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Unit 3 Art and architecture,Language points,Useful expressions 一Warming-up prefer sth. 喜欢某物,爱好某物 prefer sth.to sth喜欢胜过 prefer to do sth.= prefer doing sth. 喜欢干某事 prefer to dorather than do. 喜欢干胜过干 =prefer doing sth to doing sth.,prefer sb to do sth. 想某人干 would prefer that clause(主语+were /did)(从句用虚拟语气)想某人干 have a preference for sth 爱好某物,喜爱某物,design sth for sb/ sth. 为某人/ 某物设计 design sth to do sth 为干设计 a piece of furniture 一件家具 have a taste for sth. 爱好某物 have a taste in sth 对某物有鉴赏力,be convenient to /for sb. 对某人很方便 It is convenient for sb to do sth. 对某人干某事很方便 live close to sw 住在靠近的地方 stand close to sth. 靠近站 would rather do sth 愿意干 get excited about sth. 对感到兴奋,二Reading all the same 都一样,仍然 have personal style 有个人风格 cant stand sth/ ones doing sth. 不能容忍某事/某人干某事 take examples from nature 效仿自然 have sth done 让某物被,使遭受,in different styles 以不同的风格 go against sth 违反,违背 want sth. constructed 想建成 be under construction 在建设中 look unnatural 看上去不合乎自然,impress sth on sb.=impress sb.with sth. 使某人铭记某事 act as sth 充当 in the choice of sth 在选择方面 in nature 在自然界中,despite the fact that clause 尽管的事实 despite sth=in spite of sth 尽管 find oneself inspired by sth 发现自己从中得到灵感 seen/ viewed from the top 从上面看 look as if +clause 看起来象,look as if +clause 看起来象 fill up sth with sth. 用装满 be filled with sth 充满 keep sb informed of sth 随时让某人了解某事 succeed in sth/doing sth. 在成功 / 成功干 pull sth down 拆掉,三Intergating skill stand empty without use 空置不用 with ones help 在的帮助下 be decorated with sth. 被用装饰 remind sb of sth. 使某人想起某事 set sb/ sth aside 搁置/把放在一边 bring sth together 把汇集在一起 be changed into sth. 被变成,be good for sb 对某人有好处 far from sw. 远离 句子,so that +句子 ,因此/以至 turn sth. into sth. 把变成 give new uses to sth. 赋予新用途 save sth/sb. from 把从中挽救 glance at sb. 看一下/扫视,If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? If引导的非真实条件句 我要是你的话,我会立即给他打电话。 假如我身上带了钱的话,我就会借给他。 你要是早来一点的话,你就见到他了。 下个月我要是有时间的话,我就去休假。 If I were you, I would ring her up right now. If I had any money with me, I could lend him. If you had come a little earlier, you would have met him. If I had time next month, I would have a holiday.,6. So I felt nervous and uncertain at first.,be nervous about (doing) sth. be nervous of (doing) sth.,对做某事心中忐忑不安,为担心 害怕做某事,We are nervous about his physical condition. I was nervous of that job.,1.free空闲的,自由的,Be free to do sth.=do sth freely随意地或自由地做某事 In ones free time=in ones spare time在某人的空闲时间 Setfree 释放 Free medical care 公费医疗 For free 免费地 Free of charge 免费地 Free from不受影响的 Free of 摆脱了,1.free空闲的,自由的,E.g. 每个人都可以畅所欲言. Everyone is free to express himself. 他同意无偿的演唱. He agreed to sing for free. 我们多么希望不受噪音的影响. How we wished to be free from noises!,2.Design v. 设计,构思,计划,谋划,Design building/ to build a house打算建房子 A hopeless design毫无希望的计划 A beautiful design美丽的图案 By design故意地,蓄意地 谁设计的悉尼歌剧院. Who designed the Sydney Opera House?,3.furniture-n 家具,A piece of furniture 一件家具 Furnishv 陈设,供应 Furnish ones house 布置某人的房间,4.tasten 爱好,嗜好,鉴赏力,味道 v.品尝 Link-v.尝起来味道如何,An attractive taste 诱人的味道 To ones taste 适合每人的口味,中意 In good taste 雅致, (行为)高尚 Have a taste for 有爱好 Taste snake 尝蛇肉,4.tasten 爱好,嗜好,鉴赏力,味道 v.品尝 Link-v.尝起来味道如何,这菜吃起来味道不错. The dish tastes nice. 这食品的味道很诱人. The food has an attractive taste. 她对水彩画很有鉴赏力. She shows good taste in water-colors. 类似系动词: smell, sound, feel, look.,5. Would rather宁愿,Would rather ( not ) do sth.宁愿(不)做某事 Would rather ( not ) have done sth.宁愿(没)做过某事 Would rather do sth than do sth.宁愿做也不愿做 Would do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做也不愿做 Prefer to dorather than do.喜欢做而不愿做,5. Would rather宁愿,我宁可一个人去那里. I Would rather go there alone. 我宁愿我没说过那话. I Would rather not have said that. 我宁愿死也不愿投降. I Would rather die than give in. =I would die rather than give in.,6.missv.思念,错过,未击中,未得到,免于,Miss sb. terribly 非常想念某人 他没接到球. He missed the ball. 险些遇难 Miss being killed 险些掉到河里. Miss falling into the river 我没赶上影片的开头部分. I missed the first part of the film. 我不明白你怎么会迷路. I wonder how you came to miss your way.,7.stand忍受,经受,承当,忍耐情况如何或处于某种状态.,倒立/站着 Stand ones head/feet 立正/稍息 Stand at attention/ease 代表,表示,主张 Stand for 我忍受不了那个人,他说话太多. I cant stand that man; he talks too much. 他忍受不了受那样的对待. He cant stand being treated like that.,ReadingModern architecture 1.have sth./sb. done,(1).请/让/叫(别人为自己做某事) 我请人修好了水龙头. I had my tap repaired. (2). 遭遇某种(不幸的)事情 她的房屋在风暴中遭到了破坏. She had her house damaged in the storm. (3).使完成某事 她告诉我,她的房屋修好了. She told me she had had her house repaired.,1.have sth./sb. done,Have + O + do 让某人做某事 林老师让我们写一篇作文. Miss Lin had us write a composition. Have + O + doing 使某人一直做某事. Have + O + doing (用于否定句) (不能)容忍某人做某事 我会让你在那里站一个小时. Ill have you standing there for an hour. 我不允许你对老师那样说话. I wont have you saying that to your teacher. Have + O +to do 有要做. 今天他有好多事情要做. He has a lot of work to do.,8.Find oneself发现自己(处于某种状态),不自觉地.,Find oneself +adj/v-ing/p.p/介词短语 EG. 发现自己对某事感兴趣. Find oneself interested in sth. 发现自己向学校方向走着. Find oneself walking in the direction of the
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