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国际市场营销学考试题型1. 名词解释5个2. 简答题5个3. 案例分析1个4. 论述题1个。事件营销1、 国际市场营销定义:是一门研究企业如何向一国以上的消费者或用户提供商品和劳务,以获得全球利益最大化的学科。 Definition: It is a subject to study how to supply commodities and services to the consumers in more and more nations in order to obtain global profits in maximization.2、 国际市场营销的途径 The Channels of International Marketing(1) 被动的出口 passive export(2) 积极的的出口 active export(3) 授权国外生产 authorized production abroad(4) 在海外建立营销机构 marketing branches abroad(5) 海外生产海外营销 producing & marketing abroad3、国际营销与国际贸易 教材 Page 22International Marketing and International Trade1. 行为主体的差异性 principles different 2. 产品转移的差异性 products transfer different 3. 活动内容的差异性 activities different4、国际营销人员必须具备的素质有哪些(1)高涨的工作热情和足够的自信心(2)外向型的性格(3)较强的信息交流能力(4)对自己所经销的产品或服务的有关知识有透彻的了解(5)高层次的社会工作能力(6)自我约束力和自我激发力(7)乐于为顾客服务,因为市场营销工作常常是在别人监督的情况下进行的,而且有些工作也是监督的(8)精力充沛,具体体力和脑力上的耐久力(9)能够注意服务潜在顾客的需要、愿望和和需求(10)精通或熟悉一门以上的外国语言,这是从事国际市场营销活动必不可少的工具(11)善于计划和实施销售任务,尤其要善于安排时间(12)对国际政治经济环境形势十分关注5、国际市场营销的环境人口环境、经济环境、自然环境、政治环境、法律环境、文化环境6、一个国家经济结构有哪几种形式?How many forms are there in a nations economic structure?(1)原始农业经济 simple agriculture economy(2)原料输出经济 raw material-output economy(3)工业化进程中经济 industrializing economy(4)工业化经济 industrialized economyQuestion:1. 日本的自然环境因素怎样?How is the natural environment of Japan?日本是一个四面环海,境内多山,处于地震带的一个岛国。多火山地震发生。Japan is a country with sea around, and there are many mountains in the island. It is an island country in seismic zone and always has volcanic and earthquake.2. 根据日本的自然环境因素情况,哪些产品适合在日本营销?Which products are suitable for marketing in Japan according to its natural environment? 鱼类加工产品、捕鱼工具、船、救生工具、防毒面具、板房等产品适合在日本营销。Fish processing products, fishing tools, boats, life saving, gas masks, houses ect can marketing in Japan.7、产品策略的意义一个国际营销企业能否在国际市场上生存和发展,取决于它的产品在国际市场上是否能符合消费者的需要。所以不断更新和改进产品,以满足国际市场不断变化的需求,是营销工作不可缺少的重要环节。Importance of product strategies:Whether an international enterprise can survive and develop in the international markets or not, it depends on the satisfaction level of consumers to the products and services from international markets . So updating and improving the products continuously to meet the changing demands of international markets is the first necessary step for international marketing.8、国际产品的整体概念Global Concept of International Product包含3个层次:核心产品、形式产品、附加产品。Including 3 levels: core product,、formal product and appendix product. Page: 2019、国际产品标准化、差异化Standardization and variety of International Product产品标准化:用同一产品去满足不同国际市场的需要,便于大规模机械化生产,成本低。Product standardization: by using one unified product to meet the demands from different international markets. It is convenient for large scale and mechanical production, and the cost is lower.产品差异化:用不同类型产品去满足不同国际市场的需要,更具针对性,但不便于大规模生产,成本高。Product variety: by using different series of product to meet the demands from different international markets. It is with more pertinence, but inconvenient for large scale production, and the cost is higher.10、国际产品的调整与适应策略Adjustment and Adaptation Strategies for International Product(1)直接延伸 Direct Extension(2)适应策略 Adaptation Strategies11、国际市场产品生命周期Products Life Cycle in International Markets(1)定义:产品从投入市场到最终退出市场的全过程称为产品生命周期,该过程一般经历产品的导入期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期四个阶段。 Definition: The whole process of products from getting in the markets to getting out the markets. It includes four stages of leading-in, growing up, maturation and decline.(2)产品生命周期各阶段的营销策略Marketing Strategies in different stages of Products Life Cycle1. Marketing strategies in Leading-in Stages P211(2) Fast Skimming 快速撇脂策略 (3) Slowly Skimming 缓慢撇脂策略(4) Fast Penetrating 快速渗透策略(5) Slowly Penetrating 缓慢渗透策略2. Marketing strategies in Growing up Stages P212(1) Improving Quality 改进产品质量(2) Enlarging Scale & lowering Price扩大规模降价(3) Establishing Brand 树立品牌形象3. Marketing strategies in Maturation Stages P213(1) Market Improving 市场改良(2) Product Improving 产品改良(3) Marketing Combination Improving营销组合改良4. Marketing strategies in Decline Stages P213(1) Maintaining 继续维持(2) Shrinking 收缩榨取(3) Abandoning 放弃撤离12、国际新产品开发策略意义Development Strategies for International New Product意义 SignificanceSince consumers requirements from international markets are different and changing continuously, and also products have their lifecycles and finally out, we have to create and develop new products into the markets for our survivals & developments.14、国际品牌策略International Brand Strategies P222225 现实中常用品牌策略Often used brand strategies in reality for international marketing activities. (1)统一品牌:所有产品使用同一个品牌。Unified brand: single brand for all different products.(2)品牌延伸:一个品牌从一个产品或服务延伸到其他产品或服务。Brand Extension: one brand extends from one product or service to other products or services.(3) OEM (原厂代工,贴牌生产):原始设备制造商生产产品的品牌的所有者。Original Equipment Manufactures :Produce products for the brands owners.(4)多品牌策略:企业决定同时经营两种或两种以上相互竞争的品牌。multi-brands Stra
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