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香烟广告,To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. Im More satisfied. “摩尔香烟,我更满意” Ask for More. “再来一支,还吸摩尔” All is well that ends well. “烟蒂好,烟就好” / “越抽到后头越有味儿”,巧妙运用英语习语,Better late than the late. “迟到总比丧命好” (美国高速公路上的安全宣传标语,巧妙地修改了英语谚语Better late than never.) 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。 (速效救心丸) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (这则速效救心丸广告用了中国人喜闻乐见的四字格,并运用反复和排比,突出了药品的优点。其英语广告套用英语谚语,应用反复和拟人手法,将救心丸比拟成朋友,在患难中随时对你施以援手。),文字游戏 (play on words),“你不理财,财不理你” (理财杂志的广告语) If you leave “Managing Money” alone, Money will manage to leave you alone. “药材好,药才好。” Only fine medicinal herbs Make fine herbal medicines.,使用节略词,使用节略词,一目了然。广告的基本特征是在有限的篇幅内尽可能多传递信息,因而为了节约成本,英语广告中大量使用节略词。如: ForRent:1-bdm.mod.furn.210/mo.A/C avail after Xmas. 这里的bdm. mod. furn. mo. A/C avail. Xmas分别指 bedroom, modern, furniture, month, air conditioning, available 和Christmas。,“美的” 家电, 美的全面、美的彻底 (“美的”牌家用电器的广告语) Midea home appliances are beautiful-beautiful from head to toe, beautiful inside out.,她工作,你休息 (某种洗衣机的广告语) She takes over the chores, So you can rest, of course.,皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减 (某皮鞋的广告语) The leather we use is quite thick; the profit we make is fairly thin.,非常可乐,非常选择 (非常可乐饮料) A special cola. A Special Choice.,Coke refreshes you like no other can. 没有什么能像可乐让你神清气爽。 /可口可乐提神醒脑,无与伦比。,国酒茅台,酿造生活的品味。 Mao-tai: A liquor of national status that makes your life gracious.,证言体,这类广告像一分证明书,提供“权威人士”或“著名人士”对商品的鉴定、赞扬、使用和见证,读来亲切可信。翻译时应采用相同的方法,有实有据,保证原文的说服力。例如: 以前我的头发干枯,粗糙,难以梳理,自从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变得健康,亮泽。因为潘婷营养洗发露含有独特的维他命原,能由发根渗透到发尖,其全新改良配方,能加倍保护头发,免受损害,令头发分外健康,加倍亮泽。 (Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo) My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5, which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.,描述体,描写广告是以生动细腻的描绘刻画达到激发人们的基本情感和欲望,通常亲切感人,给人们一个鲜明的,深刻的印象。翻译时,应选用富有感情色彩的英语词句,保持原文的风格。请看下面的广告: 欢迎到青岛来 这里有美丽的风景,激动人心的奇观,一流的设施,高效的服务你可以在美丽的沙滩上,金色的阳光里,恣情嬉戏,尽情享受 Welcome to Qingdao Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, first-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.,招聘、招标类广告,此类广告记实性强,通常使用正式的书面语,招标类广告多用专业词汇和术语翻译时,遣词造句应庄重平实,行文严谨例如: 聘请钢琴教师 现聘请一钢琴教师教一五岁女孩弹钢琴。每周两次,每次两小时在家上课有意者请打电话 Wanted A piano teacher to teach a 5-year-old girl at home. 2 hours each time, twice a week. Call 0298306814.,
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