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第二章 Chapter 2,管理理论 Management Theory,目录 Table of Contents,2.1 演进观点:我们如何得到今日管理理论 Evolving Viewpoints: How we got to todays management outlook? 2.2 古典观点:科学管理与行政管理 Classical viewpoint: scientific and administrative management 2.3 行为观点:行为主义、人际关系与行为科学 Behavioral viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations, and Behavioral Science,2.4 定量分析观点:管理科学与运营管理 Quantitative approaches: Management Science and Operations Research. 2.5 系统观点 Systems Viewpoint 2.6 权变观点 Contingency Viewpoint 2.7 质量管理观点 Quality-Management Viewpoint 2.8 学习型组织 The Learning Organization in an Era of Accelerated Change,目录 Table of Contents,我们如何得到今日管理理论 How We Got to Todays Management Outlook,学习理论的益处 Theoretical perspectives can: a. 帮助理解现状 help understanding the present. b. 指导行为 guide your actions. c. 新想法的来源 provide a source of new ideas to use in new situations. d. 理解管理者决策的意图 provide clues to your managers decisions. e. 是对外部事件含义的提示 provide clues to meaning of events outside the organization that could affect it or you.,两个主要的管理基本观点 Two Overarching Perspectives about Management,历史观点 古典、行为及定量分析观点 Historical perspective:classical, behavioral, and quantitative 当代观点 系统、权变及质量管理观点 Contemporary perspective:systems, contingency, and quality-management,历史观点一览图,2.2 古典观点:科学管理与行政管理 Classical Viewpoint: Scientific & Administrative Management,科学管理 Scientific Management 强调的是以科学的方法來研究工作,以提升工作者的生产力。 emphasized on the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers 代表人物:泰勒、弗兰克与利莲吉尔伯斯夫妇 Pioneered by Taylor & the Gilbreths,科学管理四原则 Principles of Scientific Management 用科学方法來分析工作的每个部分。 Scientifically study each part of the task 慎选具有适当能力的工人。 Carefully select workers with the right abilities 给予工人适当的训练与诱因,并让工人利用正确的方法做事情。 Give workers the training and incentives to do the task 利用科学方法來规划工作,并让工人能驾轻就熟地工作 。 Use scientific principles to plan the work methods,行政管理 Administrative management 关心的是整个组织的管理。 concerned with managing the total organization 法约尔 Henri Fayol 法国的工程师及工业学家 French engineer and industrialist 首位提出系统研究管理行为的人 First to identify the major functions of management,2.2 古典观点:科学管理与行政管理 Classical Viewpoint: Scientific & Administrative Management,韦伯认为“官僚机构”的含义是理性,有效率,基于逻辑原则的理想组织。 Max Weber believed that a bureaucracy was a rational, efficient, ideal organization based on the principles of logic,2.2 古典观点:科学管理与行政管理 Classical Viewpoint: Scientific & Administrative Management,理性官僚机构的五大特点 Five Positive Bureaucratic Features,清楚界定的职权层级 A well-defined hierarchy of authority 正式的规章及程序 Formal rules and procedures 明确的分工 A clear division of labor 不讲私情 Impersonality 根据能力升迁 Careers based on merit,Case study I,格兰认为个別工作者必须关心生产力的问题。他不准许工人对工作方法表示意见。格兰所采取的观点是什么? Which viewpoint emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers? A. 科学管理Scientific management B. 行政管理Administrative management C. 行为科學Behavioral science D. 全面品管TQM,为什么古典观点如此重要 Why the Classical Viewpoint is Important?,强调的是工作活动的理性面。 Work activity was amenable to a rational approach 透过科学方法、时间与动作研究及专业分工,组织便会提升其生产力。 Through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specialization it was possible to boost productivity,2.3 行为观点:行为主义、人际关系与行为科学 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations & Behavioral Science,行为学观点有三个发展阶段 The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases: 早期的行为主义 Early behaviorism 人际关系运动 The human relations movement 行为科学 Behavioral science,2.3 行为观点:行为主义、人际关系与行为科学 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations & Behavioral Science,行为观点 Behavioral viewpoint 強调的是了解人类行为、激励员工达成目标的重要性。 Emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement,瑞秋经营一个小型的咖啡店。她认为了解员工的行为、激励员工是很重要的。瑞秋采取的是什么观点? Which viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement? 科学管理 Scientific management 行政管理 Administrative management 行为观点 Behavioral 全面品管 TQM,Case study II,Hugo Munsterberg工业心理学之父 对工作加以研究,并决定哪些人适合哪些特定的工作。 Study jobs and determine which people are best suited to specific jobs 确认员工在从事最适合的工作时的心理状态 。Identify the psychological conditions under which employees do their best work 设计一些策略,以影响员工能符合管理者利益。 Devise management strategies to influence employees to follow managements interests,2.3 行为观点:行为主义、人际关系与行为科学 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations & Behavioral Science,弗洛特 社会工作者与社会哲学家 组织应如同社区般地运作 。Organizations should be operated as “communities” 管理者与部属要共同讨论、解决差异问题。 Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties 工作进度要由部属掌握(当然部属要有相关知识)The work process should be under control of workers with relevant knowledge,2.3 行为观点:行为主义、人际关系与行为科学 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations & Behavioral Science,梅奥与霍桑效应 Mayo and Hawthorne effect 如果工人觉得受到关怀且主管对他们付出更多关怀,他们就会更卖力地工作。 Employees worked harder if they received added attention, thought that managers cared about their welfare and that superviso
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