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sweet,hot,bitter,sour,salted,百,态,Looking at these pictures above, you may think we are going to talk about food. you are all wet.We Chinese often say that life is full of sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty.The five tastes can sum up ones life.So today we show you a writers five tastes life and then you may know more about her.,三毛 陈平 echo,Sanmao was born in in March 26, 1943 (lunar calendar on February 21st) in Chongqing. Sanmao was show interests in books in her early childhood.In her fifth grade she first read“a dream of Red Mansions(红楼梦)“.During her middle school she almost read all the world famous books in the market.she droped off in grade 2, then she lay a solid foundation in poetry ,writing, English by the help of her parents.Later she followed Gu Fusheng(顾福生), Han Xiangning(韩湘宁), Shao Youxuan(邵幼轩), three artists to learn painting.She metioned them in her essay 我的三位老师. In 1964, Mr. Zhang Qijun(张其均),the founder of Chinese Culture University(文化大学) allowed her to audit in the schools philosophy department ,she then got outstanding performance. In 1967 She quited school again,and she went to Spain alone.during her next three years, she attended the University of Madrid in Spain, Germany Goethe college, worked in Law library of eno University in America.Its helpful to her life experience and language studies. she returned to China in 1970. Because of Invitation of Mr. Zhang ,she taught in the Department German and philosophy.After the death of her fiance , she left again in sorrow , went back to spain.There she met Jose (荷西) who had being loved her for 6 years. In 1974, she marriage with Jose in the west the Sahara desert, In the Period of life in the desert, her hidden writing talent was inspired, and by the encouragement of “United Daily News“ editor-in-chief, her works continued to be abundant , later she published a book. The first work撒哈拉的故事 was published in May ,1976.,Because her husband Jose died in the diving accident On September 30, 1979,shecome back to Taiwan. In 1981, Sanmao decided to end 14 years of roaming life abroad ,settling down in Taiwan.In January of the same year, with special finace support of“United Daily News“ ,she had been to travel to central and South America for half year,she pubblished 万水千山走遍, and made a speech around the island.Later, Sanmao become a teacher in art and culture group in university , teaching novels and prose writing , was love much by students. In 1984, for reasons of health, she gave up teaching,and regarded speech and writing as a center of life. After April 1989,Due to her first back of mainland, she found her works also had a lot of readers in mainland .And she visited to Zhang Leping(张乐平 ),the writer of the comic “Sanmao Crusoe(三毛流浪记)“ , finished her long-cherished wish. In 1990,she engaged in writing her first script, the first Chinese script, as well as her last work “red dust滚滚红尘“.,Maybe for echo,the turning point of her life is Josses deth.Befofe it,full of happiness, surprise and adventure .its sweet and hot.,sweet,hot,Then, lonliness,sorrow and pain. its-,Sour ,salted and bitter,Her works:,Its all about echo.,Life is full of kinds of tastes Like tears Its maybe taste sweet ,sour,hot,bitter or salted,But whatever Work hard Try to make your life wonderful And be yourself,三毛,原名陈懋(mo)平,汉族,浙江舟山人,1943年三月二十六日出生于重庆黄角桠。“懋”是族谱上属她那一辈分的排行,“平”是取之她出生那年烽火连天,父亲期望这个世界再也没有战争,而给了这个孩子“和平” 的大使命。后来这个孩子开始学写字,她无论如何都学不会如何写那个“懋”字。每次写名字时,都自作主张把中间那个字跳掉,偏叫自己陈平。不但如此,还把“陈”的左耳搬到隔壁去成为右耳,这么弄下来,父亲只好投降,她给自己取了名字,当时才三岁。后来把她弟弟们的“懋”字也都拿掉了。 曾就读中国文化大学哲学系。肄业(yy)曾留学欧洲,婚后定居西属撒哈拉沙漠加纳利岛,并以当地的生活为背景,写出一连串脍炙人口的作品。1981年回台后,曾在文化大学任教,1984年辞去教职,而以写作、演讲为重心。1991年1月4日在医院去世,享年四十八岁。 她的足迹遍及世界各地,她的作品也在全球的华人社会广为流传,在大陆也有广大的读者,生平著作和译作十分丰富,共有二十四种。 三毛英文名叫ECHO,三毛本是笔名,从三毛的闹学记序中只提及“三毛”二字中暗藏一个易经的卦(乾卦-所以。我的快乐天堂哈尔滨出版社)。但又是什么玄机,就不得而知了。但三毛本人又曾说过:起初起此名,是因为喜欢张乐平先生的三毛流浪记(后拜为干爹);另有一个原因就是说自己写的东西很一般,只值三毛钱。,三毛于1943年3月26日(农历2月21日)生于重庆。 幼年时期的三毛就表现对书本的爱好,五年级下学期第一次看红楼梦。初中时期几乎看遍了市面上的世界名著。初二那年休学,由父母亲悉心教导,在诗词古文、英文方面,打下坚实的基础。并先后跟随顾福生、韩湘宁、邵幼轩三位画家习画。三毛在她的散文我的三位老师中记录了这三位绘画老师。 1964年,得到文化大学创办人张其均先生的特许,到该校哲学系当旁听生,课业成绩优异。 1967年再次休学,只身远赴西班牙。在三年之间,前后就读西班牙马德里大学、德国哥德书院,在美国伊诺大学法学图书馆工作。对她的人生经验和语文进修上有很大助益。 1970年回国,受张其均先生之邀聘在文大德文系、哲学系任教。后因未婚夫猝逝,她在哀痛之余,再次离开,又到西班牙。与苦恋她6年的荷西重逢。 1974年,于西属撒哈拉沙漠的当地法院,与荷西公证结婚。在沙漠时期的生活,激发她潜藏的写作才华,并受当时联合报主编的鼓励,作品源源不断,并且开始结集出书。 第一部作品撒哈拉的故事在1976年5月出版。 1979年9月30日夫婿荷西因潜水意外事件丧生,回到台湾。 1981年,三毛决定结束流浪异国14年的生活,在国内定居。同年1月,联合报特别赞助她往中南美洲旅行半年,回来后写成万水千山走遍,并作环岛演讲。之后,三毛任教文化大学文艺组,教小说创作,散文习作两门课程,深受学生喜爱。 1984年,因健康关系,辞卸教职,而以写作、演讲为生活重心。 1989后4月首次回大陆家乡,发现自己的作品在大陆也拥有许多的读者。并专诚拜访以漫画三毛流浪记驰名的张乐平先生,了却夙愿。 1990年从事剧本写作,完成第一部中文剧本,也是她最后一部作品滚滚红尘。 1991年1月4日清晨去世,年仅48岁。,三毛作品 文集:倾城温柔的夜哭泣的骆驼梦里花落知多少雨季不再来撒哈拉的故事送你一匹马背影我的宝贝闹学记万水千山走遍稻草人手记随想谈心我的快乐天堂高原的百合花亲爱的三毛我的灵魂骑在纸背上-三毛的书信札与私相簿 剧本:滚滚红尘 有声作品:三毛说书阅读大地流星雨 译作:刹那时光兰屿之歌清泉故事娃娃看天下(共两本) 诗:朋友,
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