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New Era Interactive English Viewing, Listening & Speaking,Level One Unit 1 The First Day,Tasks for today,Topic: Introduce yourself Listening Comprehension (Part B) Watch the video and answer some questions Learning vocabulary Oral practice: Do Part C: Practice I; II; III,Function: Self-introduction 1.Giving your name: Hi, my name is It means/ Im Call me/ Everyone calls me 2.Telling where are you from: I live in/ I am from I was born in and lived in until I moved to when I was My hometown is,3.Telling where you study: I am a freshman(大学一年级学生) /sophomore(二年级)/junior(三年级)/senior(四年级) at Qingyuan Polytechnic. Ill have my bachelors(学士)/Doctors(博士)/Masters(硕士) degree from Harvard. My major is recovery therapy technology./ I major in 4.Introducing your family: I am married and have two children. My family members are I have one older brother and two younger sisters.,5.Talking about hobbies/ things you like: My hobby is listening to rock music. I usually go to the movies at weekends. I love swimming. I like collecting stamps. I enjoy playing basketball in my spare time.,Watch the video and answer the questions: 1. What time is it now according to Emi? Its ten oclock. 2. Whats the meaning of the sentence: “Is this English with Professor Brown?” Is this English class with Professor Brown as the teacher?,next,3. Why is Emi nervous? Because this is the first time she came to the class. 4. Where is Jin from? He is from Korea. 5. Where is Emi from? She is from Japan.,next,6.Why did Emi feel embarrassed? Because she thought Mr. Brown was a student. 7. Do you know why Mr. Brown say “ The class is easy.” and “ The instructor is really nice.”? Mr. Brown is joking. Many American teachers speak very informally and humorously to their pupils.,next,back,go,Further Study of the Vocabulary and Usage,Listening Script Emi: Oh, noits ten oclock! Im late. Is this English with Professor Brown? Professor Brown: Yes. This is it. Emi: Im nervous. Professor Brown: Dont be nervous. This class is easy. Emi: Really? Its easy?,Professor Brown: Yes. And the instructor is really nice. Emi: He is? Wait Are you a student? Professor Brown: No, Im not. Im the instructor. Emi: Youre Professor Brown?! Im so embarrassed. Professor Brown: Dont be. Welcome to the class.,Jin: Hi. Emi: Hi. Jin: Im a student too. My names Jin. Emi: Hi. Im EmiEmi Okada. Jin: Oh, youre Japanese! Emi: Thats right. And youre? Jin: Im Korean. This is my first class here. Im a little nervous, too. Emi: Well, its nice to meet you. Your names Jean? Jin: Jin. Jin Koh. Professor Brown: Ok, everyone. Good morning. Im Eric Brown. Lets get started.,back,Learning Vocabulary 1.Talking about ones personality,1.无忧无虑,顽皮,愉快的人你喜欢自由自在, 无拘无束的生活。 2.独立,前卫,不受拘束你追求自由及不受拘束,自我的生活。 3.时常自我反省,敏感的思想家你对于自己及四周 的环境能够比一般人控制得更好更彻底。 4.务实,头脑清醒,和谐你作风自然,喜欢简单 的东西。 5.专业,实事求事,自信你掌管自己的生活, 你相信自己的能力多于相信命运的安排。 6.温和,谨慎,无攻击性你生性随和,但处事 谨慎。 7.具分析力,可靠,自信你对事物的灵敏度令 你可以发现到旁人忽略了的东西。 8.浪漫,爱幻想,情绪化你是一个感性的人。 9.精力充沛,好动,外向你不介意冒险,特别 喜欢有趣的,多元化的工作。,Words of ones personality: dependable/reliable, patient, honest, assertive, flexible, friendly, intelligent, enthusiastic, humorous, aggressive, responsible, conscientious, diligent, easy-going, outgoing assertive: characterized by boldness or confidence (自信的 , 自大的) Eg: We should be assertive facing problems.,Flexible: adapt to a new , different, or changing requirements easily. ( 适应力强的,机灵的) Eg: Hes a flexible worker in the new company. Enthusiastic: showing great excitement or interest (热情的) eg: He is always enthusiastic at work. Aggressive: marked by great ambition, energy or initiative. (有进取心的, 好争吵的) Eg: She is such an aggressive woman that she always tries to find fault with me. Conscientious: characterized by extreme care and effort ( 认真负责的, 一丝不苟的),Similar words: enthusiastic adj. enthusiasm n. conscious adj.(清醒的 自觉的) conscience n.(良心 是非感) diligent: characterized by great care and perseverance in carrying out tasks / hard-working (勤奋的) outspoken: expressing oneself freely (率直的 直言不讳的),2. When it comes to something / doing something : speaking of something 谈到, 说到 Eg: When it comes to famous football stars, he seems to be quite an expert. 3.try out: 1)to use something to find out if it works or if you like it试用, 试验 Eg: Dont forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.,2) to compete for a part in a play or a position in a sports team by playing or performing in front of other people 参加选拔,Eg: She once tried out for the lead role in a television series.,3) tryout: a noun. Eg: Theyre holding tryouts tonight for the school cheerleaders. 他们今晚将举行啦啦队队长的选拔,4.lines: the words that actors speak when performing 台词 Eg: She learned her lines in a few hours. 她几小时就背熟了台词,5.instructor: a person who teaches a particular sport or activity 导师, 教练,A driving instructor,An English instructor,6.embarrassed: feeling nervous or uncomfortable In front of people尴尬, 紧张,She felt embarrassed about speaking in front of a lot of people.,Tom w
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