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金丽衢十二校联考,听力精听部分,Text 1 W: Ok, your _ comes to 8.70 dollars. M: Can you _ a fifty? Im afraid I dont have anything _. W: No problem. 42.30 is your _. Text 2 M: We _ have a _ day, _ we? W. Yeah. There _ a cloud in the sky. But I heard itll _ all weekend. Text 4 W: Hows your football team going, Bill? M: Well, our goalkeepers got the _ or something. He always _ the ball. The only thing he can _ is a _.,Text 1 W: Ok, your _ comes to 8.70 dollars. M: Can you _ a fifty? Im afraid I dont have anything _. W: No problem. 42.30 is your _. Text 2 M: We _ have a _ day, _ we? W. Yeah. There _ a cloud in the sky. But I heard itll _ all weekend. Text 4 W: Hows your football team going, Bill? M: Well, our goalkeepers got the _ or something. He always _ the ball. The only thing he can _ is a _.,total,break,smaller,change,couldnt,better,could,isnt,rain,flu,drops,catch,cold,Text 7 M: Can I help you, madam? W: I think M: Is that all? W: Yes. _, so I want a low-fat diet. My doctor said that _ and I have to change my lifestyle and lose at least 30 pounds _. M: Do you plan not to eat anything but vegetable salad? M: No. _, but most M: Then probably _.,Im overweight,my heart suffers a lot from my weight,to keep it working properly,I can eat fruit and some beef,you wont try the delicious seafood served here,Text 8 M: Lucy, how can you eat so much chocolate and _? W: Simple. _. M: Really? I want to, too, but I dont know _ since we dont have PE lessons. W: Thats true, but _ _. M: I guess so. Well, I really like basketball. W: We can go along together. _.,still stay slim and fit,I exercise a lot,what sports to do,there are so many sports teams,and sports clubs you can join,The basketball club meets every Tuesday evening,M: I like to exercise _. I dont like to _. W: _. M: Oh, that sounds good. What equipment do they have? W: There are all kinds of machines, like the running machine and exercise bikes. M: _ W: OK.,when I want,follow a schedule all the time,Then you could join the gym,Sounds great. Lets go!,Text 9 M: Oh, come in. Take a seat. Im the Career Officer. Youre Catherine Smith, arent you? W: Yes. M: OK, Catherine. _? W: Well, I like playing tennis and swimming. And I like talking to people. But I suppose you mean real interests -things _? M: No. Im more interested in _. You like talking to people, dont you? Do you think you would enjoy teaching? W: No, _.,What do you enjoy doing,that would help me to get a job,what you really want to do,I was never very interested in school work,M: What about nursing? W: Nursing? In a hospital? Im not sure if Im good enough. M: Yes, you are. Youve got _. I think you could be a good nurse. But it is hard work, of course. W: That doesnt worry me. M: Well, _. Heres some information about one or two other things _. Have a look through it _.,a medical degree,dont decide at once,which might suit you,before you make up your mind,Text 10 M: Hi there everyone. I hope Ron _ _. Just in case youre not sure, Ill give you details about the trip today and about what youll be doing tomorrow. _ this journey should take about 6 hours, so _ in Newcastle _. Therell be dinner as soon as we get there. _. There are two people to a tent, and please make sure you get the right one! Erm, _ so dont worry.,you covered everything at the meeting at lunchtime,well be,at 8 0clock this evening,Depending on traffic,The camp manager normally makes us excellent food,the camp managers got a list of which tent you will be in,Tomorrow _ at 7: 30 for breakfast._ _. Well need at least 3 hours work to get things ready. The festival opens at 1 in the afternoon, and youll get a chance to go and see some of the bands play- _. Anyway, I hope we can have a good trip, and Im sure the festival is going to be wonderful.,you have to be up and out,Youll start to prepare for the music festival,please let me know when you want,at 10: 00 a m.,your 2 hours off,完形填空,My wife and I separated in December. As you might expect, I had a very 36 December. My therapist(心理治疗师) gave
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