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Module 1 单元测试题听力部分(共20分) I. 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。(5分)II. 听句子,根据句子内容,选择最佳答语。(5分)( )6. A. Thank you. B. Very well. C. I agree with you.( )7. A. Its Monday. B. Its May the tenth. C. Its time for school.( )8. A. She does morning exercises.B. She is an engineer. C. She cooks very well.( )9. A. Either. B. Each. C. Both.( )10. A. A week ago.B. For about one week. C. The day before yesterday. III. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )11. A. 7 years ago. B. 6 years ago. C. 6 years old.( )12. A. Its hard to spell. B. Its hard to write. C. Its easy to learn.( )13. A. She spoke English as much as possible.B. She read English as much as possible. C. She wrote English as much as possible.( )14. A. He understood everything.B. He couldnt understand anything. C. He only could understand something.( )15. A. By drawing pictures.B. By remembering key sentences. C. By remembering the first letter of each sentence. . 听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。 (5分)The (16)_ of learning a foreign languageThe (17)_ thingYou really want to learn the language.SecondBelieve that you can (18)_.Third(19)_.LastDevelop (20)_ for the language.基础训练 (25分) I. 词汇 (每小题1分,共10分) A) 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。21. I have to write a c_ about our school field trip.22. The girl b_ my mother is my sister.23. Lying at the t_ of the mountain, youll feel very comfortable.24. My Dad is 1.8 metres in h_.25. The baby cant walk well, so he often falls to the g_.B) 根据句意和所给汉语意思拼写单词。26. I heard a strange sound and opened my eyes. A little monkey _ (出现) in front of me.27. Have you heard of a _ (自然的) wonder?28. In the last years, few _ (陌生人) have come to the small village.29. These days we have many _ (会议).30. After the clouds _ (散开) and the sun will come out. II. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( )31. Ill do some _ about my favourite bands and movies. I think many students will enjoy the articles.A. interview B. homework C. reviews D. diaries ( )32. Walk _ the path. At the end of it youll see the hotel.A. throughB. along C. across D. past( )33. I have to choose another program, because this one is _ hard for me to do.A. very B. much C. tooD. many( )34. When does the sky become _ in spring? At about 5:30 am.A. light B. dark C. blueD. red( )35. _ the rocks, and you can see nothing in the valley.A. Look at B. Look across C. Look down D. Look over( )36. The girl was very angry and her voice _ higher and higher.A. risesB. rose C. would riseD. had risen( )37. _ is your holiday? About 3 weeks.A. How far B. How long C. How old D. How wide( )38. Ive asked the teacher if we can have a break ten minutes later. How _ he _?A. will; ask B. will; reply C. did; ask D. did; reply( )39. Lets walk around the square. There you can see the _ buildings in the city.A. taller B. tallest C. deeperD. deepest( )40. Dont walk _ the rocks. You may fall down.A. on the edge of B. at the bottom ofC. at the top of D. in the middle of( )41. Well have a new English teacher. _ Who is it?A. Listen up, please. B. Thats news to me! C. Whats it about? D. Thats a fantastic idea.( )42. In the past, _ had to do most things as the teachers said, even though they thought some of the things were wrong.A. pupils B. singers C. movie stars D. assistants( )43. Lets invite some writers to give them some talks. OK. We should ask Mr White, Mrs Adams, and Mr Lane. Anyone _?A. othersB. else C. another D. other( )44. The girl wants to pick an apple on the tree. But she cant _ it.A. pickB. take C. reachD. buy( )45. I asked the girl if she _ the book. She said no.A. reads B. has read C. will read D. had read提高发展 (45分) III. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共15分) Last month we had a trip to Queenstown. I loved the place 46 we got there. It was like a 47 natural adventure playground. The first thing that 48 me was the scenery. The mountains, lakes and hills there were amazing! 49 it was in the spring, Queenstown was still living in the ski season. We could only spend a few days there, but that was certainly 50 time to explore the place. Many of the Lord of the Rings scenes were shot around this area. We 51 some locations of the film. One of the locations was in a small village 52 Arrowtown. It is just 53 Queenstown. Arrowtown
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