券价格精确反映了过去的市场交易数据所含有的所有信息 例如交易量、过去的价格 技术分析无效 半强有效:价格精确反映了所有的公开可获得的所有信息 过去的价格、公司生产的基本数据、公司管理的质量、财务报表、专利持有、利润预测 基本面分析无效 强势有效:价格精确反映了所有人所知的所有信息 包括公开信息和内部信息 内部信息无效,有效市场三种类型,Weak Form, semi-strong Form and Strong Form of Efficiency,有效市场,“An inefficiency ought to be an exploitable opportunity. If there is nothing investors can properly exploit in a systematic way, time in and time out, then its very hard to say that information is not being properly incorporated into stock prices”. Richard Roll “Financial markets are efficient because they dont allow investors to earn above average returns without taking above average risks”. Burton Malkiel “The efficient markets theory holds that the trading by investors in a free and competitive market drives security prices to their true fundamental values. The market can better assess what a stock or a bond is worth than any individual trader.” Andrei Shleifer,有效市场检验,联合假设问题(Joint Hypothesis problem) 有效市场的检验离不开资产定价模型 任何有效性的检验实际上都是同时检验市场有效性和资产定价模型 给定定价模型,可能发现市场无效的证据 然而,也可解释为市场本身有效,只是使用了错误的定价模型 联合检验中的两难 (dilemma)!,有效市场检验,联合假设问题(Joint Hypothesis problem) “It is a disappointing fact that, because of the joint-hypothesis problem, precise inferences about the degree of market efficiency are likely to remain impossible Rationality is not established by the existing tests and the joint-hypothesis problem likely means that it cannot be established.” Fama,弱式有效检验,弱势有效市场意味着技术分析不能获得超额收益 技术分析是指寻找价格变化规律、预测价格变化模式的方法 使用历史价格移动平均方法、振荡器理论、Elliot波浪理论 投资者情绪指数情绪调查 学术界一般相信EMH意味着技术分析无用,弱式有效检验:经验证据,关于美国股市的经验证据一般认为弱势有效市场成立 有的检验能够否认弱势有效市场,但与交易成本相比,无效的程度相当小 大量的滤波规则、价量规则、移动平均规则以及其他技术分析方法一般不能获取盈利机会 Fama and Blume (1966), Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992). 然而有经验表明技术分析在外汇市场中有效,即外汇市场并未达到弱势有效 Arnott and Pham (1993), Chang (1996).,弱式有效检验:经验证据,Park and Irwin (2004): “Early studies indicated that technical trading strategies were profitable in foreign exchange markets and futures markets, but not in stock markets before the 1980s. Modern studies indicated that technical trading strategies consistently generated economic profits in a variety of speculative markets at least until the early 1990s. Among a total of 92 modern studies, 58 studies found positive results regarding technical trading strategies, while 24 studies obtained negative results. Ten studies indicated mixed results. Despite the positive evidence on the profitability of technical trading strategies, it appears that most empirical studies are subject to various problems in their testing procedures, e.g., data snooping, ex post selection of trading rules or search technologies, and difficulties in estimation of risk and transaction costs.”,弱式有效检验:经验证据,动能组合的月收益,弱式有效检验:经验证据,动能组合收益相关度,半强式有效检验:经验证据,股票平均月收益1926-82,半强式有效检验:经验证据,股票平均月收益1983-98,半强式有效检验:经验证据,价值股与成长股平均月收益,半强式有效检验:经验证据,High Volume Premium,新信息到达与股价变动,有效市场假说认为股价应该反映当前所有能够获得的信息 有趣的经验问题是:股价如何对新信息的到达作出调整? 事件研究方法是检验某一事件对股价影响的常用方法,新信息到达与股价变动,新信息到达与股价变动,盈余公告发布后的累积超额收益(CAR),基金的业绩,股票基金:扣除交易成本后,总体上,积极型基金业绩不如指数(消极型)基金 本期业绩好于股指的积极型基金下期一般未必如此 债券基金:总体上,债券型基金业绩不如消极的固定收益指数 本期业绩好于固定收益指数的债券基金下期一般未必如此,Peter Lynch & Magellan Fund 基金业绩,异常?,The size effect The value effect The short term momentum The long term reversal The new issues puzzle The weekend/holiday effect The January effect,The Bottom Line,有效市场假说是描述金融市场的有用框架 如同其他经济学模型一样,有效市场假说并非现实的完美描述。一些价格几乎确定是“错误的” 然而,利用定价“错误”获得超额收益一般并不可行 问市场是否有效可能并没有意义,更为要的是 市场有效程度如何? 市场如何对新信息作出反应? 存在偏离时,价格如何向基本面回归?,
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