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www.weigend.com E-Business (5): Search 电子商务 (5): 搜索搜索 Content-based Information search (search engines) Product and vendor search (shop bots) Community-based Reputation management Recommendations and personalization Andreas S. Weigend, PhD 韋思岸教授 EMBA 2002/11 5-2 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search: Agenda 教学纲要 Content-based Information search -Technology (search engines) -Business models Product and vendor search -Technology (comparison shop bots) -Business models Community-based Reputation management -Products, buyers, and sellers Automated discovery and recommendations Customization and personalization www.weigend.com 5-3 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 CircuitCity.com Panasonic.com DealTime.com Click/portal/email/ads 点击/门户网站/电子邮件/广告 Off-line ads / recommend 离线广告/推荐 Needs DVD Player 需要DVD播放机 Type in URL 输入网站 Search: DVD Player 搜索:DVD播放机 Search: Panasonic 搜索:松下 Search: Best Buy 搜索:最受欢迎商品 23% 28% 18% 11% 9% 5% Amazon.com BestBuy.com Search Engine 搜索引擎 40% How do online consumers find stores? 在线消费者寻找商店最常用的方法是什么 5-4 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Find without search? 1. Web browsing 网络浏览: No search - Know or guess URL 2. Directories 目录指南: Organized manually By expert “surfers” By community URL (universal resource locator, e.g., http:www.ceibs.edu) is the address that identifies the Web page www.weigend.com 5-5 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Content-based search engines 3. Search engines (content-based) 搜索引擎 Technology 技术 Crawl through web, following hyperlinks 爬行于网站间 Extract words from the site 根据这些关键字编制网站索引 Match user input (search terms) to these words 在用户搜索时与用户输入信息相匹配 Hyperlink: Takes you to another page when you click on it 5-6 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search: Relevance, Ranking and Revenues Information desert ? Information sea Problem is not to find a page that contains the search term, but to only show the most promising ones to the user (ranking) 2 million pages returned in response to “DVD player” Use additional information to compute relevance, e.g., Frequency of search terms on page Number of hyperlinks going into page indicates its relevance BUT Search sites need to make money! (Any alternative?) Reading: The Straight Story on Search Engines, July 2002, PC World Magazine http:/www.pcworld.com/resource/printable/article/0,aid,97431,00.asp www.weigend.com 5-7 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search & Commerce: Keyword advertising 搜索与商务:关键字广告 palm 5-8 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search & Commerce: Keyword advertising 搜索与商务:关键字广告 Most relevant sites 最相关网站 Paid placement 付费放置 www.weigend.com 5-9 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Google 5-10 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 metacrawler www.weigend.com 5-11 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search & Commerce: Keyword advertising 搜索与商务:关键字广告 palm 5-12 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search & Commerce: Keyword advertising 搜索与商务:关键字广告 Most relevant sites 最相关网站 Targeted banner 目标标题区广告 Yahoo Shopping links 雅虎购物链接 搜索结果 www.weigend.com 5-13 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search & Commerce: Keyword advertising 搜索与商务:关键字广告 palm 5-14 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Search & Commerce: Keyword advertising 搜索与商务:关键字广告 Highest paying sites 付费最高的网站 Targeted banner? 目标标题区广告? www.weigend.com 5-15 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 AOL 5-16 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 MSN www.weigend.com 5-17 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Monetizing search Two revenue sources: Pay-for-placement (Pay-for-prominence) 有偿显著位置 Advertisers pay to obtain high rank 广告商付费以获得最高排位的搜索结果 Pay-for-inclusion 有偿收录 Advertisers pay to be in directories 广告商付费以被收录于目录指南 Consumer reaction: Demand transparency about paid placements Demand comprehensiveness of search 5-18 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Monetizing search Additional revenue sources for a search engine firm Advertising Banner ads -The better targeted, the higher the price Payment -By imprint (if presented to user) -By click-through (if clicked on by user) Technology Sell search service to others -Provide technology (license or sell) -Run individual searches (US$0.01 per query) www.weigend.com Product and vendor search 5-20 China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院 Product and vendor search: Shopbots and comparison sites Goal: Reduce buyer search costs 目的在于降低不同购买者搜索成本 Shopbots Crawl online retailers, collect price and product data 浏览在线零售商,收集价格和产品数据 Return ranked lists based on user criteria 根据用户标准列出搜索结果 Comparison shopping sites 比较购物网站 Collect user opinions on products and channels 收集用户有关产品/渠道的意见 Summarize, rate and analyze 总结、评定、分析 Revenues throu
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