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A standardized method to create optic nerve crush:Yasargil aneurysm clip建立视神经挤压伤的标准方法:Yasargil(脑)动脉瘤夹Levent Sarikcioglu a,*, Necdet Demir b,c, Arife Demirtop ca Department of Anatomy, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, 07070 Antalya, Turkeya土耳其, 07070 Antalya, Akdeniz大学医学院, 解剖部b Department of Histology and Embryology, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, 07070 Antalya, Turkeyb 土耳其, 07070 Antalya, Akdeniz大学医学院, 组胚部c Electron Microscopy Unit (TEMGA), Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, 07070 Antalya, Turkeyc 土耳其, 07070 Antalya, Akdeniz 大学医学院, 电镜部Received 4 August 2006; accepted in revised form 18 October 2006Available online 8 December 20062006-8-4收稿;2006-10-18校后发表;2006-12-8在线发表AbstractIt is often difficult to compare results obtained by different investigators on nerve compression injuries, owing to differences in method of pressure application and noncomparable pressure levels. In the present study, we described a new method to crush the optic nerve by using a specially designed and commercially available device. We think that standardization of the compression methods is necessary to compare interlaboratory results._ 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.摘要:由于不同研究者建立神经挤压伤过程中使用方法不同, 压力程度不同, 通常要比较所得出的结果很困难。现在,描述一种新的建立神经挤压伤的方法,此方法采用的设备专门设计且市面有售。我们认为,为了比较各项试验结果,非常有必要将挤压伤的方法标准化。Keywords: Yasargil aneurysm clip; crush injury; optic nerve关键词:Yasargil (脑)动脉瘤夹;挤压伤;视神经 1. Introduction1引言The optic nerve of the rat is a very vulnerable structure (Gellrich et al., 2002). Isolated position of the optic nerve allows the scientist to create lesions conveniently, without damaging other parts of the brain. Another advantage of the optic nerve lesion model is that recovery of the function can be studied in a well-defined anatomical system with specific tests of visual behavior (Sabel and Aschoff, 1993). 鼠视神经结构非常易损伤(Gellrich 等,2002) 。视神经位置孤立,这使科学家很方便建立损伤,不会损坏脑的其它部分。视神经损害模型另一优势在于可以在确定的解剖系统中通过针对视觉反应的特定试验研究其功能恢复情况(Sabel and Aschoff, 1993) 。 Trauma to the optic nerve caused by either fractures of the midface and/or skull base has been simulated by optic nerve crush injury model (Gellrich et al., 2002). The main drawback of most of the methods described for optic nerve crush is that the injury cannot be quantified at the site of the trauma, but is rather semiquantitatively referred to as pressure in a balloon (Burke et al., 1985, 1986; Cottee et al., 1991), distance between the tips of a forceps (Buys et al., 1995; Duvdevani et al., 1990; Sautter and Sabel, 1993), or pulling force on a micro-sling (Matsuzaki et al., 1982).Gellrich 等人已通过制作视神经挤压伤模型模拟面中部骨折和/或颅底骨折所致视神经损伤(Gellrich 等,2002) 。以往所述大部分制作视神经挤压伤模型方法的主要缺点在于创伤位置的损伤不能定量,而是参考气舱中压力(Burke 等,1985,1986;Cottee 等,1991) 、镊子尖端之间距离(Buys 等,1995;Duvdevani 等,1990;Sautter和Sabel,1993) 、或微悬带上拉力(Matsuzaki等, 1982)半定量。In the literature, there are several methods to create optic nerve crush injury. However, the main disadvantages of these methods are standardization and their possible usage by investigators from all over the world. In our previous study we described a simple and reliable device, the Yasargil aneurysmclip, to create sciatic nerve injury. In this current study, our goal was to describe a simple method that simulates trauma to the optic nerve caused by fractures of the midface and/or skull base, in order to investigate the effects of optic nerve crush from a histological point of view.文献中有几种建立视神经损伤的方法。然而这些方法主要的缺点在于标准不统一、来自全世界的研究者是否可能使用。以前我们详细介绍过一种简单而可靠的设备-Yasargil(脑)动脉夹,建立坐骨神经损伤。本次研究目的是阐述一种简单的方法模拟面中部骨折和/或颅底骨折所致视神经损伤,从组织学角度研究视神经挤压伤效果。2. Materials and methods2材料和方法2.1. Animals21动物A total number of 20 female Wistar rats (200e250 g) were randomly divided into two groups (control, experimental). The animals were housed in Makrolon cages (5 per cage) and maintained on a 12-h lightedark cycle; lights on from 7.00e19.00 h. Food and water were provided ad libitum. All procedures were reviewed and approved by animal care and usage committee of Akdeniz University.取20只Wistar母鼠(200250g),随机分成两组(对照组,试验组) 。将动物置于Makrolon笼子中(每笼5只) ,每12小时循环给予光线,给光时间7:0019:00。随意供应食物和水。所有操作均经过Akdeniz大学动物喂养和使用委员会考查和批准。2.2. Yasargil aneurysm clip22yasargil(脑)动脉瘤夹Yasargil aneurysm clips (Aesculap AG & Co., Tutlingen, Germany) are designed for permanent occlusion of cerebral aneurysms (Yasargil, 2005). These permanent implantable clips are manufactured from a high grade Phynox cobaltechrome alloy, or titanium which conforms to the ISO standards. Closing force of the clips is determined by a computerized electronic gauged scale. Closing force of the Yasargil aneurysm clip (catalog no. FE-752K) used in the present study was 185 gf (grams force) (approximately 1.82 N).yasargil(脑) 动脉瘤夹 (Aesculap动脉照影公司,Tutlingen,德国)是为脑动脉瘤永久性闭塞而设计的(Yasargil,2005)。这些可植入夹子采用优质、符合ISO标准的Phynox钴铬合金或钛制造。镊子的闭合力由计算机控制的电子刻度表决定。本研究yasargil( 脑)动脉瘤夹(目录:NO.FE-752K)采用185g(约1.82N)的闭合力。2.3. Optic nerve crush23视神经挤压伤The rats were anesthetized with a mixture of ketaminee xylazine (ketamine; 80 mg/kg IP, xylazine; 10 mg/kg
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