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四级作文词汇,模糊的 ambiguous; vague; obscure 影响长远/大的 far-reaching/significant 失望 despair; loss of hope; without hope 幼稚 childish; childlike; naive 挑剔的 picky; choosy; fastidious 破坏 destroy; ruin; break to pieces; devasate,警觉的 alert; watchful; on guard; wary of 忍受 bear; put up with; endure; stand 证据 evidence; facts; proof; grounds; testimony 很容易地 easily; with little problem; with little hindrance 令人惊讶的 amazing; astonishing; astounding,争取 compete for; try hard to win 遗产 heritage; legacy; inheritance 保护 protect; safeguard; preserve; shelte 了解 understand; comprehend; catch the meaning of; catch on 揭露 reveal; make known; disclose,放大 amplify; magnify; enlarge 动力 impetus; driving force; momentum 自满的 Complacent 第一流的 first-rate; excellent 强调 emphasize; stress; highlight,普遍的 prevailing; common; prevalent 短视的决定 short-sighted decision 真正的 genuine; authentic; real 怪异的 eccentric; peculiar; odd,bizzare 明显的 distinct; clear; explicit; obvious。evident,范文背诵,Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Getting to know the World Outside the Campus。You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.大学生了解社会的必要性; 2.了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等); 3.我打算怎么做。,Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus,It is indispensable for college students to know what is going on outside the campus. Thats because in this “Information Era” the society is developing at such a high speed that we should keep pace with the progress of the outside world. Hence, without knowledge of the outside world, it will be very hard for us to secure satisfying job after graduation; it will be more difficult for us to succeed in the fierce competition. How to get closer to the outside world? Firstly, we should be well-informed about what is happening around us with the aid of mass media: radios, televisions, newspapers, the Internet, and so forth. Besides, we should do some practical social services so as to cultivate our social skills, broaden our eyesight and enrich our social experience. As far as I m concerned, I plan to know the outside world in two ways: study first to have a good command of knowledge. Next, I intend to get a part-time job to know more about the outside world. Thus, I can apply the knowledge that I have learned at campus to the practical work, which will be helpful in my future career.,使害怕 intimidate; frighten scare 带来生气 Enliven 对手 rival opponent competitor 吸引人的 intriguing interesting attracting charming 旁观者 Onlooker 准确地说 to be exact; to be precise; precisely 突然醒悟 it dawned on me that,仔细思考之后 after long dliberation; after careful thought; upon reflection 满于现状 be happy with what you are 不宜取笑 it is not decent to make fun of 那并非说 that does not mean that 那有这回事 there is no such thing as,一个有待克服的困难是 a major hurdle for us to overcome is 限制 limit; restrict; refrain; restrain; keep within limits; confine; keep in check 一般人认为 conventional wisdom suggests that 说服 convince; persuade; cause to believe 具体的 specific; concrete; tangible,是此问题的核心 is issue 无法估计 is beyond calculation; incalculable 无资格的 Disqualified 刻意的 intentional; on purpose; intended 费时间去了解 take time to acquaint oneself with,小看 make little of 坏了 out of order; on the blink; is not working 分别 distinguish between; make a distinction between; tellfrom 依靠 count on; depend on 忽视 neglect; give too little care to; overlook ;ignore,考虑 consider; take into consideration; take into account 用尽力气 exhaust ones strength; use up ones strength 开动 initiate; set going 在于 lie in; rest on; rest with 主动 take the initiative 不算 exclusive of; not counting; leaving out 应该得到 deserve; have right to; is worthy of,范文2,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a poster recruiting volunteers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1.校学生会将组织一次暑假志愿者活动,现招募志愿者 2.本次志愿者活动的目的,内容,安排等 3.报名条件及联系方式,As the summer holiday is approaching, the Student Union will organize a voluntary program and is now recruiting volunteers. This program will focus on teaching farmers children at Yu Cai School. It aims to instill confidence, independence and optimism into the pupils and to help them improve their English. Through participating in the activity, volunteers can gain teaching experience.,Volunteers will give lessons in the morning and organize after-class activities in the afternoon. The program will start on July 10th and end on July 30th. The student Union will arrange buses to take you to the school. We need 30 local students who are warm hearted and good at English. Fellow students that meet the requirements and want to take part in the activity please call us at 654321 or email us at volunteers126.com. You are welcome to join us!,展开 unfold 回馈 feedback 主导的人物 a dominant figure; a controlling man; the most influential person 正在进行中 is underway;is in process 特权 privilege; a special right 一件事的不同说法 alternative statements of fact,顽固的 headstrong; obstinate; stub
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