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Educational psychology,赵玉芳,Chapter One,Becoming an Expert Teacher Becoming an Expert Student,The teacher.,What does it mean to be an expert teacher? What are the ingredients(factors) a person needs to maximize the likelihood of becoming an expert teacher? What is the best way to gain teaching expertise?,The student,What does it mean to be an expert student? How can you be an expert student today, as you read this and other textbooks and prepare for classes? What is involved in becoming an expert student, and how can you help every student you teach become an expert learner?,The Triarchic Approach,Throughout this book a triarchic approach will be used to help learn and appreciate the material.,一、what is an expert teacher,You may consider in two important ways: (1) how an expert teacher differ from non-expert; (2)how people view expertise in daily life, for example, how can an expert teacher motivate students when they dont like their school?,(一) expert teachers have expert knowledge 1. types of expert knowledge (1)content knowledge: knowledge of the subject matter to be taught. such as maths,Acquire from taking content-based courses and from experiences outside of school(such as talking about some issue of the course with others outside school),(2)pedagogical (教育学的,教学法的)knowledge: knowledge of how to teach. Include: how to enhance student motivation how to manage groups of student in a classroom setting how to design and administer tests,(3) pedagogical-content knowledge: knowledge of how to teach what is specific to what is being taught, such as knowledge of how to explain particular concepts (for example, negative numbers),how to demonstrate and explain procedures and methods how to correct students nave theories and misconceptions about subject matter,从知识的功用出发, 教师知识可以分为 学科知识, 即教师所具有的特定的学科知识; 条件性知识, 即教育学和心理学的知识; 实践性知识, 即关于课堂情境及与之相关的知识,,实践性知识 具有五个特点: 依赖内容和学生等具体的情境,带有情境性的特点; 经常用案例的形式来记忆; 是一种跨学科的综合知识; 是一种熟练后得以自动化的知识; 很多知识产生于教师个体的经验之上。,2. organization of expert knowledge the knowledge of expert teachers is more thoroughly integrated (bits and pieces of knowledge being more interrelated) Expert teachers: Deep structure Novice teachers: Surface structure,实验:被试为具有博士学位的物理学专家和刚学过一门物理学课程的大学生 材料:20个描述物理学问题的名称 请专家和新手将问题分类。,结果:新手的典型名称是“斜面上的木块”,专家使用的典型名称是“牛顿第二定律”。 根据问题得以解决的原理对问题进行表征被认为是问题的深层表征。,(1) lesson plans: Global plans: not related to specific lesson content or subject matter Local plans: related to lesson content or subject matter Decision elements: make the lesson plan responsive to expected and unexpected events,(2)expert versus novice plans Expert Teacher - Lesson plans are more interconnected and can provide more developed content based examples.,(二)expert teachers are efficient Experts can do more in less time (and usually with less effort) than novice.,1. automatizing well-learned skill Peoples mental resources are limited, but experts seem to do more than novices, but with the same or less expenditure of energy. Automatic mental processes are processes that have become well learned and, consequently, require little effort.,2.planning, monitoring, and evaluating Expert teachers have the tendency and ability to plan what to do, monitor their progress, and evaluate their performance. These types of thinking processes are sometimes called metacognitive processes, which means “think about thinking”.,3. the relationship between automatizing well-learned skills and planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The mental resources that are saved when skills become automatic are not lost, instead, they are available for higher level thinking that is beyond the capacity of the novice.,(三)expert teachers have creative insight Both experts and novices apply knowledge and analysis to solve problems. Yet somehow experts are more likely to solve creatively.,1.redefining problems Experts do not simply solves the problem at hand, they often redefine the problem, that is ,they do not take the problem at face value but cast the problem in a new light or see it from a new perspective.,2.three key ways experts think about problem (1) distinguish information relative or not relative to solving a problem. (2)expert combine information in ways that are useful for problem solving. (3)experts apply to a teaching problem information acquired in another context.,Obviously, in order to apply acquired knowledge, you have to have acquired it.,Implications for Teaching,Teachers become expert by learning from experience. Teachers become expert by growing in efficiency as they “think about thinking” and learn to make daily tasks and routines automatic. Teachers become expert by developing their insight.,二、expert students,Whats the character of expert student? Expert teacher = expert student,(一)use of effective learning strategies,Use strategies to help them learn, remember, and use information. They may acquire these strategies through direct instruction from their classroom teachers, or acquire from other students and friends; or pa
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