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Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.His parents died in the earthquake,but luckily he s . 2.She did not f the idea of going out in the dark because she was afraid of darkness. 3.We use flowers and balloons to d our classroom on New Years Day.,urvived,ancy,ecorate,4.Illegally parked cars will be r by traffic police. 5.The broken ship s to the bottom of the sea. 6.Rose was (怀疑) about the whole idea. 7.We have found further scientific (证据) for this theory. 8.You can leave a message with (接 待处). ,emoved,ank,doubtful,evidence,reception,9.There was a huge bang as if someone had (引爆) a rocket outside. 10.Discussions are held on an (非正 式的) basis within the department.,exploded,informal,.重点短语再现 1. 调查 2. 属于 3. 搜寻,寻找 4. 作为报答;回报 5. 处于交战状态 6. 拆开 7. 看重;器重 8. 担任,任职 9. 把某物从搬到 10. 关心;在乎,look into,belong to,in search of,in return,at war,take apart,think highly of,serve as,remove sth.fromto,care about,.典型句式运用 1.This gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.这件礼物就是琥珀 屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用 了好几吨琥珀。 which was given this name.为 从句。非限制性定语从句,当先行 词是物时,用 引导,先行词是人时用 引导。非限制性定语从句和它的先行词只有松散 的关系,往往是对先行词作补充说明,通常有逗 号与主句隔开。,考点提炼,非限制性定语,which,who,2.Later,Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人 把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的一个宫殿 中。 该句使用了 结构,其 中过去分词在句中作宾语补足语,表示被动的含 义。 get sth.done可替换have sth.done表达相同的意 思。该结构字面的意思是“ ”,有时 可翻译成“ ”,有时也可能是自己做 某事,有时have还有“遭遇,遭受”之意。,考点提炼,have sth.done,使某事被做,请人做某事,3.This was a time when the two countries were at war.当时正处于两国交战的时期。 This is/was a time when.意为 “ ”。其中when引 导的是定语从句,修饰先行词a time。 4.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for K nigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯 堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。 There is no doubt.为固定句型,意 为“ ”,后面常接about短语或that 引导的 从句。,考点提炼,这是一个的时期/时候,考点提炼,毫无疑问,同位语,o,5.After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.从那以后,琥珀屋发生了什 么成了一个谜。 what happened to the Amber Room是 一个由what引导的 从句,what在从句中充当 语。引导主语从句的词有连词that,whether; 疑问代词who,what,which,whoever;疑问副词 when,where,why,how等。,考点提炼,主语,主,导练互动 重点单词 1.survive Is it enough to have for a long time? (回归课本P1) 观察思考 He survived his sister by five years. 他比他姐姐多活了五年。 It made her very sad that she survived her daughter. 她的女儿先她而去,这让她十分难过。,survived,归纳总结 survive 。 (1)survive sth.在之后仍然生存;从中逃 生 survive sb.(by.)比活得长(几年) survive on sth.靠存活下来 survive from.从存活下来;流传下来 (2)survivor n.生还者 survival n.存活,幸存,vt.比活得长;(经过)活(保存),下来;vi.活下来;幸存;残留,即学即用 (1)战后,汤姆比他的朋友多活了十年。 Tom after the war. (2)有许多奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。 Many strange customs .,survived his friend by 10 years,have survived from,earlier times,2.fancy The design of the room was in the style popular in those days.(回归课本P1) 观察思考 Some singers like to wear fancy clothes. 一些歌手喜欢穿奇装异服。 I cant fancy her doing such a silly thing. 我无法想像她做了这样一件愚蠢的事。 She said she wanted a dog but it was only a passing fancy. 她说想要一条小狗,但这不过是一时心血来潮。,fancy,归纳总结 fancy 。 fancy (ones) doing sth.想像(某人)做某事 fancy sb.(to be).认为某人 fancy sb.as.认为某人是 fancy+that-clause以为 have a fancy for爱好,迷恋 catch/take sb.s fancy合某人的心意;吸引某人 take a fancy to sb./sth.喜欢上,爱上某人/物 fancy dress聚会时所穿的奇装异服 fancy oneself (as sth.)自命不凡,自负,adj.奇特的,异样的;vt.想像;设想;,n.想要;爱好,即学即用 (1)今晚你想不想出去? Do you this evening? (2)她自以为是个严肃的演员。 She a serious actress.,fancy going out,fancied herself (as/to be),3.design It was for the palace of Frederick . (回归课本P1) 观察思考 The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. 这种汽车的基本设计与早期的样式非常相似。 The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。 These coursebooks are designed for intermediate students. 这些教科书是为中级水平的学生编写的。,designed,归纳总结 design n.设计工艺;设计布局;意图; 。 (1)by design(=on purpose)有意,故意 have designs on/upon sth.(money/life)图谋 (钱、生命)等,vt.设计,,计划;目的是;打算给,(2),be designed for sb./sth. be designed to do sth. be designed as sth.,为某目的或,用途而制造或计划,即学即用 (1)从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。 The magazine will appear from next month. (2)这方法是专为小组活动设计的。 The method is use in small groups.,in a new design,specifically designed for,4.prove A fact is anything that can be . (回归课本P5) 观察思考 Can you prove your theory to us? 你能向我们证明你的理论吗? He proved himself wise and brave. 他证明自己机智勇敢。 Can you prove where you were on May 10th? 你能证实五月十日你在什么地方吗?,proved,归纳总结 prove 。 (1)vt. (2)link-v.,vt.证明;证实;link-v.证明是;结果是,prove+,n./pron. sth.to sb.向某人证实 n./pron.+(to be)+n./adj. that-clause,prove+,(to be)+n./adj. prep.短语/adv.,即学即用 (1)困难在于他怎样向其他科学家证实他的想法。 The difficulty was how he could other scientists. (2)结果证明这药疗效令人满意。 The medicine .,prove his,ideas to,proved (to be) satisfactory,重点短语与句型 5.belong to However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William , w
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