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1,利用评分标准,写好四六级作文,2分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 5分 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 8 分 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相多,其中有一些是严重错误。 11 分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14 分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 (注:字数不足应酌情扣分。),2,存在的主要问题,不切题,或部分不切题; 连贯性较差; 句子层次错误多;严重语言错误; 表达思想不清楚; 表达不准确或不地道;缺乏精彩的句子、缺乏变换(句式变换、词语变换);内容空洞。,3,“一致性” unity,是指写的句子、段落或文章所表达的思想是一个完整的一个统一体。句子里的词语,段落里的句子,甚至文章里的段落应紧密地围绕主题。 (1) 将写作中与中心无关的内容删去 Eg: The parking space of our university, which is one of the most beautiful in our city, has become completely inadequate, and recently the board of directors voted to increase the school budget for the construction of a new parking lot. Eg: On the other hand, the young usually dont like being controlled by the old routine. They look for personality and freedom. Of course, there is family problem, such as the parent like boys and hate girls, etc.,4,一致性” unity,1.There are many reasons to cause the Generation Gap, especially the age and the viewport. The west and the east are different. Because they havent the same besic of scieuty and think in different ways. 2. On one hand, the parent always treat us as a child. They are on the top of the family. On the other hand, the young people think they are no longer a boy.,5,一致性” unity,(2) 对结构过于松散,未能明确表达中心思想的句子应加以改写。 I worry about whether I will get a job, and I am convinced that new chances will appear maybe at the end of this month.,修改:I worry about whether I will get a job, although I am convinced that new chances will appear maybe at the end of this month. 并列句主从复合句 I worry about whether I will get a job. although I am convinced that new chances will appear maybe at the end of this month. I still cant help being anxious. 将原句中的第二分句改写为主从复合句,使其中心思想明白无误的表达出来。,6,一致性” unity,E.g. I got up early. Mom told me that there was always traffic jam and our car was a little bit too old and we need to buy a new one.,不够一致:第一句句子的意思不完整,看不出事情发生的时间。第二句表达的意思不一致,没有说明其中两个分句的关系,与第一各个句子没有联系。,修改:I got up early Monday morning. Mom told me that was always heavy traffic, and as our car was a little bit old and couldnt run fast, wed better start earlier.,7,一致性” unity,例:Some people think it is because the child didnt want to talk with his parents. But I do not think so. Some times, we chat with our parents, and tell them our thought if they didnt agree with us, they would agrue with us and let us admit mind of them. So the Generation Gap is produced. 改: Some people think it is because the child didnt want to talk with his parents. But I do not think so. Some times, we may still chat with our parents, and tell them our thought. However, when they do not agree with us, they would not argue with us, but just make us accept their opinions. In this way the Generation Gap is produced.,8,“连贯性” coherence,要实现写作的有效性,除了注意“一致”,还要强调“连贯”。 连贯就是指写作的各个成分( 词语、句子、段落 ) 之间需要有符合逻辑的有机联系,从而使表达的思路清晰,方便交际的对方能得要领。“一致”要求写作的各个成分都要围绕何服务中心思想;“连贯”则要求写作的各个成分要形成有机的横向联系。也可以说,“连贯”就是指写作的各个成分( 除了最后一个成分)要为下一个成分作铺垫,而每个成分(除了第一个成分)又是前一个成分的延续。 造成“不连贯”的原因很多,下面叙述几个主要的原因,并加上例句佐证。,9,“连贯性” coherence,(1) 结构混淆。 不同的结构混杂在一起,会使读者摸不着头脑,来不及调整,跟不上作者的思路。 (误)Whereas parents insist on restraining their childrens independence, they encourage rebellion. (正)When parents insist on restraining their childrens independence, they encourage rebellion. (误)All the players jumped from the bench and the referee made an unfair announcement of the results. (正)The referee made an unfair announcement of the results and (so) all the players jumped from the bench.,10,“连贯性” coherence,1.For example, when fathers is young, there is less food to eat, so they think their sons should make uses of their good envirement and should be good at study. 改:For example, when fathers are young, there is even not enough food to eat, let alone other material supply for life and study, so they think their kids should make full use of the present good conditions and be good at study. 2.They learn more new things than the old men. Some of these things are hated by the old men. 改:They can learn more new ideas than their elders do, some of which may be condemned by their elders. 怎样加强连贯性,11,“连贯性” coherence,(2) 代词的不当使用造成指代模糊。 英语中代词使用的频率大大高于中文。但是,使用中同一人称的代词指代一个以上的名词,就会使读者感到莫名其妙。此外,也应该避免不必要的人称代词转移。 (误)Everybody today wants psychological advice so that they will tell them what to do. (正)Everybody today wants psychological advice from a counselor who will tell him or her what to do,12,“连贯性” coherence,(误)Now, there are too many generation gap between parents and their sons and daughters. Each of them thinks he is right, others are wrong. 正:Each side think they are right and the other are wrong. (误)We may be say that I have generation gap with my father, But do you know what causes of G.p between you and your father. 正:You may say you have generation gap with your father.,13,“连贯性” coherence,(3) 未能正确使用对等结构(parallelism) 正确使用对等结构既能增强“连贯”,又能简洁明了地表达思想。 (误)Walking a beat, riding patrol car, and the work of an undercover agent are all dangerous aspects of police work. (正)Walking a b
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